
Saturday, November 23, 2024

Sunday Post #273


The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week. I'm also linking up to The Sunday Salon hosted by Deb Nance @Readerbuzz.

Another busy week! We traveled down to Southern California on Thursday to meet up with friends in town from Cincinnati and to visit our son, DIL and the two youngest grandkids. The kids are super cute! It was a short trip. We were happy to visit with everyone, but happy to be home. 

It's been pouring rain at home. We've had almost eight inches of rain this week and there's more to come. It should clear out by Tuesday, though. I'm happy I got some photos while out running before the rain, because I'm sure a bunch of the leaves came off with this storm.

part of my running route

We'll be meeting up with family and friends this week. About ten of us all together. We're set to go wine tasting and then dinner Friday and then everyone's coming to our house for dinner on Saturday. I look forward to the visit! 

(Click on cover for Goodreads link)


Thank you to Boldwood Books, Forever and MIRA!


How was your week?


  1. Not sure how much rain we got in NJ, but I was happy it finally rained (and it did for days). So wonderful you are able to visit your kids so often (I am jealous). That tree is incredible in the picture up there.

    1. Yes, I'm always happy to get rain, too! It is wonderful that we get to see them a lot. We see our daughter more so I was happy to see our son! That tree is breathtaking! I ran by today and the leaves were still on it!

  2. The photos are beautiful. I love when leaves are orange or red like this.

    1. Thanks! I love the red and orange colors of fall leaves as well!

  3. I want to say it's a good thing that you had rain given all the fires you get in summer but I don't know if it will change something. Have fun at Thanksgiving!

    1. I'm not sure it helps either, but we need the water in California so a good thing IMO! Thank you, Sophie!

  4. Love fall colors in your area. Everyone is a Liar is a good title for a book; made me curious. Have a good week.

  5. It was a busy week! I think I missed commenting last week on your Sunday post! That tree picture is beautiful. We had a couple days with a lot of rain, but nowhere near what you guys got! I hope you have a good week!
    Lisa Loves Literature

    1. No worries, Lisa! I've been trying to get to everyone's posts, too! I've been so busy so it's been slow going. I hope you have a good week, too!

  6. Eight inches of rain. Wow! That's a lot. I love your running trail, though I'd probably walk it, not run. ;D Wishing you a great week this week.

    1. I walk it sometimes, too! Depends how I feel. Today it was a little of both. :) Hope you have a lovely week, too, Lark!

  7. Guess it was rain all around since we got it here, too, before it turned to snow, but not as much as you. What fun you got to go see friends as well as visit with your kids and grandkids.

    I enjoyed Muse of Maiden Lane, too. Good series ender.

    Gorgeous red tree on your running route. Enjoy your Thanksgiving week activities, Rachel!

    1. Snow already, Sophia? I hope it holds off a bit for us. I don't mind the rain. The snow makes things a bit more difficult even if it is pretty. The series was wonderful! I hope you enjoy your week, too, Sophia!

  8. It's such a great family time. You have lovely running trails. Happy Thanksgiving!

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. Yes! I do feel lucky with the trails here. Hope you enjoy your Thanksgiving as well, Anne!

  9. Wow, those are the brightest red leaves I've ever seen! Just gorgeous!

  10. Beautiful tree photos. So red! I'm glad you had a nice time in SoCal. We'll be headed there soon. 8 inches of rain is pretty soggy. My sister mentioned the rain -- she lives in Marin. I like how you staged the Nora Roberts book ... well done! Have a Happy Thanksgiving.

    1. It is pretty soggy, but I don't mind the rain when I don't have to commute in it! Thanks! I hope you enjoy your trip to SoCal! You too, Susan! :)

  11. I love the pictures. That is a lot of rain.

  12. How beautiful are those trees????????????????? Enjoy your time with family and friends!

    1. So gorgeous! I just ran by them again today and I stop in awe! Thanks Jinger!

  13. The red of those trees is spectacular!
    Have a wonderful time with friends and family!

  14. Wow! What a gorgeous red tree. Beautiful.

    It sounds like you have a perfect Thanksgiving planned. Enjoy, Rachel!

  15. Beautiful pictures. I'm always excited about a new Allison Brennan book. Hope you have a wonderful week.

  16. The tree is absolutely breathtaking!
