
Sunday, October 8, 2023

Sunday Post #225


The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week. I'm also linking up to The Sunday Salon hosted by Deb Nance @Readerbuzz.

It's been a busy week again. I worked an extra day and will work another extra day this week since one of the regular employees went out on leave for six weeks. Just been trying to keep up with everything and finish review books for the dates I've committed. I canned more apple pie filling while listening to the Iron Druid Chronicle books for Anne's read-along. Trying to finish the current book for the chat today. We went to a UC Davis college football (a friend's son plays for the Aggie's) game yesterday and it was hot! They lost which was kind of a bummer. Went to dinner and got home late last night.

Apple Pie Filling

 It's been a hot week with temps in the upper 80s but cools down starting tomorrow. My roses and flowers are blooming a lot!

Rose: Peace

Rose: Ink Spots

(Click on cover for Goodreads link)

Dark Memory: 4 Stars
All is Not Forgiven: 4 Stars
Shattered: 4.5 Stars
Three Slices: 4 Stars

Received/Purchased/Library Lend:

I have an e-copy but noticed they put up the audio version on Netgalley. Thank you to Dreamscape Media!


How was your week?


  1. You keep so busy! Love the roses and apple pie filling. I am so happy to have you reading with us and appreciate your thoughts.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. I've had fun with the chats and I'm so happy I was able to make it today!

  2. Sounds busy with the extra work. Hopefully it gets less busy again soon. Your apple pie filling looks good and how handy to have that canned. Your roses look pretty! Have a great week!

    1. Thank you Lola! I hope the busy schedule winds down. You too!

  3. Well and I am making apple compote so to each his own Rachel LOL

  4. Your roses are stunning, and those fillings look amazing. Yum! It's fun to go to a game when the weather is nice. It's better when you team wins, but still fun.

    1. Thank you! Yes it is fun when the weather is nice. It was still nice to see him play even if they didn't win. :)

  5. Games are fun. Now that my daughters are in college I have more of an appreciation for the games- the atmosphere and all. It's cooled down here big time- 52 right now and 30's last night. Had toturn the heat on.

    1. They are fun in person and even more when you know a player. Wow, you are definitely getting colder there!

  6. When you bottle your apple pie filling, do you pressure cook it for awhile, or just hot water bath it? It looks very yummy. Good luck this week! I hope it's a little less busy. :D

    1. I just hot water bath it. I'm new to canning so I'm not sure what pressure cooking would do. Does it help get the air out because usually some of the filling ends up leaking out because of the air. It seals ok though.

      Thanks, Lark! I hope it's less busy too. We'll see. :)

    2. I don't actually do much pressure cooking, but I know you have to do it with certain veggies like beans and tomatoes. But for fruit I just always hot water bath it. The trick is not filling the bottles too full or they will leak out a little when you process them, but they usually still seal okay, they're just sticky on the outside.

    3. I think I'm probably overfilling then! I soaked them in some water to get the sticky stuff off, labeled them and packed them away for now. I need to start cutting back on calories and the crisps, pies and jams haven't been helping, lol! :)

  7. The just first snow around here, not my village though. But like 30 min away. I would rather have the warm weather

    1. That's early for snow! The weather has been nice even with the higher temps because it cools quickly.

  8. Hope you can go back to your regular schedule at work soon. Your apple pie filling looks yum. Bummer your team lost. Way to go getting your books listened to and hope you were ready for the readalong chat.

    Have a good week, Rachel.

    Sophia Rose

    1. Me too! Even if the paychecks are nice, my time is spent and I'm tired. You too, Sophia! :)

  9. Dark Memory was so good! I love that series. The roses are so pretty.

    1. Yes! I really enjoyed it and I'm looking forward to continuing the series with Petru's "brothers". Thank you, Mary! I love flowers. :)

  10. Look at all that apple pie filling. You will be set for holiday baking.

    Your roses are lovely. Hope it cools down for you soon. It is finally cooling down here along the Texas Gulf Coast.

    You are reading lots of wonderful reads, Rachel!

    1. Yes! I gave my sister some of the canned apple pie filling and she made it with a delicious crust! I need to pack it away for now so I can cut back on the calories. You can't eat pie every week and not pay for it!

      Nice to hear you're cooling down out there! I'm sure I'll be out there again soon. :)

  11. I've traded days off with a co worker for the next two weeks, so I'm feeling a bit discombobulated. Still, I'm enjoying the cooler weather while it lasts. It looks like things will heat back up for us later in the week.

    1. It is unsettling to have a change in schedule! I'm not thrilled with the extra days while I'm working them but it's nice when I get my paycheck, lol! Hope you enjoy the cooler temps, Ethan!

  12. Your apple pie filling looks delish. It was in the mid 80's here all last week but yesterday turned a bit cooler and temps dropped about 10 degrees. It won't last of course (fall in FL is just a day here and there) but I'm enjoying it. :) My husband read that Hearne series and enjoyed it a lot.

    1. I hope you continue with the nicer, fall temps, Tanya! My husband enjoyed The Iron Druid Chronicles too! It's fun that the hubby enjoys reading, too, right?

  13. I'm still in the read-along, just way behind. Hope you have a great week.

  14. Your roses are beautiful. It looks like you've read some great books this past week. Shattered sounds really good! I hope you have a great week!
