
Saturday, August 17, 2024

Sunday Post #261


The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week. I'm also linking up to The Sunday Salon hosted by Deb Nance @Readerbuzz.

The weather this week has cooled down and it's been gorgeous! Highs in the 80s. I feel hints of fall in the air, especially at night. There's one tree in the front that changes colors first and I already see a few red leaves. It's because it's been dipping into the 50s at night. I think my garden was a bit stunned when we had the 100+ degree weather. My tomatoes, squash, and cucumbers are finally starting to produce. I did plant a little late. We picked a bunch of apples from one of our trees and I made and canned apple butter.

Apples of unknown variety from our yard

Deadheaded some of my hydrangeas, but I thought they were too pretty to throw away just yet.

We drove out to Truckee (Lake Tahoe area), which is about an hour from our house. We explored some shops, bought gifts for the grandkids, had a late lunch and drove home. The views along Hwy 20 on the way home were spectacular! It was nice an enjoyable day!

Word After Word Books in downtown Truckee. Such a cute bookstore!

Bar of America, downtown Truckee

Hwy 20 scenic view on the way home.


Middle of the Night by Riley Sager: 4 Stars

A pretty solid reading week. I really enjoyed Four Minutes, a sci-fi military thriller with a bit of time travel thrown in. I need the next book! 


I'm thrilled to get approval for Cold as Hell! I may read it soon even though it doesn't release until February 2025. We'll Prescribe You a Cat sounds like a moving story, and prescribing a cat always sounds like a good idea, lol! I read and LOVED On the Jellicoe Road years ago (2011). I read the physical copy back then, purchased an e-copy, but my daughter asked about it the other day and she loves audios like me so we bought an audio copy. I might start it tonight. 

Thank you to Minotaur Books and Berkley!


How was your week?


  1. I'm glad it is cooling off for you, especially at night, and I hope this wonderful cooler weather makes its way down to us soon. It's been stifling hot here. At least a heat dome keeps away the hurricanes.

    We'll Prescribe You a Cat sounds delightful. I'd love to have a cat prescribed for me.

    1. I'll be heading out to your neck of the woods on Thursday. I'm excited to see my daughter, SIL and the kids, but not excited for the heat! I keep saying I won't visit Texas again in August, but here we go again, lol!

  2. Looks like you've had a good reading week! Hope you enjoyed 'em all.

    That bookshop looks good, and We'll Prescribe You a Cat is a great title/concept. Tempted to give it a shot -- the book, not the cat, as my rabbits might take exception to an interloper, ahaha.

    Here's my weekly roundup.

    1. Yes! I can't imagine your rabbits would appreciate the addition of a cat, lol!

  3. My white hydrangeas are still in full bloom on one bush. The other has faint pinkish colors and are pretty dry but I might leave them on the bush just to look at.

    1. My panicle hydrangea is still blooming and gorgeous! I left that one alone. I'll cut those and dry them because they are so beautiful dried.

  4. Our weather is finally getting a little bit cooler, too. And we've even gotten some rain which has been so great, especially after how hot and dry July was. Is Cold as Hell a Haven's Rock novel? I'm VERY excited if it is. I love that series and those characters. Have a great week! :D

    1. Oh, nice that you got some rain, too! We had a sprinkle, but nothing measurable. Yes, our July was awful hot, too! Yes, it is a Haven's Rock novel! I'm so excited for it, too, Lark. We'll have to compare notes. You have a wonderful week, too! :)

  5. That book store is so cute!! Glad you are getting some cooler weather!

  6. I love nighttime temps in the 50s. Your apples look fantastic! Glad you got the ARC for Cold as Hell! The Lake Tahoe area is so beautiful!

    1. I am loving those cooler temps! I hope they don't dip much more because of my vegetable garden, though. Truckee is gorgeous!

  7. I am so ready for fall. Looks like a fun excursion and beautiful scenery. I will never forget reading Jelicoe Road. It was weird until it was heartbreaking. I loved it. I struggle with audiobook read by narrators with accents. I find I have to pay more attention.

