
Saturday, April 15, 2023

Sunday Post #203


The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week. I'm also linking up to The Sunday Salon hosted by Deb Nance @Readerbuzz.

Spring has finally arrived and we've had some warmer days, but the temps will be dropping again this week with some rain. We took advantage of the nicer weather by exploring some of the local attractions. Went to gardens about 30 minutes from our house and we were a little early for all the spring tulips and wisteria, but we did see lots of pansies, hyacinths, and camellias which were very pretty. I'd like to go back in a few weeks because the tulips are supposed to be beautiful.  

We also went to Bridgeport Bridge, an old covered toll bridge built in 1862. We hiked around the river a bit and then went to lunch. It was gorgeous with so many poppies, wild iris, lupins and redbud all over the hills.

Bridgeport Bridge over the Yuba River

Inside the bridge

Yuba River

Next week is going to be busy. There's been some drama at work over the last couple of months with a co-worker, not with me personally, but in our department. Long story. She was supposed to work on Friday, but was canceled and they asked me to work an extra day next week to cover her shift. Not sure what's going on.  I also have two doctors appointments next week. I'll be happy when the week is over. 

(Click on cover for Goodreads link)

I think I need to try another Lynn Painter story because while I enjoyed the humor, chemistry and banter I felt the conflict, why they couldn't be together, was weak. I went back and read reviews and quite a few other readers said this wasn't their favorite Painter story. I enjoyed Blind Spots, a sci-fi mystery with an original premise. I grabbed The Instructor after seeing it featured on Carole's Sunday Post. I listened to the story in a 24-hr period. Kept me on the edge of my seat. Acquired a library audio of The Hope of Azure Springs after seeing Lark's praise. Loved it!

Received/Purchased/Library Lend:

I'm a fan of the Lady Darby series by Anna Lee Huber so I was thrilled to get a copy of the newest. Dead of Winter was a "read now" email from Netgalley so I quickly grabbed it up. Downloaded The Instructor and The Hope of Azure Springs this last week and read *listened* to them right away.


How was your week?


  1. I hope next week will fly by Rachel! Also spring in California is gorgeous!

    1. Here's hoping for a quick painless week, Sophie! Yes, spring is turning out beautiful here!

  2. Amazing pictures! Hope your busy week goes well. I would't say plot is that important for me when I read. Maybe it's because I read so many contemporaries/slice of life type books. I am a fan of Painter's

    1. Thanks! I knew I worded that wrong but my adled brain last night couldn't figure out a way to say it. It wasn't the lack of a plot it was the conflict. Why they couldn't be together was weak and didn't make sense IMO. I'll have to try something else by her.

  3. Harvee 16, 2023 at 6:23 AM

    Just requested Dead of Winter. I enjoy mysteries/thrillers set in cold and remote settings.

  4. What a lovely week you have had there. I LOVE all the spring pictures, so pretty! I am so done with winter haha That Azure Springs novel looks good. Hope you have a great week!

    1. I'm done with winter too! Although, I hope we have a nice long spring because I'm not looking forward to the summer heat either. Azure Springs was a 5 star read for me. I think you'd love it, Renee! You too!

  5. I love your photos. That is a really cool bridge. Spring is still coming and going here too. Here's my SP:

    1. Thanks! I'm loving the spring however long it lasts here.

  6. Your pictures are lovely! It looks so nice! I hope work goes okay this week!

  7. Love your book haul. Yes we too have a glorious week with blooms everywhere, but Friday night thunderstorms rolled in and a cold front. I will be so glad when we warm up and stay warm.

    1. Thanks Kimberly! We had another cold front come through here too and it's supposed to rain tonight. At least it'll water the grass and clover seed I put in.

  8. Well I hope you get more spring flowers and a smooth week in spite of the drama next week. Love the bridge photos. You are finding some great reads! Maybe you would enjoy Mr. Wrong Number more than the Love Wager.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. The spring flowers are just starting at my house and I'm so excited I'm outside checking the progress all the time, lol! I will give that one a try. I liked her writing for the most part.

