
Saturday, August 27, 2022

Sunday Post #174


The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week.

It's been another hot week with temps in the 90s. I'm looking forward to Fall. I've been busy with picking out tile and whatnot for my bathroom since our contractor is finally free September 14th. I want everything ready to go. 

Watering and gardening continue to take up a lot of time and work has been wearing me out. I have to work tomorrow (Sunday) as they had no coverage. That was a last minute call in. At least it's only until 2pm. Tried a Chinese food place with my sister and her husband tonight and really enjoyed the food! We had a great time visiting too.

Click on cover for Goodreads link:

Rainwater was a very different from Sandra Brown's norm. Not so much romantic suspense, more women's fiction. Love on the Brain was fun and then pretty darn hot once the romance got going. Loved getting more Mercy Kilpatrick in In the Pines!

Received/Purchased/Library Lend:

All three are library audios. I have ARCs I need to download but I'd like to chip away at my Netgalley account before adding them.


One of my most anticipated reads of 2022!

How was your week?


  1. Hot here in NJ too. I am right there with you, eager to greet the fall. Kind of fun picking out the stuff for the bathroom. I hope the remodel goes well

  2. Yep, I can relate to the high temps. Same here this week. Picking out tile is fun - the actual work and the bathroom being demolished for a while? Not so much. :) How cool to have a signed copy of the Briggs book!

    1. Yeah, I'm not looking forward to the demo and mess. Hopefully they'll get it done fast.

  3. It's hot here too! And work is also insane so I can relate. Good luck for the week to come!

  4. I hope the temps cool off soon for you. Have a great week!

  5. I am looking forward to Autumn, but it has cooled down so I'm not as desperate for it as I was a couple of weeks ago!

    Exciting to get a new bathroom!

    I really want to read Love on the Brain. I am getting it for Christmas (I saw it arrive in the post yesterday!)

    Have a great week ahead!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

    1. It's supposed to be upper 90s through the holiday weekend so we've got to wait a bit longer for a cool off. Hope you enjoy Love on the Brain as much as I did!

  6. It is up to 90 here today. But, it isn't suppose to last thankfully! Good luck with the remodel!

  7. Hot here too. It reached 95 here yesterday with feel like temps right at 100. I can't wait for autumn!

    1. Yep. We're having similar temps. I guess the Earth is warming. Scary to think about.

  8. It's so hot here too. I'm tired of the 90 degree temps. But I guess we probably have a little longer unfortunately. I will probably get the new Ali Hazelwood book with my next Audible credit if it is available! Hope you have a good week!
    Lisa Loves Literature

    1. Yes, I hope it cools down for all of us. Hope you enjoy Love on the Brain!

  9. I am ready for cooler days! I hope you have a great week!

  10. yes, it's gone back to hot here also, with less rain. I love planning a remodel, and when it's finished. It's the actual construction I hate. That's lovely your sister is close enough to spend time together. I hope it's a good week for you!

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. Yep the planning and finished product is great. The construction and mess, not so much but at this point I'm just anxious to get it going! Do you know how long we've had to wait just to get the contractor here?! Too long. Everything has taken sooooo long!

  11. I love finding good new chinese. I had a favorite place go out and was like nooooooo

    I'm totally looking forward to all the autumn stuff even if it's getting darker sooner now... the only part I don't like. :)

    That's a great cover. And I've been wanting to try St. James...

    1. Oh, I hate it when a favorite restaurant goes out of business! Yes, the shorter days are kind of a bummer. The St.James is awesome so far! It's hard to stop listening!

  12. I'm definitely ready for cooler weather, especially now that I'm walking to class every day. I hope you have a fantastic week!

    My Sunday Post

    1. Oh, yes, walking in this heat would not be fun! Hope it cools down for you. You too, Jenni!

  13. I was looking forward to cooler weather when August ended, but they're predicting 100+ degrees for us the first three days of September. Sigh. Someday it will get cold again, won't it? Hope you have a great week!

    1. Yes! Same here. Or just at 99 degrees. Ugh! Hopefully, Lark! You too!

  14. My pool is too cold to get in so I am ready for fall :) I don't think that I have read Rainwater. I have read tons of Linda Howard though. I hope that you have a great week!

    1. I don't like cold water so even if it's super hot I wouldn't get in either. I love Linda Howard! Thanks! You too!

  15. I hope you can get some rest. I’m ready for Fall. Regine

    1. Nope, no rest, lol! I did get a lot accomplished, though, Regine. :)

  16. Summer is over here, no turning back

    1. I guess you get colder fall/winters so that's not such a good thing. I see all the snow in your IG photos!
