
Sunday, February 5, 2023

Sunday Post #194


The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week.

We were supposed to go to Cannon Beach this week, but canceled our trip because of the bad weather there. Instead, I worked a couple of days and we went wine tasting on Wednesday in Lodi, California which is about an hour and a half from our house. There's a lot of really good wineries out there! We had lunch in downtown Lodi, which was a cute old-fashioned town. Some pictures of our day:

We had a few days of sunshine but it started raining again yesterday and is still raining now as I write this. Here's a look at the end of a beautiful sunny day, the sunsetting from behind is making the trees in the distance look yellow:

(Click on cover for Goodreads link)

I enjoyed all three! 

Received/Purchased/Library Lend:

I've been enjoying Sarah Stewart Taylor's Maggie D'arcy series so I was thrilled to get approval on my request. Famous For a Living sounded fun. I love Laura Griffin's mystery/romantic suspense stories! I've been working my way through Simone St. James backlist so I downloaded an audio copy of Silence For the Dead from my library. 


Puzzling with my "helper". He loves to sit himself right in the middle while I'm working on them! He's bored kitty with all the rain right now, so I can't really blame him. 

How was your week?


  1. Looks like a neat place. Love the kitty pic too! They do like to "help", don't they lol?

    1. Yes! He does. Love his "help" as he knocks the pieces off with his paws. Bad kitty! Good think I love him. :)

  2. I'd love to live an hour or so from vineyards and wine tasting opportunities. Looks like you had good weather too.

  3. The pics look wonderful!! It looks like a cute little town! Sorry about the bad weather.

    1. There are a lot of little cute towns around us. I hope to explore more soon. Thanks, Sam!

  4. Love the photos. You read some books I enjoyed this week, and I'm looking forward to some of the same ones. I had a gorgeous wood china cabinet back in the day, a huge heavy one with carvings, but I had no desire to take it along after my divorce. I wanted to travel lighter. Beautiful though.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. Thanks, Anne. I found that cabinet years ago at a consignment store for a steal of a deal. It's huge and really well made so we made sure there was room in the house we moved to before purchasing. If it didn't have a room for it, that was a deal breaker for me. I can understand wanting to travel light and move without a bunch of stuff, too! Thank you!

  5. Great pictures! Glad you enjoyed the wineries before the return of the rainy days :)

    1. Thanks! Me too, although, it's nice and sunny now. Still cold but sunny. :)

  6. I love cats. They just know how to get your attention. Your outing looks like it was so nice. Great pictures, and yeah! I enjoyed the new Shalvis too.

    1. I think it's more that they demand your attention, lol! It was! We had fun.

  7. I love your photos of Lodi. I've never been there, but it looks like such a cute town.

    1. It was a cute town, and the surrounding area is really pretty with a lot of orchards and vineyards. I'm sure it'll be prettier in the spring.

  8. Love the pics from Lodi, Rachel. Every time I hear Lodi I think of the song by CCR. Hope you get a break from that rain soon. I love a rainy day but after that I need some sunshine back.

    1. Thanks! I never heard that song. I'll have to hunt it down. Thankfully, we have some sunshine again even if it is cold.

  9. Replies
    1. It was a nice consolation after canceling our trip. I was bummed that we didn't go, though.

  10. That a pretty cat you got and he in the way of letting put your puzzle together.
    Have a great week.

    1. Yes, he does make it hard sometimes! Good thing I love him, lol!

  11. Yay, I've been enjoying St. James backlist too and have this title.

  12. I can only imagine how much help a kitty would be with puzzling! It has been ages since I last went to a winery. Have a great week!

    1. Yes! Bad kitty, lol! He is obsessed with sitting in the middle while I try and work them! I have to have my husband try and lure him off with other kinds of playing. You too, Carole!

  13. Your cat sitting in the middle of the puzzle while you're trying to work on it is just such a quintessential cat thing to do, LOL!

    1. It is! He just can't understand how he wouldn't be the center of attention!

  14. Great pictures! Love the sunset one.
