
Saturday, March 25, 2023

Sunday Post #200


The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week. I'm also linking up to The Sunday Salon hosted by Deb Nance @Readerbuzz.

Not an eventful week, but it seemed like a lot was going on anyhow. Work was draining. I'm kind of done people-ing for the week/month/year.... 

My husband's parents have been having health issues and my mother-in-law has been in the hospital the last week. We were set to drive down today, but she was released last night. My husband will be going down south (I have to work) to take care of a few things for them this next week. 
The last few days we've been raking leaves and leaves and more leaves so that we can till the soil and lay down seed to fill in bare spots with grass and red clover. My arms are tired, but hopefully it'll look nice when spring finally decides to arrive here. It's been cold, mid 40s and raining. We had a thunder and lightening storm, too which is kind of neat.  The last couple of days we've had some sunshine. More rain to come on Tuesday which will be perfect for all of our seeds. 

Sunset on a rare non-rainy day.

All that napping is exhausting, lol. Love my snuggly, reading buddy.

(Click on cover for Goodreads link)

I didn't read a ton, but I enjoyed all I read this last week. 

Received/Purchased/Library Lend:

Both library audios. I was offered a copy of The House on Prytania Street, but haven't read The Shop on Royal Street, the first book in the series, so I thought I'd start that to see if I'm interested in reading the second book. 


How was your week?


  1. I hear you on being done with people. I'm not there currently, but there are days I just want to curl up with a book and ignore those pesky people.

    1. Yeah, when I get home from work/errands I need some quiet time to recuperate!

  2. I feel you on the peopling thing. I was at home the first week I was sick and did not miss it at all. Working half-days the second week also helped. :) Sorry to hear about your in-laws... I hope she's doing better at home now.

    1. Sometimes being able to stay home even if you are sick is a nice break! Thanks Tanya! We're traveling down on Tuesday night to help out with a few things.

  3. Peopling can definitely be a challenge at times!

    Have a great week!

  4. I have been saying that thing about peopling for years. Teaching and working in customer service gave me a new appreciation for my solitude. I hope your in-laws are on the mend. That sunset picture is stunning (the cat is cute too). Is it terrible that the 40s sounds good to me? We had a few 50 days here, but rain and lots of wind

    1. I definitely need some quiet time when I get home. No, not terrible at all. Usually the 40s isn't too bad, I get out and jog/run in it, but it's been combined with wind it feels a lot colder! We have rain coming Tuesday and Wednesday.

  5. Yeah, people kind of suck. I'm a hardcore introvert who works in customer service. It's a lot sometimes.

  6. Cuuuute reading buddy!!!!! Hope your inlaws are on the mend!!!! I hear ya re being done people-ing.

    1. I love my reading buddy! He's a nice de-stresser to come home to after people-ing! Thank you, Jinjer!

  7. Happy 200th SP! Best of luck to your MIL- I hope that goes well.

    And I hear you on the weather- spring seems to be taking it's time arriving here. We're stubbornly cold and even got snow the last few days although it didn't stay.

    Cats sure have a way of looking cozy :)

    1. Thanks Greg! Glad to hear your snow didn't stay! I hope we both get a real spring soon! Yes, he does! :)

  8. Teachers need the summer off because we get bogged down with the people-ing. Its exhausting! Hopefully your inlaws are better soon!

    1. I feel for you teachers. I think you have the most trying interactions. Thank you, Sam!

  9. I am looking forward to next week when I can be a little more people-free that I have during the last couple of weeks.

    Beautiful sunset photo!

  10. Peopling can be exhausting. It's another reason we enjoy being home. I hope you get your spring soon. I'll be interested to hear what you thought of City Under One Roof. I hope to see you at the chat next Sunday too.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. I enjoy being home a lot and yet it seems like something is always taking me away from it!

      I really enjoyed City Under One Roof. It seems like there were a few threads left open so I'm wondering if we'll get another book. I hope so.

  11. People are exhausting! And that photo of your cat is so cute. Makes me want to switch places with him. :D

  12. Wishing your in-laws good health. We're dealing with some of that lately so it's been stressful. That's a beautiful sunset picture. Hope you have a great week!

    1. Sorry to hear that! Wishing your in-laws good health, too! It's tough to see loved ones getting older. Thanks! You too!

  13. I hope your In laws get better soon. I love your reading buddy. I went ahead and got The House on Prytania Street, and have put The Shop on Royal Street on hold at my library

    1. Thank you, Wendy! I love him, too! :)

      I'm going to start listening to The Shop on Royal Street soon. I hope we both love it.

  14. I've always found working in my yard is a great de-stresser when people get to me. Glad you had a nice break in the weather to get your winter raking in and some seeds planted. Hope things go well with your in-laws and your husband's trip south.

    Yay for enjoying City Under One Roof. I hesitated to pick up The House on Prytania St b/c wasn't sure if it was a best read in order type of series. Hopefully book one is good.

    Have a good week, Rachel!

    1. I agree! It is a nice de-stresser. We've decided I'll be going with him, too. Hopefully we can get everything done and be home on Thursday.

      It was really good! It seems like there's the possibility of another book with the way it ended. It seems like there are reoccurring characters in The House on Prytania Street so I'll be listening to the first book soon.

      Thanks! You too, Sophia!

  15. Awwww Ali is a cutie
    I hope they are doing better

    1. Thanks! The mother-in-law is doing a little better, home from the hospital.

  16. Thinking of you. Regine

  17. I've been absolutely drained this week too. After hosting family last weekend and then working 7 days in a row, I've dedicated today to doing absolutely nothing! Do I have chores and errands that need to get done? Of course. Will I do them today? Absolutely not!

    1. Doing absolutely nothing sounds lovely! While listening to a good book, of course, lol. Hope you get some rest, Ethan!

  18. I hope things go smoothly for your in laws this week. Yardwork is the most satisfying. I love seeing that Lynsay Sands, love her Argeneau series especially the earlier books. I am reading that Lora Leigh tonight and very excited. Hope you have a great week!

    1. Thank you, Renee! I hope you enjoy that Lora Leigh. Yes, I do love the Argeneau series and luckily for me they have most in audio at my library! Hope you do, too!

  19. Your sunset picture is beautiful. I hope your husband's parents are doing alright now.

    1. Thanks, Mary. It's ongoing illnesses for both of them, but my MIL isn't on death's door anymore, thank goodness. She's out of the hospital, too.

  20. You made me giggle. I get peopled out easily and often feel that way. Hope this week is good.

    1. Glad I made you laugh, Kimberly! This week was...well, you don't want to know.

  21. You have had a lot going on. I hope that your mother-in-law is doing better. Yard work seems to be one of those things that never seems to end. I get peopled out easily anymore.

    1. We do have a lot going on right now, as you do, Carole. MIL is doing better, thank goodness. I agree. I guess it's good that I enjoy yard work! :)

  22. Hoping for a quick recovery for your in-laws. Your "done people-ing" line is funny :)
