
Saturday, February 25, 2023

Sunday Post #196


The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week.

I didn't post the previous Sunday because we were out of town with the kids and grandkids for the long weekend. It was fun but not much time to do anything else but entertain a seven and four year-old, cook, and clean. We went to a pizza place with old-fashioned Atari arcade games and the kids had fun playing them with some help. 

This week we had nice weather through Wednesday and then Thursday and Friday we had a lot of snow! I couldn't get out of my driveway to get to work on Friday, which was okay with me since I tweaked my back at work on Tuesday and didn't feel 100% anyhow. Did a puzzle while listening to audiobooks and thoroughly enjoyed my snow day. Pretty much the same today. I'll be venturing out to work tomorrow. My husband shoveled the driveaway and a nice neighbor plowed our street. 

Made sure to fill the birdfeeder out the front and sprinkle birdseed out so my bored kitty had some entertainment while being stuck inside. I was surprised he did go out for a short time to do his business! He is getting more used to the cold out here.

Bored kitty watching the birds outside

Click on cover for Goodreads link

Had some good ones here and a couple of books I had mixed feelings on. My favorite of the bunch was Murder at Haven's Rock

Received/Purchased/Library Lend:

I scooped up Identity when Netgalley sent an email that it was "read it" for the first 1000 readers. Dead Letter Days is a novella that takes place before Murder at Haven's Rock and it's in Eric's POV! I've just started it. I'm also reading Ruby Spencer and enjoying it. Listening to Lovelight Farms and loving the narrator/story. It's a friends-to-lovers romance that Berkley acquired. I downloaded the ARC but noticed the audio was available at my library. LOVE that cover! 


How was your week?


  1. Glad you enjoyed more family time (even though it's a lot of work). Beautiful pictures of your snow day :)

    1. Thanks! I love them to death, but it's nice to go home, too, lol! Thanks! :)

  2. Family time is always a good break. Tiring at times, but good. Glad you got to enjoy a snow day.

    1. Thanks, yes! It seems we're having more and more snow days!

  3. I saw that Berkley picked up the Lovelight Farms books (I already listened to all three). The first was my favorite because friends to lovers never fails to win my heart. Hope the back is feeling better, and EEK! I hate snow. We have been lucky so far. Ruby is my next book, so glad to hear you are enjoying it.

    1. I have to say I like the font on the original covers for Lovelight Farms more than the new ones. I'm happy they kept the covers intact otherwise. My back feels better, thankfully. The snow hasn't been that bad, but I haven't had to run around too much in it. I worked today and thankfully my husband drove me. We had to use chains. It was nerve-wracking.

  4. We woke up to snow on Saturday morning, which was a surprise as the temps had been in the 40s recently. Have a good week.

    1. It's been snowing since Thursday and will be snowing until Wednesday. You too, Harvee!

  5. That snow day seems to have been very enjoyable! Also for one moment, I thought we had a new Simone St James's book!

    1. It is really pretty, but I enjoy it more when I can stay home by the fire. Nope, not new, just working my way through her backlist. :)

  6. I'm so jealous of everyone who is getting snow! It was in the 70's in SW Ohio this week. Have a wonderful week.

    1. I hope you get snow soon then! That's strange warm weather for your neck of the woods this time of year!

  7. LOVE seeing all the snow! We also have been getting so much too! And you grabbed up some great titles there. I am really intrigued by that Lori Wilde! Hope you have a great week.

    1. I haven't minded the snow. I think because I know it won't be weeks and weeks of it. We really do get a change with every season here which is exactly what I wanted. :)

  8. We are getting a lot of snow too. These storms hitting the west coast are relentless. I should have snatched up the Nora Roberts book, but I am too overloaded right now. I love her writing

    1. It's crazy, right? I think it's supposed to stop snowing Tuesday night. I've been conservative on my acquisitions so I felt ok to grab it. I hope it's good!

  9. I hope you are feeling better and dealing ok with the snow. You are much better at puzzles than we are. You really got some amazing reads.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. Thanks! My husband cracked my back (sounds weird, right?) and it feels good now. My husband drove me to work and picked me up today. We had to use chains and it was still pretty scary. I did get quite a few books, and I'm excited for them all.

  10. Glad the snow day was the perfect timing for you! I want to put a bird feeder up in my back yard, but now I'm kind of thinking the front might be neat for my dogs to watch the birds. Of course then they'll bark more, so maybe not, lol. You're reading some good books, Ruby Spencer is on my TBR, Lovelight Farms is new to me, but looks good, so I'll probably add to my TBR. Hope you have a good week and your back is feeling better!
    Lisa Loves Literature

    1. Haha! Yes, he doesn't bark although he does make cat calls to them through the window. Not near as loud as barking I'd imagine, lol!

  11. That pizza lace sounds fun. Old Atari games... I loved places like that growing up. And wow! Look at the snow!

    I do want to get The Drift

    1. It was fun! I know it brings back memories. I've heard The Drift is good so I hope we both enjoy it. :)

  12. When I watch my grandchildren, 7,4, and 4. I don't have time for anything else. I know what you mean! Sorry about the snow and hope your weather improves.

    1. They don't allow for much down time, lol, but they are definitely fun and they're at the age where we play a lot of card games like Go-Fish and Crazy 8s. It's fun to see them grow and learn. Thanks! I don't expect we'll have snow for more than a week, but we'll see.

  13. My niece and nephew love playing old video games. I imagine it was fun playing with your grandchildren. Staying home and working on a puzzle sounds like the perfect day to me! I just finished The Soulmate and loved it! What did you think of Episode Thirteen?

    1. It's funny how they like the old games! It was fun. We played a lot of card games too. I'm really looking forward to The Soulmate! Episode 13 started off strong and really spooked me for a bit but it kind of went off the rails by the end. I liked the original story format and I thought the audio was really good. Just the ending wasn't my cup of tea.

  14. Awww bored kitty. I need to get a bird feeder

    1. Yes! Since you get a lot of snow too. It's great entertainment.

  15. So much snow! We got some snow flurries and that was it. Nothing even stuck to the ground where I live. Other parts of town it did though.

  16. Your snow is beautiful. I hope your back is better.

    I really want to start the Finley Donovan series.


  17. That's a lot of snow. We also had a lot of snow, but it's melting pretty fast at the moment. I also have the Nora Roberts book to read. Hope you enjoy all of your books.
