
Saturday, March 2, 2024

Sunday Post #242


The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week. I'm also linking up to The Sunday Salon hosted by Deb Nance @Readerbuzz.

It's been pouring rain, but now it's snowing. I guess this is winters last hurrah. On Friday PG&E sent out tree workers to take out a big dead pine tree on our property. They'll take out dead trees if it looks like they're close to taking out their power lines. We didn't realize the tree had bark beetle until it was too late. It's the one to the left. It was something to see and a little scary since if it fell the right way it would've come down on the house. They had ropes and pulleys attached though. I was happy they got it out before the big storm on us now. 

Gloomy and raining as they worked

(Click on cover for Goodreads link)

One of Our Own by Lucinda Berry: 4.5 Stars
White Trash Zombie Apolcalypse by Diana Rowland: 4 Stars

Loved Once Persuaded, Twice Shy, a modern reimagining of Persuasion, as well as One of Our Own, an audio novella. My Anti-Hero was my first time reading *listening* Tijan and it was a disappointment. Not even Andi Arndt, one of my favorite narrators, could save the story for me. I've seen a lot of praise for the author so maybe it was a fluke? I enjoyed White Trash Zombie Apocalypse. Those books are so much fun, especially by audio! I just love Angel! 


Thank you to Minotaur Books, MacMillan Audio and Park Row!


How was your week?


  1. Sometimes even the most popular author doesn't work for everyone!

    Have a great reading week/

  2. I enjoyed the Trail of Lost Hearts. Hope you like it.

  3. Yike glad they got that tree out of there!

  4. That was good timing with the tree. Glad it went well. March is such a wildcard with weather. I don't trust this month at all. I tried to read a Tijan, and it was just not for me. I do know a lot of people who enjoy those books though. I find myself having to really be in the mood for those authors who write the over the top melodramatic books, and it's a mood I don't find myself in too often. I am so happy to see you loved Edwards book. I am looking forward to that one.

    1. Yes, the character's dialogue had me rolling my eyes sooo much! I'm not sure the author is for me either. Yes, we had a crazy snowstorm last March too. The snow doesn't seem to be sticking right now. I hope you love Once Persuaded as much as I did! I loved Anne's journey so much!

  5. That is a big tree! I'd be nervous too!

    1. It did make us nervous especially with the monster storm we had coming!

  6. How To Solve Your Own Murder looks so tempting...

  7. Sounds like the tree came out just in time. Winter is definitely over here. It was in the mid-70's all last week. I've never tried anything by Tijan but there are several very popular authors that I have tried and found they just weren't for me. Like Ali Hazelwood - hugely popular, but I was not a fan. I guess it's not fair to think that every author will suite every reader. :)

    1. They did come just in time. This storm has been nuts! My daughter lives in Austin, TX and it seems winter is over for her too with weather in the 80s, but you never know with Texas. Yes, not every author is for every reader, for sure! Lots of people love Taylor Jenkins Reid and I hated the one book I read by her so much I haven't had the desire to try her again.

  8. Those are big trees! I'd be scared to have dead ones hanging around. They could do a lot of damage if they fell. Have a great week!

    1. Yes, fortunately that was the only dead one around and it happened so quickly! Now we know what to do if it looks like a tree's been affected by bark beetle to save it. You too, AJ!

  9. That was very good timing with the tree. I didn't even think that's something that needed to be dealt with.

    I am a huge Persuasion fan so I immediately went ahead and added the Melodie Edwards book to my TBR. I'm so glad to see such a high rating from you too.

    I hope you have a wonderful week ahead.

    Enn @ Her Weathered Pages

    1. Yes, it was great timing! I hope you love Once Persuaded, Twice Shy! Thanks! You too! :)

  10. I like Tijan, but I have to be in the mood for her books. They can be angsty and annoying at times, but sometimes I'm in the mood for that. Glad they got the tree before it fell down. That would be awful!

    1. I think I'm not the correct audience for Tijan, especially if they're angsty reads. Not my cup of tea.

  11. We had tons of wind Friday night and it snowed pretty much all day yesterday...we got like 5 inches and it hasn't melted much. I'm glad I don't have to go anywhere today. Wishing you a good week this week. :D

    1. The snow has mostly melted thank goodness. I didn't want to drive in it tomorrow for work. Thanks, Lark, you too! :)

  12. We also got a lot of snow at the end of this week. I think it's over for now? Not sure. Hope you have a great week.

    1. I hope the snow is over! I don't mind the rain. We're supposed to get rain until Thursday. You too!

  13. It's also nice they took the tree out since if you did it that would be expensive. We are supposed to get more rain this week. I'm glad you are enjoying WTZ and I am very much. It would have sucked to pick a series and not like it.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. Yes! I was happy it was near a power line for that reason, lol! I know! I'm happy it's such a fun series!

