
Friday, June 2, 2023

Review: Marrying Off Morgan McBride by Amy Barry


Marrying Off Morgan McBride (The McBrides of Montana #2) by Amy Barry
Publication Date: May 30th 2023 by Berkley Books
Pages: 336
Source: Publisher 
Rating: ½
Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | Goodreads

My Thoughts:
Morgan stepped in and raised his younger brothers and sister when his mother died and his father took off, but he’s longed to be out on the range herded cattle and exploring the land. Now that Junebug is older and his brother Kit has married and they’re living up at Buck’s Creek, Morgan thinks he’s finally free to go roaming again. However, Junebug, Morgan’s younger sister, has other ideas. Her advertising for a mail-order bride for her other brother Kit was a success, eventually… and Junebug doesn’t want Morgan running off, so she decides to put in another advertisement for Morgan.  She’ll keep her brother and this time make sure she has a good cook and helper while she’s at it.

Epiphany Hopgood, “Pip” has endured her parent’s humiliating efforts at matchmaking only to be rejected leaving her to feel too tall and plain. So Pip answers an ad in The Matrimonial News seeking a bride able to cook and put up with a lot, only to find out the proposed husband, Morgan, didn’t order up any bride.

Loved Junebug in the first book, and she was a hoot as usual, cooking up all kinds of schemes to make things go right for her “blockheaded” brothers!  Underneath all of it is love, but Junebug was something else, and it was hilarious! I laughed out loud so many times!

Morgan and Pip’s stories were each moving and emotional, Morgan feeling like he didn’t do enough for his mother in time, and Pip struggled with self-esteem after the way she was treated.  Both had to come to terms with their insecurities. I loved how Junebug helped each of them in that regard. Her letter to her brother was so touching and she helped Pip see through to the truth of her worth.

The romance was so lovely! They were at odds of course, because Morgan was utterly ticked, and wasn’t looking to marry or stay at Buck’s Creek, and Pip wanted Morgan to honor the advertisement she answered in good faith. I loved how it all played out! So sweet, lusty, and perfect!  

I can’t wait for Beau’s story next!

4.5 Stars

Book Description:

The McBride brothers are in for a matrimonial surprise when an enterprising woman answers their little sister's mail order bride advertisement in this laugh-out-loud historical romance.

As the oldest of the McBride siblings, Morgan had to be protector and shepherd since Ma died and Pa ran off. It hasn't always been easy, especially when his heart longs to roam on the trail. But now that his brother Kit is married and settled, the time is right for Morgan to leave Buck's Creek. Little does he know that his hellcat of a little sister Junebug is dead set on keeping him at home and getting more help around the house - all with one honest advertisement in The Matrimonial News.

Epiphany Hopgood has always had a gift for doing the exact wrong thing. She's too tall, too loud, too opinionated, and too contrary for her family and community. Staring down the barrel of spinsterhood, she and her grandmother answer a seemingly straightforward ad for a bride.

But when Pip shows up to Buck's Creek, she finds that Morgan McBride is not the husband she expected. In fact, he doesn't even want to be a husband. But maybe there's a way to make everyone happy out on the Montana frontier...


  1. I loved this one too. Since Barry keeps the timeline moving forward, I am hoping by the time all the brothers are matched, Junebug will be old enough for courting. I need her story

    1. Yes! I hope she finally gets her own story. Wouldn't it be just for her brothers to order her up a husband? Lol!

  2. I haven't read this author. Maybe I should consider it since you enjoyed it so much.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. I loved both books! I hope you give the series a try, Anne.

  3. Love that Morgan gets his happy ending in this one.

  4. Snuck a quick peak. I'm glad you loved it. I've got it up for review, too.

    1. Hope you love it as much as I did! I was so wonderful and hilarious!

  5. I like that Morgan gets his happy ending, although at some point Junebug's meddling might not turn out so well. ;D

    1. Her meddling often causes problems, lol! It's half the fun, though. :)

  6. I haven't read anything by this author yet, but glad you're enjoying this series.

  7. Wonderful review, Rachel. I have the first book on my Kindle, but haven't read it yet. Maybe by the pool this summer, then I can give this one a go. I love these series where we get each family member's story.
