
Saturday, June 10, 2023

Sunday Post #210


The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week. I'm also linking up to The Sunday Salon hosted by Deb Nance @Readerbuzz.

It's been a quiet week for me for the most part. I spent the whole day yesterday in the garden. Weeding, planting and fertilizing.

My husband had to suffer through flight delays that held him up for an extra night in Cincinnati which sucked. He had to get stay an extra night. Thank goodness his work is footing the bill for that because American Airlines said "no voucher, no credit" because the delay was "weather related".  I feel like flying has become such a hassle lately. We're supposed to meet my daughter and the family in Montana later this month. I'm not looking forward to the getting there. We haven't booked our flights yet...
The weather has been cool, with thunderstorms, and a bit of rain. We had a gorgeous sunset a couple of nights ago. 

Sunset at the house

(Click on cover for Goodreads link)

I enjoyed Summer Reading but it took me forever to read. I feel like I have a glut of contemporary romance books for review and so I've been listening to UF and mysteries from the library for a break. I get tired of just straight romance stories. 

Received/Purchased/Library Lend:

With the Audible sale I bought an audio copy of A Little Ray of Sunshine, A Modest Independence, Remember Me, Hothouse Flower and A Fatal Illusion. I have an e-ARC of all of those except for A Modest Independence. I received an audio of Halifax Transgression for review. 


Flower cuttings from my garden.

How was your week?


  1. Don’t you just love garden days and then seeing the fruit of your labor? What did you think of The Only Survivors. Yes, I understand about a “glut” of a genre! Happy reading to you!

    1. I do love to see the flowers blooming! Especially after a long winter. I'm appreciating the beauty of every season! Truly a gift. The Only Survivors was really good! I listened to an audio copy and it was hard to stop listening! Happy reading to you, too!

  2. I also feel like flying has become more of a hassle later, with finding good flights, the right connections etc. Please send some of those thunderstorms over here, the heat is killing me xD I hope you enjoy all your new books, I'm quite intrigued by 'A Modest Independence' from the title! Have a lovely week :)
    Juli @ A Universe in Words

    1. It's weird that we only had one short downpour with all the thunder, but the weather was cool. Wishing a break from the heat to you! I hated the heat we had in Southern California! Flights are such a hassle. I love Mimi Matthews and I'm really looking forward to A Modest Independence! You too!

  3. Beautiful sunset! I do love them

  4. I've read the Only Survivors and liked it. The other books I haven't read. Enjoy.

  5. That sunset picture is amazing. I agree with you about the flying struggle, but then I think about how long it would take to drive and that I hate driving. I have enjoyed several of McKinlay's book, but passed on Summer when I saw the page length. I have a hard 400 page limit for contemporaries. It's rare for me to read one that is longer. I usually find they could have been shorter and then I am mad that the author wasted my time.

    1. Thanks! Yes, I wouldn't like to do the drive from here to Montana either, but I just wish flights weren't getting to be such a hassle. I know, I didn't realize the book was so long when I downloaded it. I'd have thought twice about it for sure. I don't like contemporary romances that long either, but the story was a cute one, even if I did end up skimming a bit.

  6. That sunset is so beautiful! I am sorry your husband got held up in Cincinnati! That stinks.

    I love your little summery bouquet!

  7. I hope the airlines get their flight problems solved before we head to Italy in September. We are going to spend time in the country, and the places we are staying have limited transportation options. I do not want to have trouble overseas!

    I bought a couple of light books for my summer reading, but, like you, I keep walking away from them in favor of heartier fare.

    1. I hope you have hassle free transportation for your trip to Italy! I'm jealous! I want to visit there at some point. Right now most of our money is going being spent on home improvement projects. I look forward to going In a few years. I hope you post some photos of your trip!

  8. I honestly hate flying so I totally commiserate!

  9. I hate flying. It is so stressful even when things go like normal. But I live in Cincinnati! It certainly couldn't have been weather here. We haven't had rain in weeks! We have been moderately impacted by the wildfire smoke, but not as bad as most other places.

    1. Yep not my favorite thing to do. I guess the weather was from where the plane was coming from unfortunately. Hope the wildfires are put out and you get some rain!

  10. I'm not a fan of flying these days. That is a beautiful sunset!

    I like the look of the Megan Miranda. And I need to get back to Huber. I started her Verity Kent series and enjoyed the first one a lot!

    1. Thank you, Greg. The Megan Miranda book was good. I think you'd like it. I'm so thrilled to hear you started Verity Kent! Such a great series!

  11. Sorry to hear about your husband's flight delays and extra horrible of AA not offering any compensation. That is a lovely sunset.

    1. Thank you. At least it didn't come out of our pocket since it was a business trip, but the added hassle was all on my husband. Oh well, what can you do.

  12. We had quite the eventful week here. My husband wasn't feeling well last sunday, so he went to urgent care. They quickly ushered us to the hospital and he was admitted to the ICU. He was suffering from a previously undiagnosed chronic illness, so it had been going unchecked for weeks. Thankfully he's home now and on a stable plan of treatment going forward. It was very taxing though.

    1. I'm so sorry, Ethan! I hope it's not any too serious! Hopefully, there are treatments that help control his chronic illness and he feels better. It's tough watching a loved one go through it! Hope you get some rest and peace!

  13. Flying is a real hassle lately! Hope your trip to Montana ends up being happily hassle-free! Have a great week. :D

  14. Travel can be a hassle. Because we take Lulu now, we drive which has its good and bad points too. But we don't go much. Great photos! You know me I love the gardens. I totally relate to the need for a variety of genres.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. I wish I could take my cat, that would alleviate one worry, but he hates even traveling by car. I shutter to think of him on a plane! I need a house sitter. Thanks! The garden is turning out nice this spring/summer! I'm looking forward to more blooms. We have that in common!

  15. Even though it can be hard work, I find a day gardening and working in the yard relaxing for my mind. Bummer about your husband's flight trouble. I'm hoping to not have to fly more than once a year if that to avoid the hassles.
    Nice stack of books. I enjoyed A Fatal Illusion and have Remember Me for review, too.
    Pretty bouquet picture!

    Have a great week, Rachel!

    1. It is hard work, but as you said rewarding and it does calm my mind. I listen to my audio books while doing it so I enjoy the time even more. :) So happy to hear you loved A Fatal Illusion. I know we're both a fan of the series and Mary Balogh. Thanks! You too, Sophia!

  16. Yes, it made him miss his connecting flight! Such a hassle. Thank you! You too!

  17. My yard is a mess and I guess it is going to stay that way this year. I can't bring myself to lock my dog up to go work in the yard. That is horrible that your husband's trip had such a delay. I have to mix up the genres that I read from or I get bored very quickly. I hope that you have a great week!

    1. Yes, I'd feel bad locking up Stella too! I hope you have a wonderful week, too, Carole!

  18. Beautiful flowers from your garden, Rachel. I have trip coming up at the end of the month to San Antonio and I sure hope we don't have issues with our flight. That audible sale was a good one, with a lot of choices. Have a great week.

    1. I hope you have a hassle free flight and enjoy your trip! You too, Carla!

  19. I agree about flights. We decided to drive for our summer trips this year. Hope you're having a good week.


  20. I avoid flying whenever I can and prefer to drive if its not too long of a drive. Love Montana though! Hope you enjoy being there, its just beautiful over there. Hope you enjoy that Mary Balogh.

  21. I love the sunset photo! I haven't been on a plane since 2016. I miss vacations, but I don't miss flying!

  22. Flight issues are also so frustrating. It's been a while since I've had to fly anywhere. Hope you have a great week.

  23. That beautiful sunset would look great on a book cover :)
