
Saturday, July 22, 2023

Sunday Post #215


The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week. I'm also linking up to The Sunday Salon hosted by Deb Nance @Readerbuzz.

I put my lower back out last week. I've been doing stretches and trying to move, but I haven't been real motivated to go on any walks with the heat wave. It's finally supposed to cool down to upper 80s this next week but we had several days of just over 100 degrees. It does cool down considerably at night, into the 50s and we have pretty low humidity, so I guess there's that.  I did do 3 miles early on Thursday because my back is finally feeling better. Still stiff in the morning. 

My husband bought me a new laptop for our anniversary, because mine is getting old which was very sweet, but it took some work and time setting up and getting used to it.  He transferred most info and got it up and running, but I had to spend a lot of time loading things and signing into all kinds of programs. I wasn't real pleased with the color display and had a hell of a time trying to figure out how to adjust it. Saturation and color temperature. My previous computer had Intel and this one has AMD.

I had to work a bunch this week so I didn't get as much reading done as I wanted to. 

(Click on cover for Goodreads link)

LOVED Magic Tides & Magic Claims! The audio was fantastic! Pray For Silence was another Detective Kate Burkholder mystery and another graphically disturbing crime to solve. I did like it, but I had to up the audio speed to 2xs normal speed in some spots to get through it fast. I'll be reading the next one as I hear they're not as bad and I like Kate and Tomasetti and their developing relationship. Dead of Winter was a fun, movie horror kind of mystery. I need to read more Darcy Coates!

Received/Purchased/Library Lend:

I'm excited for all of these! Dark Corners is the second Rachel Krall. Night Swim, the first was sooo good so I'm thrilled Megan Goldin has written another.  My Roommate is a Vampire sounded so cute. The September House is a debut and it reminds me of a Riley Sager horror/mystery. I've enjoyed the first Woodland Park Firefighters so I'm looking forward to reading Moving Forward. 


How was your week?


  1. Oh no- hope your back is feeling better! Back pain can be the worst. Yay for the laptop, but yes setting up a new one can be irritating. Hope you're having a nice weekend, and not having too much pain.

    Island Villa looks like a fun read! So does Vampire...

    1. Thanks Greg! I kind of want to set aside everything and read My Roommate is a Vampire right now, but I have a couple of books I need to read! You have a nice weekend too!

  2. Hope you're back is better soon.

    New computers are a blessing...once you get it set up the way you want and everything moved over. I certainly understand th ework you've had to put into that.

  3. I hope your back pain improves and you can have a great week.

  4. I hope your back will be better this week and that the temperatures will be lower Rachel!

    1. Thanks, Sophie! The temps should be going down today. Thankfully! My back will take some time but it's a little better.

  5. Good luck recovering from back pain!
    best, mae at

  6. You poor dear! Backs are the worst. Glad you were able to get moving a bit though. That is such a drastic temperature change. I guess, we can see differences of 30 or so degrees, but 50 is a lot. I am loving the cool nights/mornings. Lets me get my patio time in. I have to say, the one reason I keep getting MacBooks is because when I get a new one, all my stuff is there. I love it! Enjoy your new laptop. Very nice gift.

    1. Yes, it is a big change, but it's nice to be able to open the windows at night and give the A/C a rest. I've never tried MacBooks, but that does sound like a big bonus! It was very nice of the hubby. :)

  7. Oh no! Back pain is the absolute worst! I am glad that you are feeling better and hope that you continue to improve. I am worthless when I am in pain. I have been working to get things set up on my work computer and it has not been a great time so I feel your pain. I am thrilled to hear that the Ilona Andrews audio was so good. I hope that you have a great week!

    1. I usually have a high pain tolerance, but back pain is not fun. Thankfully, my computer is mostly set up now. Thanks, Carole! You have great week too!

  8. I hope your back is better and that you eventually enjoy your new laptop. Probably just an adjustment period. Here's my SP:

    1. Yes, I'll adjust. I hate change but it's necessary. Thanks!

  9. I'm sorry about your back. I hope you are feeling better. Enjoy your new laptop and have a great week!

  10. Happy aniversary and what a wonderful present. Yeah, they are a pain to set up and I have my Mr Wonderful who is happy to do so. I still haven't set everything up. Sorry about your back. I have issues too and I know it can be a real 'pain'. Take care and have a good week.
    sherry @ fundinmental

    1. Yes! Thank goodness for my husband because I wouldn't have a clue on what to do. I'd have to take time to figure it out and yeah, no thanks, lol. I hope you have good week, too, Sherry!

  11. Hope your back continues to improve and feel better. And some cooler weather would be so nice! It was 83 degrees outside this morning when I woke up. And it's supposed to reach 106. Ugh. Another hot week of 100+ temps. It makes it hard to want to do anything but stay inside where it's cool and read. :D

    1. Ugh! That is too hot for the morning! Thankfully we're cooling down. We won't be over 100 today. Yes, all I want to do is stay inside! Hope you get some relief from the heat too! :)

  12. oh it couldn't have been easy to work more with your back. Movement isn't easy but can help after some healing. With this heat, I am worse about getting out except in the morning and evening. The dogs keep me moving more than I would. I hope you are moving easier and keep cool this week!

    Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. It wasn't! I'm happy this last week is over. I only have to work 2 days this next week but it's with a doctor I'm not thrilled to work with. Yes, you can't go out and be comfortable unless it's early or late. Thanks, Anne!

  13. Ok having to set up a brand new laptop while dealing with the heat AND back pain is too much to ask of anyone.

  14. I hate back injuries. It really messes up every aspect of life! And the heat is unbearable. Its suppose to get into the upper 90's here and with the humidity, it is going to be dangerous. And I hate setting up new technology. I typically just keep with mac products so it will transfer all my settings (I set the touch pad to scroll opposite of what most people do).

    1. Oh, that's too hot with significant humidity! I hope you stay cool inside! Yes, setting up new technology is sooooo frustrating!

  15. Hope you're getting used to your new laptop setup! I know it can take a while to get adjusted. Sorry to hear about your back too. I hope it's starting to feel better and that you all get some cooler weather soon so you can get some stretching and exercise in for it!

    1. Thank you! We are getting some cooler weather and I've been doing yoga stretching which has been helping a lot.

  16. I do hope you are able to figure out what to do about your back. That's got to be miserable.

    It's frustrating to get a new laptop set up, I think.

    I'm eager to hear more about The Island Villa.

    1. I've been doing yoga and stretching and it seems to help. The Island Villa was wonderful! Love Sarah Morgan!

  17. Oh no about your back.
    As for walking in the head, yikes, nope

    1. I hate exercising in the heat! Thankfully we're cooling down. I've been trying to go early when I do.

  18. I have slip discs so I know back pain and sitting long doing work at computer. I hope your back pain improves and you can have a great week.

    1. I'm sorry to hear that! Thank you! I hope you have a great week too!

  19. I hope your back is feeling better soon. 100s during the day to 50s at night, that's such a huge temp change! Wow. I'm going to have to check out Dead of Winter

    1. Yes! Thankfully, the temps have gone down to the 90s. Hope you have fun with it!

  20. Throwing out your back is no joke getting through. Glad you have worked out enough stretching to walk bit. And, glad your tempts are coming down a bit for relief. I don't even want to think about adjusting to a new computer, but mine will probably only make it another year or so as old as it is.
    Yay for a good line up of reading this past week. I can't wait to listen to those KD: Wilmington years audios.
    Have a good week, Rachel!

    1. Yep, back pain is no fun. I'm feeling a lot better now, thankfully! Yes! It's nice to open the windows at night instead of blasting the A/C all day and night. I dreaded getting a new computer, but I knew it would have to happen someday. I'm mostly settled in with it now. Hope you enjoy them as much as I did, Sophia! You too!

  21. Oh no, back pain is the worst! I hope the gentle stretches are helping. I'm amazed that it's dropping into the 50's overnight there. As I write this it's 5 AM and already almost 80. Ugh.

    1. They are! Thankfully I'm only having mild back pain now. That's a bummer! Sounds like my daughter's weather in Texas! Hope you get some cooler temps. Stay cool, Tanya!

  22. I'm so sorry to hear about your back. I hope you're feeling better this week and also that you're getting settled in on your new computer. I always hate all of the setup that's involved with new devices but am usually content once all of that is finished. I'm so excited for Dark Corners. I'm hoping to start it this week. :)

    1. Thanks, Suzanne! Thankfully the stretching and exercises have helped a lot. Yes, the setup is a bummer, but I'm settling in now. I hope we both love Dark Corners! I look forward to your thoughts. :)

  23. Oh no! I hope your back feels better soon!! And that heat . Ick. Hopefully we all get a relief from these extreme temps soon.

    I love the cover for Moving Forward!

    1. Thanks, Erin! Yes! I hope you get some cooler temps. We're back in the mid 90s and it cools down pretty quickly so at least there's that. Me too!

  24. Glad that your back is feeling better! Hope you have a great week!

  25. Getting a new computer set up is such a pain in the butt. I remember when my old computer got the blue screen of death and I had to use my daughter's old computer which I'm still using getting it set up with such a pain but at least I have a computer.

    1. I know! I was happy I didn't wait until the blue screen, but I wasn't quite ready for all the efforts to switch. I don't like change. Haha! Glad you have a working computer too!

  26. Happy aniversary. Hope your back feels better.

  27. I get so frustrated when my back goes out, sometimes all I have to do is reach the wrong way. I'm glad you are doing better, Rachel. Happy Anniversary! I hope you will love your new laptop once you get everything up and running the way you like.

    1. Yes! It's so debilitating. I'm almost back to 100% though now. Thanks! :)

  28. Hope your back is better soon. Kate and Curren are one of my favorite couples ever and I just love those books. Hope you have a great weekend.