    1. Yes, I forgot how kind of strange it is at the beginning, but I'm remembering that now. I feel like I'm sort of dumped into the middle of the story with no context, but I know because of reading it in the past. I can't listen at my usual 1.5x speed with accents, but I love her Aussie accent!

  8. I would love visiting Lake Tahoe! And it was barely summer here so I hope we won't get fall soon!

    1. We had a hella summer, so I'm loving these cooler temps! Still, I don't want it too cool since I've barely got any tomatoes or squash yet thanks to the horrible heat!

  9. I'd love to garden and do puzzles with you. You live in such a pretty place. Did the bookstore have a Jill Shalvis section? I would love to read Cold as Hell but I'm trying hard to keep current on my reviews for next week first!

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. I would love that, Anne! We'd have a lot of fun together! I wondered about that, too, and no, they don't. They should being she's a local. I'll probably wait a bit, too since I need to keep on schedule, but I didn't request a bunch for August so I'm kind of caught up for the moment.

  10. I agree that the hydrangeas are still pretty in those subtle shades and the apples of unknown variety look good. Truckee! When I grew up outside Sacto, Truckee was always the town with the coolest/coldest temps on the weather news. LOL Cute shops there. Gorgeous panorama view of Hwy 20 (my aunt and one of my cousins are spoiled and live along 20 in a pretty spot).

    Have a great week, Rachel!

    1. Truckee's temps were so wonderful, although our temps are pretty awesome here right now too! The 20 is beautiful! I love the different stages of hydrangea blooms!

  11. Yay for cooler weather! Apple butter sounds interesting. I love the photos. Sounds like you had a lovely time.

    Have a great week ahead!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

    1. I wasn't as impressed with the apple butter as I thought I'd be. Kind of more like applesauce to me, but I wanted to preserve the abundance of apples I had. You too! :)

  12. The bookstore looks really nice, and the photo from hwy. 20 is beautiful! I hope you have a great week!

  13. The view looks gorgeous. I love exploring little shops and such.

  14. I love your pictures. I've never had apple butter.

    1. Thanks. My recipe ended up tasting like applesauce. Not sure that's how it was supposed to turn out.

  15. Wow gorgeous in & around Truckee. & Love the bar & bookstore! I need to go there sometime. Those apples look good ... we have a few apple trees but the trees & fruit are a bit small right now. Hope to get some next year. Nice that your heat is going down. I'm SoCal now and it sure feels hot!

    1. It is a beautiful area! Our apple trees have been here for many years according to the previous owner. We had more apples last year, though. I think every year is different. Yes, SoCal can stay hot for a long time! One of the reasons I moved. I like having the change in seasons instead of what felt like 9 months of summer. Hope you enjoy your time there!

  16. It sounds like you had a delightful week! The cooler weather and hints of fall are such a refreshing change. Your apple butter must be delicious, and it’s great to hear your garden is finally producing. Truckee sounds like a charming place to visit, especially with those scenic views and cute bookstore. Thanks for sharing!

    Invited to read my new style post: (

  17. I'm jealous of those temps in the 80's... and especially lows in the 50's! Homemade apple butter - yum! Love the look on that bookstore. Sun fun to browse around.

    1. The weather has been so nice! We're about to head over to East Texas, though and the weather is not so nice there, lol! Love independent bookstores!

  18. Homemade apple butter! Yummy! We had some cooler temps, and then it got back up too hot again! Hope you're having a good week so far!

    1. Thanks, Lisa! I feel like fall is already in the air here. Hope you have a wonderful week too!

  19. I love those day trips to towns nearby. I have done that a few times this summer. Mmm, apple butter, my grandson discovered mine and it is his new favourite to put on his peanut butter sandwiches. It looks like you had a good reading week. I hope this week is just as good for you, Rachel.

    1. I should make a peanut butter sandwich with some. Sounds delicious! Thanks, Carla! I hope you have a great reading week, too!

  20. Beautiful pictures! I'm hoping I get some tomatoes now too that it's cooler. Hope you had a good week.

