
Saturday, July 16, 2022

Sunday Post #169


The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week.

It's been a hot week! Yesterday I drove down to the neighboring city Best Buy to pick up a TV we bought from the Prime Day deals and my car read 109 degrees! This was at 5pm! Once I drove back home it was a bit cooler at 101, but still hot. Today the real feel was 103, but I was working at the hospital so I was indoors all day. My husband got it though, building an fence enclosure so our trash bins are now hidden and he had to go inside because he felt sick. Not a good idea to work in the middle of the day outside. It's supposed to "cool down" to the high 80s by the end of the week. 

A few deer have been hanging out at our house since there's a creek than runs through our property and they like to sit in a shady spot right in front of our garage. There are two deer in the photo, the one on the right is a little harder to make out. My cat is not pleased by their presence.  We're real careful about only letting him out with us around because of all the wildlife so we had the "joy" of seeing him get back into hunting mode up here. He killed a bird and some type of rodent (mouse?). He gnawed off the head of the latter right in front of us! Gross! He was very proud of himself. Ugh.

Click on cover for Goodreads link:

Two review books I completed by purchasing the audio. I've been super busy. Remember Love was my favorite!  I love Carolyn Brown and remembered to pick up the audio of Riverbend Reunion (read & listen for free on Kindle Unlimited) after seeing Sophia's review. Easy going, funny and heartwarming! 

Received/Purchased/Library Lend:


Loved! So happy I have a copy for my shelf. 

How was your week?


  1. I know it's not funny but I laughed at the cat antics... I had a cat that was just like that. Sadly, she was hit by a car a few years ago but she was a proper hunter/muncher! 🤢🙄

    We're having a "record breaking heatwave" in the UK and our temps are just about hitting yours! lol. I guess the difference is that we're not used to it and our infrastructure isn't built to handle it... Anyway, I hope you enjoy it when things "cool down."

    Take care, Rachel!

    My Sunday Post

    1. He is such a sweet cat when he's not killing other animals! The bird was more upsetting than the rodent because the surrounding birds made a huge ruckus. It was sad! Yes, Seattle is like that too. We were there one summer and it was like 85 degrees and everyone was freaking out. I think because not a whole lot have A/C. Hope you stay cool, Nicci!

  2. I thought northern California was cooler? Those are high temps. I just looked at the forecast for the week and saw highs of 97 (with like 90% humidity) that had me dreading leaving the house. Couldn't imagine being in the 100s. Stay cool!

    1. Yes, it is cooler than down south, but still we still get some hot summers. I think it's hot for a shorter time up here, or so I'm told. We have a change in the seasons instead of hot and then really hot for spring and summer down south. We don't have your humidity. 97 degrees with 90% would be torture! I wouldn't want to leave the house either! I just checked and we have 21% humidity. Thanks, you stay cool too! :)

  3. Ugh, it has just been way too hot. Oh, wow - your deer are so lovely!

  4. I love the deer pic! Sorry about the intense heat where you are. We're expecting above 100 temps here in Kansas this week, and I'm not happy about it. I told my husband I'm ready to move to one of the Portlands - Maine or Oregon, either one!

    1. Yeah, it gets hot in the Pacific Northwest, too, but not near as bad. I guess we do get the change in seasons, so it won't be as hot for months on end like down south.

  5. yes it's been hot. I do all my outside stuff early or more often after dinner. We seem to sit at 85-95 which is ok. At least it's only about 2 months. I am not fond of the deer or squirrels who bother my plants. The bunnies and turtles and lizards and frogs are ok. In Minnesota, I enjoyed the bald eagle and river otters I had in my backyard.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. Yes, it shouldn't be hot for months on end here like it was down south. They say you get the seasons here. We'll see. Yeah, I've been planting deer resistant plants/flowers, and I'll be putting a rose garden in next spring with deer fencing to protect them. How neat that you had river otters! I don't know if I've ever seen one. I've seen the ocean otters when visiting the coast out here. Reminds me of Mercy Thompson in River Marked!

  6. Whew! Those are usually August temps from what I remember. Definitely want to work early or after the sun sets when outside. Glad your projects are getting done. Hopefully, your deer visitors will leave your plants alone. Kitty sounds like he's getting into the woodsy spirit of things. Yay, glad you enjoyed Riverbend Reunion. Remember Love was my favorite review read for the week, too.

    Have a good week, Rachel!

    1. Yes, I think we're having a heat wave. It should cool down by next week to more normal temps for summer here. Oh, he's definitely settling in and letting all critters know who's boss, lol! You have a good week, too, Sophia!

  7. We used to have out door cats when I was a kid and they brought us all kinds of unwelcomed presents! Sorry it's been so hot. That makes things miserable, especially when you are trying to setting into a new place.

    1. Thank goodness this house doesn't get too hot. We have a lot of trees around and our air conditioning works well when things heat up. I'm not looking forward to the bill. Our cat used to bring dead gophers in down south. Those things are huge and make a big mess! They are so proud when they catch them, though. Like they've brought you the best present!

  8. Wow, that's hot. No thanks. I melt in that kind of heat lol.

    Oh look at those deer! Holy cow! And oh my gosh your cat is quite the predator, huh? It's funny how they can be so cuddly and friendly but watch out if you're prey! :)

    I'm looking forward to starting huber's books at some point.

    1. I feel like I'll melt too so I stay indoors until it cools down. I know, if you're a critter, look out. He's got the motto "if it moves it must die", lol! I hope you enjoy the Huber books, the series is wonderful and I love the covers!

  9. That's so hot! I hope you do get the relief you need this week. We've been fairly cool up here in Canada, but we move into the US tomorrow, so I'm expecting the temps to raise as we travel south.

  10. Remember Love, has such a pretty cover. It's been unseasonably warm here as well. I ended up buying a TV for our guest bedroom since my husband is quarantining in glad it happened during Prime Days, we got a fantastic deal locally.

  11. Sounds like a super hot wave! Oh my gosh, your cat is seriously a hunter! Love the photo of the deer. Oh, and the Witches of Moonshyne Manor looks great! Have a wonderful week ahead!

  12. Oh my goodness, that's some intense heat. Ugh. It seems record-setting temps are all over. That's scary that your husband was feeling the effects. Too hot for outside work, for sure. We have deer that wander into our back yard sometimes. We live in a subdivision but our house backs up to a protected wooded area. I love seeing them in the yard. :) Hope your week is off to a good start, Rachel!

  13. What a week you have had and I always love seeing wildlife, in the fall we get lots of deer that come down from the mountains. I am so happy that you enjoyed the Mary Balogh novel. I hope this week is a good one for you.

  14. That is hot!!

    Our cat stares at the deer, one got curious once so I had to go out and chase it away

  15. Thank goodness my cat is indoors only. LOL I don't need to see any animal muching. He does like to watch them all from the windows though.

    And ugh, that's so hot. I think it's meant to get warmer where I live this week - in the 90's again and whatnot, but right now it's just a rainy day mostly.

    Lauren @

  16. Oh wow, what a lovely sight right in your back yard, though not for your cat!

  17. It's been ridiculously hot here too. I get up really early in the morning to take Falcor for a 10 minute walk before the sun comes up and gets really hot. it's still hot at that time but at least the sun isn't beating down on us. The courtyard has some shade so he can still go there a few times during the day before the sun goes down at night.

    Love the deer in the picture.
