
Sunday, January 14, 2024

Sunday Post #236


The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week. I'm also linking up to The Sunday Salon hosted by Deb Nance @Readerbuzz.

I'm in Austin, Texas right now staying with my daughter, SIL, and grandkids. We flew out on Friday and are hopefully going home tomorrow, but not sure our flight won't be canceled because of ice. It's colder here than at home! It's currently 23 degrees here with a real feel of 15! At home it's 44 degrees. We've had a ton of rain at home too, over 2 inches just yesterday. The snow melted from last week and it had been raining every other day before we left. 

At any rate, we've been busy. Went out to a miniature golf place that had pickle ball. It was freezing, but the kids had fun. We've had dinners at my daughter's home with friends over.

Back home in Northern California

Driftwood, Texas

Click on cover for Goodreads link

Double Take by Lynette Eason: 3.5 Stars

Received/Purchased/Library Lend:

Thank you to St. Martin's Press and Berkley!


I'm enjoying Last Call at the Local. Almost done but haven't had much time on my own to finish!

How was your week?


  1. Have a fun visit!
    best, mae at

  2. I hope you're able to get home OK. That's insanely cold for Texas. I hope their power grid holds up to it this time!

    How did you enjoy The Night Island? I thought it was fun.

    1. We had to rebook for today because our flight for tomorrow got cancelled. Yes, The Night Island was fun!

  3. Brrr! That's cold. Hope you make it home safely. :D

    1. Fingers crossed, Lark! We're flying out this evening instead since our flight got cancelled tomorrow. :)

  4. The weather is not our friend this week. It's getting colder here. I hope you get home ok.

    I got the Katherine Center and will probably take the other book you got in your haul. I've got a list of books I want but it's like they are all out March 5 and I have a hole March 26-April 9. I try to review them the week they are out though. I'm just going to be late or early with some I guess.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. Thank you, Anne! I hope so too. Our flight was cancelled and we're flying out this evening instead. It's COLD here in Texas! At home in Northern California it's not been as cold as it was last year. Our high today was 50, but it's been raining a ton!

      I know what you mean about arcs! I have a ton this month and I haven't even downloaded all my Feb, March selections. I'm holding off until I clear out a few. Hopefully, I'll catch up this next week because my reading week was not so good this last week. I'm late on a lot of them.

  5. My husband was just in Dallas last week and he said the weather was fantastic. It's crazy how quickly it changed and how cold it's become. I hope you're able to travel and that the ice doesn't prevent that.

    1. I know! I looked on my weather app and they'll be close to 70s at the end of the week! Crazy weather! Thanks, Jenni! We're flying out tonight instead of tomorrow since our flight got cancelled. They're expecting more ice tomorrow.

  6. Hope your flight leaves without a hitch. Enjoy the rest of your visit and this coming week.

  7. So much family faun! I hope you get home safely.

    1. Thank you! We finally got home at 3:30 in the morning. I'm dead!

  8. 23/15- wow! that's almost as cold as here in Michigan! Yikes. That's a beautiful pic of back home too. So misty... Hope your flight goes okay.

    Village in the Dark, ooh that's a suspenseful looking cover :)

  9. Yeah, I saw those temps for Texas on the Weather Channel last night. This country is mostly in the freezer this weekend. Glad you got to fit in a visit, though. Yes, hope you can get the flight out back to your pretty misty scene there.
    I enjoyed Night Island and Village in the Dark.

    Have a good week, Rachel!
    Sophia Rose

    1. Yes! Most of the country is in the freezer! I enjoyed The Night Island too and I'm looking forward to Village in the Dark!

  10. Despite the cold, it sounds like you're having a fun visit with family. Safe travels home!

    1. It was a fun visit! Thank you! Happily home even though it was a long day of travel!

  11. Austin is one of my favorite places. I do hope you are able to get a flight out on time.

    I look forward to hearing more about the new Katherine Center book.

  12. I hope your trip home goes smoothly.
    I’m interested in the new Katherine Center book

    Wishing you a wonderful reading week

    1. Thanks! We got home after a long night. You too, Shelley!

  13. Enjoy your time with your family! I hope your flight home is stress-free.

  14. Sounds like a lovey break.. and any time spent with the kiddos is time well spent.

  15. It is definitely a time for storms. I do love the rain though. I know you really enjoy Katherina Center, so I hope you enjoy that one.

    1. Gosh, yes! I enjoy the rain, the ice, not so much. I hope so too!

  16. Glad you're enjoying your time in Texas. Last Call keeps popping up with positive reviews, so it'll probably make it onto my TBR :)

    1. It was a nice time, but happy to be home. Last Call at the Local was okay for me. Not my favorite.

  17. It's been in the 40s and 50s here and I thought that was cold. Have fun.

    1. This comment was me. I don't know why it showed up as anonymous just because I used my tablet instead of my laptop.

  18. Glad you got in a visit to family. I don't miss the cold of the north, but it's supposed to get down to freezing here in northwest Florida. Stay safe and warm.
    sherry @ fundinmental

  19. You came on the few days Texas decided to do winter! Hope you were able to get back home safely

  20. Austin seems a fun place to visit. That's a lot of rain you've been getting at home. We're finally getting more snow here today, which is good for our drought. Enjoy the week.
