
Sunday, January 15, 2023

Sunday Post (late edition) #191


The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week.

I'm in Austin, Texas visiting my daughter, SIL, and the grandkids. I'll be flying home to Northern California in a couple of hours. We watched our grandson pay in one basketball game and two football games! Card games, going out to eat, and making dinner. We've been pretty busy so I haven't had much time for reading. I'll have some time to read on the four hour flight home. Good times but it'll be nice to get back home. 

It's still raining back there and we had to part in the outer (uncovered) lot at the airport since the garage was full so that'll be fun picking up our car.

Click on cover for Goodreads link

Loved the audio of Sweep of the Heart! Thought it was a novella for some reason but it was actually full sized 16 hour 25 min book. Loathe to Love You is a collection of three romance novellas. All fun and steamy.

Received/Purchased/Library Lend:

I was so excited to be approved for audio of The Last Orphan because I love the Orphan X series! Also, because I was just rejected for The Girls Who Disappeared by Harper Audio. Harper Collins rarely ever approves anything I request, audio or eARC. I then went to my library and requested the audio and got it the next day. Now I don't have to write a review. Take that Harper! Lol. When in Rome is another library audio I requested after seeing much love from fellow bloggers. Really excited for The True Love Experiment! 


How was your week?


  1. I have Orphan X on my bookshelves - maybe I need to read it so I'll be ready for this next one! Glad you had a fun trip in spite of the rain. Hanging out with family is the best.
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

    1. Love Orphan X! I hope you get to it, Terrie. No rain in Texas, but non-stop in Northern California where we live. It's pouring as I type this, but I'm by the fire so can't complain. :)

  2. I just got the Orphan X audio. The Harper Netgalley people don't like me at all. But the separate audio ones do, but they are on strike. I'm glad you had a nice visit.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. Yeah, I rarely request from them any more, but thought "what the heck, I'll give it a shot", but no. Thanks, Anne!

  3. Safe travels. I didn't realize your daughter was so far away. Sounds like you had a lot of fun with the family. I can't seem to get approved to CLo any longer, but I am ok with it. My library always get their books, and then I may or may not write a full review.

    1. She moved, temporarily, to Texas in October. Hopefully she won't be out there more than two years. The flights back and forth are long even it's non-stop and there's not a lot of those. Yes, the library does soften the rejection for me too.

  4. Glad you had a fab visit with family down in TX. Hopefully it won't be pouring when you get in and you can get your car. LOL, nice job doing an end around that review rejection. I really need to start that Orphan X series. I've heard its amazing. I read Sweep of the Heart, but will definitely be snagging an audio copy too. I plan to read Loathe to Love You soon.

    Have a great (not so damp) week, Rachel!

    1. I laughed when I got the library audio the next day. Orphan X is so good! I usually read and then listen to the audios because my husband likes the series as well. Hope you love it too. Thanks Sophia! You too!

  5. What a nice family visit! I hope you find your car and make it home ok. That rain in No. Cal is unrelentless! I hope you don't have too many troubles when you get home.

    1. It wasn't raining that much and my husband ran and got the car while I got the luggage. So not bad...for me. :)

  6. It's so nice that you're enjoying time with family! Wishing you a safe trip back home.

    1. Thank you, Lucy! I'm so happy to be home. That flight felt so long!

  7. Hope you have better weathr when you fly to Northern California. I see there are daily storms there.

  8. That's great you had a nice time in Texas visiting with family.

    Lauren @

  9. It sounds like a busy visit with family. Wow, Sweep of the Heart is longer than I thought it was! I hope that you enjoy all of your recent additions.

  10. I'm glad you had a fun visit with your family. Enjoy your new books!

  11. Sounds like a good visit in Austin, although busy. :) I had to laugh at "take that, Harper." I've felt the same way before. You denied me? Well, now I get to read it and I'm under zero obligation to review. So there. LOL I thought When in Rome was really sweet. Hope you enjoy it!

  12. Wow, i live in Dallas Texas! I've only been to Austin once. Glad you had fun visiting your family.
