
Sunday, May 19, 2024

Sunday Post #250


The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week. I'm also linking up to The Sunday Salon hosted by Deb Nance @Readerbuzz.

I didn't post last week since I was busy in Texas. Our visit included wild weather, energetic grandkids, helping daughter and family settle into their new house, and a football game! Came home Tuesday and went to work the next day.

Texas wildflowers

It's been a busy, short week home, with work and chores. I worked today, Saturday. I don't normally work on the weekend and with traveling home during the week I feel off with my schedule. 

The weather has been unseasonably hot this last week and so my sister and BIL came up to our house to water twice when we were gone. Not a small job! We went out to dinner with them last night, to say thank you and to catch up.

Climbing rose from the garden: Aloha

So happy to be home with my cuddly kitty!

Peanut napping


Mind Games by Nora Roberts: 5 Stars
The Recital by Gregg Hurwitz: 4 Stars
The Poisoner's Ring by Kelley Armstrong: 4 Stars
Happy Medium by Sarah Adler: 3 Stars

This may look like a lot read, but it's for two weeks and one is a novella. 


Thank you to Berkley!


How was your week?


  1. It's been warm here too. We almost got to 90 yesterday! Glad you had a good trip.

    I still need to try Huber's series.

    1. Wow! Too early for those temps. We've cooled down a bit. I'm thankful!

  2. What a busy week for you. I hope you can get settled back into your usual routine quickly. Glad to see Mind Games was a hit for you!

    1. I absolutely loved it! I wish I was going to have time to settle into a routine. We have plans again coming up.

  3. Anything outside my schedule puts me off, too. It's wonderful you were able to be there to help out with the move. You got a lot of good reading done. I actually liked Happy Medium. I know some people thought the hero was mean, but I found it was all posturing since his actions contradicted his words.

    1. I did have a lot of great reads! I liked Happy Medium, too. 3 stars doesn't mean I disliked it, only that I didn't love it. It was a mixed bag for me and felt too long.

  4. Sounds like a good week.

    I never know what the day is and the days fly by 😂

    It's been warm here which has been unpleasant on the school run 🤣

    Have a great week next week!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

    1. It was a busy week, but nice to be with family and get things done. I hope you do, too! :)

  5. Those wildflowers are beautiful - thank you for sharing:)). And it's always a relief to return home, especially after helping out. Those temperatures sound really unfriendly so soon into the summer:(. I hope it cools down again for you, soon.

    1. Thanks, Sarah! It is nice to get home! It is supposed to cool down this week, and it's been cold at night. :)

  6. I've wondered what living in Texas was like, weatherwise. I know it's great for birding and trekking. Have a good week.

    1. I saw a red cardinal for the first time there! I was so excited! You too, Harvee!

  7. Traveling always takes so much energy. Then having to work more than usual at your day job? Ugh that has to be exhausting! But, the flowers are pretty!

    1. Yes, traveling is tiring! It was nice to be with the kids, though. Thanks!

  8. I'm sorry Texas offered wild weather for your visit. It's amazing that you could do all those things in Texas and then return to work right away.

    The Summer Swap looks promising.

    1. It was wild but fascinating, so I don't think of it as a bad thing. :) The Summer Swap was so good!

  9. Glad you had a great trip! :) Beautiful photos as well. I love the cover for Love at First Book and am stoked to see you gave it 5 stars--I'm going to have to check out your review!

    1. Thanks, Aimee! Love at First Book was such a delight! Hope you pick it up! :)

  10. You must have been bushed when you got back and had to work right away. So good you could see and help family like that. Lovely wildflowers.

    Have a great week, Rachel!

    1. I was bushed, but happy to help. The wildflowers in Texas were so beautiful!

  11. Busy! You are reading some good books! We had a hot week awhile back and it looks like later this week will be close to 90 again. They keep saying it is going to rain and then it doesn't. I hope you get a more relaxed week!

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. Yes, very busy! I did read some really good books. We're cooling down again, just a little and I'm happy about that because we'll be gone again for a few nights and we don't have an automatic watering system up and running yet.

  12. Traveling is great but going home is good too! Also that rose is gorgeous.

  13. I do not like to travel. I'm sure you're glad you're home.

    1. The traveling part is not so fun, unless it's a road trip through pretty country. Thanks! I'm happy to be home!

  14. Those wildflowers look really cool

  15. Cute little Peanut and lovely wildflowers and rose!

  16. Weather been hot and cold here. One day it super hot next day is back in the low 70’s. I read mind games as well i also gave it 5 stars. Hope you have a great reading week.

    1. The weather has been up and down here, too. Oh nice! I was so good! I hope you do, too!

  17. Aww, kitty!

    Looks like you've had some fun reads! And hope you enjoy the new books.

    My STS/Sunday Post.

  18. Glad you had a great week!

    Here’s my Sunday Post

    Rabbit Ears Book Blog: WORLD’S WEIRDEST BOOK BLOG!

  19. Beautiful flowers!! Your books all look good too!

  20. Oh my, I hope everyone was okay with the weather! We definitely had tornadoes in our area, again, but thankfully we were spared the bulk of the damage this time around. We had only just finished replacing the fence that blew away in the storms last month!

    1. We were all safe! It was just warm and then crazy lightening and thunder storms, and pouring rain. I actually like lightening and thunder storms, as long as no one is hurt and nothing is damaging. Sorry to hear you had some damage! That's crazy! I'm glad you didn't have any in these recent storms!

  21. Hope you enjoyed your visit. I read Mind Games. Great book.
    sherry @ fundinmental

    1. I did! Yes, Mind Games was soooo good! Glad to hear you enjoyed it too, Sherry!
