
Monday, July 8, 2019

Spotlight & Giveaway: Jane Yellowrock series by Faith Hunter

I haven't picked up the Jane Yellowrock series yet (so many books, too little time!), but it's in my TBR since I LOVE Urban Fantasy.  I'm looking forward to starting since I can binge read the series, which is one of my favorite things to do! The Jane Yellowrock series by Faith Hunter debuted in 2009 and is about a shapeshifting skinwalker who battles vampires, and demons, etc, in New Orleans.

Anyhow, I've heard a lot of good things about the series and I was asked if I wanted to help celebrate the 10th Anniversary on the blog and feature this beyond awesome giveaway of the ENTIRE series plus an ARC of Shattered Bonds to THREE winners!!  Hell yeah!

Click HERE for the link to the Giveaway Entry. Good luck!

Here's a better look of the books up for grabs:


  1. I've been meaning to try this series, it looks like it would be so much fun!

  2. I wish I could enter, then I would have them allll

  3. This series is totally new to me but sounds like a lot of fun! I’m still fairly new to urban fantasy and really only have one series under my belt. I’m still sorting out what kind of UF I like (what kinds of characters, creatures, magic, etc).

  4. This giveaway is awesome! I'm crossing my fingers :)

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape
