
Monday, December 12, 2022

Top Ten Tuesday: Books on My Winter 2022-2023 To Read List


Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Artsy Reader where each week they post a new top ten list and ask fellow bookish folk to share their lists on that topic.

Books on My Winter 2022-2023 To Read List:

Lots of thriller/mysteries here, right? Super excited for the new Ilona Andrews titles. I hope to get through my list this winter but we'll see. 

What is on your Winter TBR?


  1. I haven't seen A Love By Design around before but that cover is enough to make me curious to learn more. :) Happy winter TBR-ing.

  2. I'm looking forward to Murder at Haven's Rock even though I think her books have been going downhill a bit, I've still enjoyed Rockton enough to want to know what happens next!

  3. I hope these are all 5-star reads for you when you get the opportunity to read them.

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  4. You know, I bought that first Drama Kings book and need to start the series. Penny Reid is always great.

  5. I'm curious about the Drama King book. Here is my post-

  6. Six are on my list too. Brennan, Andrews, Reid, Armstrong, and again Andrews!

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  7. I hope you enjoy all of these! Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

  8. I just finished A Love By Design, and it's a perfect addition to the series, I loved it. I hope you enjoy all these books, Rachel.

  9. Oh my - so many good looking mystery/thrillers! I'm aware of a couple but most are new to me and I'm off to check them out! Thanks for the visit.
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

  10. Oh I need to move the Kelley Armstrong to the top of my list; I've been kind of slacking on finishing Rockton. The first one and that third one both look awesome too.

  11. What Lies in the Woods sounds nicely suspenseful. And I can't wait to read Drama King and Murder at Haven's Rock! They're on my winter TBR list, too. :D

  12. I love Kelley Armstrong's mysteries, so I'm excited for her new one too. Of course, I still need to catch up on the other Rockton books...I hope you enjoy all these!

    Happy TTT!

  13. I haven't read any of these. I don't really have a list right now. I have about 15 books on my Kindle but I probably won't get to them until next month.

  14. You have such a great balanced list here! I need to read those Ilona Andrews books too!

  15. Great picks! A Love by Design looks perfect for my current mood, thanks for sharing!

  16. I share four from your list, but I would be quite happy to read your whole list. Enjoy those winter reads, Rachel!

  17. I need to get caught up with the Innkeeper series! I was really excited to see a Kate Daniels novella is on the way!

  18. I am dying for the Sweep of Your Heart audiobook. Great Winter reading list!

  19. That's a great list! The book I'm looking forward to the most, after I'm done with all my Christmas reads, is Before I Do by Sophie Cousens.

  20. Looks like you're in the mood for some good mysteries! :)