  9. Wow that river shot is gorgeous! And I always love rustic bridges like that. Brings to mind one here in Michigan up north.

    Hope your week goes well. Boo to drama :)

    1. I had no idea we had a covered bridge like that here. I always thought most covered bridges were back east, like where you live. Thanks! I hope so too! I hate drama. :/

  10. That bridge is so cool. And the Yuba River looks so pretty with all the wildflowers in the foreground. And I'm so glad you liked The Hope of Azure Springs. I thought it was a fun Cinderella story. And I can't wait to read A Fatal Illusion; that's one of my favorite series. Good luck at work this week! :D

    1. It was so pretty, Lark! I think you'll probably be getting a nice spring where you are since you've had a lot of rain and snow too! I'm excited for it too! Thanks! I hope it goes well. :)

  11. I love exploring old bridges! The photo of the flowers is gorgeous. I hope to visit out local botanical garden sometime soon. I am so glad that you had the chance to listen to The Instructor. It was definitely an exciting story!

    1. I hope you share some pictures of your trip when you go! The Instructor was really exciting! I'm glad you put it on my radar!

  12. Looks like a really interesting mix of books in your haul. Nice to see another reader that enjoys a variety of genres.
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

    1. Thanks! I know I'm kind of all over the place with my tastes, lol. You seem to pick a lot of books I like, too.

  13. Oooh! The gardens look beautiful! I need to get back into gardening myself! And sorry you had to work extra hours. I remembered when I used to work at Dollar General and I was always called in to fill in a shift for someone.

    Here’s my Sunday Post

    Please join the Book Photo Sundays and Cover Spotlight

    Rabbit Ears Book Blog: WORLD’S WEIRDEST BOOK BLOG!

    1. The gardens were pretty and I look forward to going back to see everything in full bloom. Yeah, I'm not thrilled when I get asked to work unexpectedly. I'm not mentally prepared for it, lol.

  14. I love the picturesque old bridge, river, and wildflowers. Bummer you have to have a stressful week between work and dr. appts. LOL, that book of Carole's caught my eye, too. :)

    Have a great week, Rachel!

  15. Those hydrangeas and tuples look nice. Especially the pink tuples.
    Have a great week.

    1. I'm looking forward to going back when more are blooming. I think I visited a little early to get the full effect, but you never know with timing. You too!

  16. Beautiful pictures. Here it's spring only in the sense that the days are warmer and the snow has mostly melted. No green yet. Hope you have a great week.

    1. Glad to hear the snow is at least melted. Hoping you get more green and blooms soon! Hope you do too!

  17. I love your pictures. Those look like nice spots. It's warmer here this week too.

  18. Spring flowers! I keep looking every day, but so much snow so :(

  19. I'm happy you were able to take advantage of the warmer weather. We now have all of our flowerbeds fully planted and I was able to replace the few herbs that didn't make it through the winter. I've also got swarms of hummingbirds at my feeders this year. They've arrived earlier than usual, but I'm not complaining!

    1. Yes, me too because it cooled down considerably for the rest of the week. Nice! You should post some pictures, Ethan! I'd like to see. I love attracting birds and watching them, too. The hummingbirds are not in full force here yet. I think it's still a little cold for them.

  20. What beautiful views during your day out exploring and hiking! Beautiful pictures :)

  21. That river is amazing! Glad you are able to get out a bit.

    Drama at work is not fun. Let's hope it's resolved soon.

  22. Ooo those gardens and Bridgeport Bridge are beautiful!

    I hope the week goes quick for you since there's drama and doctor appointments. Ugh.

  23. Spring here in Ontario is fickle. We had 80s a week ago and this week were in the 40s and 50s. I love those pictures, what a beautiful area. I hope the turmoil at work gets settled and you don't get pulled into it. I have only read one Painter book and enjoyed it, so this one is next for me. I hope I enjoy it.

  24. The floral photo was lovely – made me gasp with joy! Lovely!
    The Hope of Azure Springs is on my TBR. 😊
    Happy Reading!