  14. Glad the tree way removed. Glad you are enjoying White Trash Zombies

  15. I hear a lot about Tijan but have yet to read one. I had a DNF with an Emily Henry book which I was shocked, but I want to try reading one as that was an audiobook and it was a character I didn't like exactly. That tree is good to have come down! My neighbors had one in their backyard that fell on their house last fall. I've got one that is dead in my back yard but I can't afford to pay to take it down, so I just hope if it does fall it falls towards the back of my yard!
    Lisa Loves Literature

  16. Glad the power company took down that tree before the storm. We suddenly saw a pecan tree next door fall last autumn. It crushed in a maintenance shed, but I'm glad it didn't hit a house.

    White Trash Zombie Apocalypse sounds like crazy fun!

    1. Oh dear. That anonymous comment was from me.

    2. Yes, dead trees can be dangerous if they're near structures! I'm happy they took it out! WTZ is crazy fun, Deb! Thanks for letting me know. I'm always wondering when I get an "Anon" comment and the commentor doesn't sign it. I like to be able to return the comment! :)

  17. We had...not bark beetles, these are more like big ass ants. But yes we took down a tree and saw that they had probably been there for years. Not so good not knowing

  18. That would make me nervous having a huge tree removed, too. Glad they did it well and before your latest storm.

    I've been wanting to read Tijan, too. Hopefully the dud was a fluke. I'd read How to Solve Your Own Murder for the title alone, LOL

    Have a great week, Rachel!

    1. Yes! I was happy they took it out in the nick of time. Yes, I'll have to see it Tijan has a title I might enjoy more. You too! Sophia, right? :)

  19. It's lucky that the tree didn't fall on your house in a storm!

    1. Yes! I'm so happy they took it down before any damage could happen!

  20. Oh those bark beetles are awful. Is there any way to get rid of them or do you just have to take out the trees? Did you get a lot of snow? We had about 8 inches yesterday. Surprised us. Happy reading.

    1. They are awful! Yes, if you can get it in time. We didn't know since we haven't lived out here that long (just over a year and nine months now) but you can drill holes in the trunk and inject bug killer. Our neighbor saved one of his trees that way. Wished we'd have known sooner! Thanks!

    2. Good to know! that drilling holes in the trunk and injecting bug killer will save a tree. Hope you can save other trees this way.

    3. Yes! We'll keep our eye out from now on! Hopefully we won't have more trees affected.

  21. Oh wow, that's crazy. We had a bunch of wind the last couple of days. I was scared some of these palm trees were going to come down. We lost power for 4 hours last night.

    1. Yes, I bet you got the same storm come through that we did. The wind was terrible in places, but didn't get over 20 MPH here because of all the trees. Still, it sounded loud!

  22. The weather is so unpredictable this year. I had two huge poplar trees (Over 80 feet tall) in my back yard. They had been struck by lightening and were leaning towards my neighbour's house. I paid someone to take them down (it wasn't cheap) but I felt much safer. I have never tried Tijan and I know lots of people love her books, but I think they are too steamy for me. Have a wonderful week, Rachel and stay safe inside while it storms.

    1. That must have been expensive, but if they were leaning towards your neighbor's house that was a good choice! I don't think Tijan is for me either. Thank you, Carla! I think we're getting mild weather this week. :)

  23. I'm so glad they took down the tree so you don't have to worry about it falling on your house. Yesterday, we had a blizzard and a horrible windstorm. I was scared one of the electric poles by our house was going to fall and create problems. Fortunately, it didn't. I hope you have a good week and let's hope warmer temps come back soon!

  24. I hope that the other nearby trees are unaffected.

    Wishing you a happy reading week

    1. They don't seem to be. We've been keeping a close eye out. Thanks! You too!

  25. My goodness - it was a major operation to take down that tree! What a relief they got it down before the storm came through. I hope the weather improves and you have a great week.

    1. It was a big operation! I think we're getting warmer weather this week. :)

  26. Our weather is see sawing between beautiful sunny spring day to torrential rains. Better than snow, at least we get some sunshine. I have been meaning to read something by Lucinda Berry for sometime now.

    1. It seems to be the same here, except we got a bit of snow that's already melted. Thank goodness. That Lucinda Berry was really good and a short listen. I recommend it!

  27. We had a last winter blast as well. Now the weather is fully doing Spring again haha

    1. The weather in Texas is all over the place! Even more than here, lol!
