
Saturday, April 8, 2023

Sunday Post #202


The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week. I'm also linking up to The Sunday Salon hosted by Deb Nance @Readerbuzz.

This week was busy but not as stressful as last week. Work was less of a nightmare. We had several days of rain but also a few days of higher temps and glorious sunshine. Today it was in the upper 60s and we did a bunch of yardwork. I listened to an audiobook ARC I forgot I downloaded in February and loved it!

Wild Daffodils in the garden

I'm on Brenda Novak's mailing list and follow her on Instagram and so I've seen her plans for a across country book release tour for The Seaside Library and noticed on Wednesday that she'd be having her launch party in Loomis, California the next day, which is only about 35 minutes from my house, so my husband and I decided to go. I binge read The Seaside Library (sooo good!) the next day before the launch party and off we went. She and her husband refurbished an old Airstream trailer into a bookmobile for the tour and had it there for the party. It was fun and I got a few signed copies of her books!

Brenda Novak's book mobile

Brenda recounting publishing milestones

(Click on cover for Goodreads link)

I'll have my review for I Have Some Questions For You, The Seaside Library and Murder in Postscript up this week. I posted my review of The Soulmate (loved) last week.

Received/Purchased/Library Lend:

Was reminded to grab this one up after seeing Anne's review. Looking forward to it!


How was your week?


  1. Nice reading week! Soulmate is planned for reading this month. We still are having very wet, cold days .... I'm eager for something even approaching 60 and some sunshine!!! Have a terrific week.
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

    1. I hope you get some warmer, dryer weather soon, Terrie. It felt like winter wouldn't let us go, too! Hope you enjoy The Soulmate as much as I did! Thanks! You have a wonderful week, as well!

  2. I love the look of that bookmobile! How cool! Sounds like a neat event. And yay for great weather! It's starting to finally get nice here.

    Happy Easter!!

    1. It was cool! I'm loving this amazing weather! So is my cat! Glad you're getting some better weather, too! Thanks, Greg! Hope you have a lovely one!

  3. Oooh that Airstream trailer seems so much fun! And I am glad you had a better week too! But I confess that I am confused as I thought you moved from California to North Carolina a while back and now I see you in California again! I must have missed several episodes, typically airbrain me LOL

    1. You didn't miss anything, Sophie! I did move, but from Southern California to Northern California, not North Carolina, lol! :)

  4. That bookmobile looks fun! Glad you enjoyed the event. Happy reading.

  5. I'd love to see an author who travels in a bookmobile like that. How fun! It's great that the book was good, too.

    Glad your work wasn't quite so stressful. And the daffodils are beautiful.

    1. It was a fun little deal! Her husband made coffees, hot chocolate and teas with a fancy machine in there and they sold signed copies of her books in there.

  6. A book event - how fun! It's been years since I have been to one. Glad to hear the week was calmer than the last. Seems like the spring weather is on its way and making things better for most. I do not think I have ever read Novak, but maybe I should.

    1. Same here, Sam! It's been years since I been to one. I think you'd enjoy Novak. The Seaside Library was part mystery, part women's fiction, part romance.

  7. I love what Brenda Novak is doing. So much fun. I only wish she was coming closer to me!

    1. It sounds like such a fun book tour! I'd love to take 2 months off to travel across country like she's doing.

  8. I just finished Murder in Postscript and really enjoyed it!! I hope you did as well.

    1. Happy to hear that, Sam! I enjoyed Murder in Postscript overall.

  9. Our weather was similar this past week.
    How fab that you were able to go to a favourite author’s book launch (and that your husband went with you)

    Wishing you a great reading week.

    1. The weather has been gorgeous these couple of days! My husband usually goes with me to author events, which is nice! He's a reader too, although now he mostly only "reads" by the audios we listen to on road trips. Thanks! You too Shelleyrae!

  10. Hi Rachel!

    I've read and reviewed Murder in Post Script about two weeks ago and I really enjoyed it.

    Soulmate does seem like a fascinating read!

    Have a great week ahead!

    Elza Reads

    1. Glad to hear it! I'm finally writing my review tonight! I hope you have a wonderful week too!

  11. That's cool about Brenda Novak! I've enjoyed many of her books but don't seem to be reading the current one although I also get her newsletter. She'll be about an hour from here but I'm just not doing events yet. I'm glad to hear the weather is improving for you! Happy reading!

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. I just recently started reading her books and enjoying them so I'd like to check out her backlist. Yes! I'm loving this beautiful weather! You too, Anne!

  12. How fun that you got to meet Brenda Novak! I've read several of her books and really enjoyed them. That Airstream of hers is cool. And isn't it so nice to have some sunshine and warmer temps? I'm loving the springlike weather. Happy Easter! :D

    1. She's a really good writer and I enjoyed listening to her history in publishing! It was really interesting. I'm loving this spring weather so much! Sitting on the porch right now as I type out this comment soaking it all in! Hope you have a lovely Easter too! :)

  13. Oh fun!
    A very Happy Easter to you.

  14. I've enjoyed following the refurbishing of Brenda's trailer through her newsletters and Insta. So fun that you got to see it finished and in person.

    Yay for a much nicer week all around and for getting much done around the house. Your daffodil looks perky. :)

    Have a good week, Rachel! Happy Easter!

  15. The ending to The Soulmate was a surprise to me. Hope you enjoy it.

  16. Glad you had a better week!

    Here’s my Sunday Post

    And my Sunday Watch for movie and TV fans!

    Rabbit Ears Book Blog: WORLD’S WEIRDEST BOOK BLOG!

  17. Awww I want to meet authors too! How fun

  18. Great week you have had there and that Brenda Novak event looks like it was a blast! Yay for springtime weather. We just had our first warm day since October haha Hope you have a great week and get to read some fabulous books there.

    1. Seems like it's been a long winter, right? Glad you're getting some warmer temps too, Renee!

  19. Better weather, less work stress... sounds like a much better week! How fun to see Brenda Novak in person! I've only read one from her but I enjoyed it.

    1. It was a much better week! I really enjoyed the Brenda Novak event. She's a relatively new-to-me author so it was nice hearing about her writing history. I'd like to read more of her backlist.

  20. I hope to see Brenda Novak. Regine

    1. I hope you do too! It was really interesting to hear about her journey!

  21. That is so exciting that you got to meet her! Have a great week.

  22. What a cool idea for a book launch! You just inspired me to request that book from my library. Looks so summery!


  23. Glad you got to attend the Brenda Novak event! What a highlight of the week :)
