
Saturday, April 13, 2024

Sunday Post #246


The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week. I'm also linking up to The Sunday Salon hosted by Deb Nance @Readerbuzz.

After the snow last Friday it was nice to have beautiful, sunny weather. I've been getting out on runs and loving how very green everything is! It looks like most of the fruit trees at our house and around the neighborhood have blossoms on them now, but I think a lot of my wisteria blossoms froze in the storm. We'll see how many bloom.  It was even warm enough to sit out on the front porch in the evening and enjoy a glass of wine. Soon I'll be transferring my seedlings to the outside garden. 

Some flowers out in the neighborhood:

Common Pearlbrush


Sweet Pea

Of course, the clouds and rain came back. Still pretty:

Rainy neighborhood run

Click on cover for Goodreads link

Scandal Above Stairs (Below Stairs Mystery #2) by Jennifer Ashley: 4.5 Stars

I am loving the Below Stairs series! The audios are fantastic!

Received/Purchased/Library Lend:

Thank you to Blackstone Audio and Macmillan Audio!


So green at our house!

How was your week?


  1. It's nice to have spring weather finally! Hope you're having a nice weekend :)

  2. So many flowers! That will take some time here

    1. There's still a lot coming. It takes some time here, too.

  3. Your spring flowers are beautiful. We are also — at last! — seeing some blossoms on trees and some color in the gardens.
    best, mae at

  4. Beautiful weather and some great reading. Sounds like you are having a good week. I like to look at flowers, but am not that skilled in identifying them. Glad you included the names.

    1. I'm not that skilled. I have a plant identifying app called "Picture This". It's wonderful!

  5. I love Sweet Peas! I will have to look for the Jennifer Ashley books on audio - I am always wanting a good one to listen to during Wyatt's nap/independent time.

    1. They are so pretty. Apparently they're invasive here, but I do enjoy going out and picking them for flower arrangements in the house. The Below Stairs mysteries are soooo good! I definitely recommend them.

  6. Feeling the sun on your skin, the warmer weather and admiring flowers is such a delight after winter Rachel!

    1. It is! I do appreciate all the different seasons here.

  7. I love seeing the flowers. You are just a couple weeks behind us for spring and probably higher elevation? I enjoy the Jennifer Ashley books but have not tried the audio.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. Maybe. We're 2,400 and some change. I think that's it's more because of how north we are. The audios are so good, Anne! I'm sure you'd love them.

  8. My lilac bush isn't in bloom yet, but it is leafing out. I love spring weather. I only wish it lasted longer. Have a good week! :D

    1. My lilac bush isn't quite blooming yet either. That one above is in the neighborhood I spied on one of my runs. I have purple ones. You too, Lark! :)

  9. I particularly love the spring flowers - such a treat after all the bare branches of the winter. You have such wonderful countryside where you are - and I do hope the wisteria survives, it is one of my favourite flowers! I like the look of the Jennifer Ashley books. Have a great week, Rachel.

    1. I hope so too, Sarah! Wisteria is one of my all-time favorite flowers as well. The Jennifer Ashley series is sooo good. I hope you have a great week, too!

  10. Yay for beautiful spring weather to get out for your runs and gorgeous blooms to see. I love the Below Stairs series, too.

    Sophia Rose

    1. I'm really enjoying all the new blooms! The Below Stairs is sooo good!

  11. I interested in the nora roberts one i not read a book by her i have not liked. I like that weather is getting nicer and we have pretty flowers to check out when i go outside. I have lots of rose bushes so i get to see them bloom all spring long. Have a great week

    1. I'm really excited to read Mind Games! I have quite a few rose bushes, too, and they have buds on them. So excited to get some roses! Thank you! You have a great week, too!

  12. I love the flowers. Oh that sky picture is so nice.

  13. Sweet Peas are so beautiful! I love all of your flower photos, they’re so gorgeous.
    Have a wonderful week ahead, Rachel!

    1. Thanks, Sara! That multi-colored sweet pea is different from the ones I usually see. We have a lot of pink and some white normally. Thank you! You too!

  14. Your spring flowers are absolutely beautiful!

  15. What beautiful photos! It sounds like you have been enjoying pleasant weather! I am enjoying the weekend rain, but miss that little taste of warmer and sunnier weather we got earlier in the week. I am glad you are enjoying the Below the Stairs mysteries! I love Kat and Daniel. I hope you have a wonderful week, Rachel!

    1. We also had weekend rain, but I don't mind since that's what's making everything so green! I'm loving the Below Stairs mysteries! I can't believe it wasn't on my radar until now! I hope you have a wonderful week, too!

  16. Some beautiful blooms! I hope that they didn't all get messed up in the freeze and that you get to continue with the spring weather. Have a great week!
    Lisa Loves Literature

    1. It seems a lot of the fruit blossoms are okay. Still not sure about my wisteria. You too, Lisa!

  17. Thanks for the flower pictures, in my area we are about a month away from lilac blooms. We had unseasonably warm weather this weekend and much yard work was done! Now the next time it's warm I can sit on the patio and enjoy a good book!

    1. I still have so much cleanup in our yard from all the winter storms. Still, it's green and so many blooms coming. I hope you enjoy some outside patio time reading!

  18. I do enjoy the spring weather, but we tend to go from winter to summer here. It was in the 40s on Saturday, and 79 yesterday. I love how green everything is getting though. Lovely to have all those wonderful blossoms to see in your neighbourhood. Have a wonderful week, Rachel.

    1. That's exactly what happened to us when I lived in Southern California. No in between. I love having the seasons here. That's crazy temperature jumps! We have had some ups and downs with the temps here as well.

  19. I am glad spring has come to your part of the world. The flowers, especially the Sweet Pea, are lovely.

    I'm very curious about Jennifer Ashley's book.

    1. Thanks, Deb! The Below Stairs mysteries are wonderful!

  20. Your neighbourhood looks lovely and green

    Wishing you a great reading week

  21. Pretty flowers! We have a lot blooming in the Phoenix area right now, too. It's already too hot here. Last week, we had a couple of days that were in the 90s. Ick.

    I enjoy the Below Stairs series, too. I haven't tried the books on audio. Thanks for the suggestion. I'm always looking for good audiobooks.

    1. Yes, temps in the 90s this early isn't welcome! Where did spring go? The audios are fantastic! Hope you try and enjoy them, Susan!

  22. Spring seems to finally be poking its head out for you now! Wednesday was my birthday, so we travelled to Dallas to watch the eclipse on Monday and then spent the rest of the week in DC. It was nice to visit some cooler temps before coming home to the Texas heat!

    1. Your spring was beautiful a couple weeks back. I was in Austin then and the bluebonnets and Indian paintbrush were gorgeous! I bet DC was gorgeous with all the cherry blossoms! What a nice birthday you must've had!

  23. Lovely flower photos and looks like a bunch of great reads as well.

  24. The flowers are so lovely. Glad you've been able to get outdoors.
