
Saturday, July 6, 2019

Sunday Post #35

The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week.

I was a little MIA last week because I just started a health/fitness program and it took me a while to work out all the nutrition. I'm not really looking to lose weight, just a few pounds (lol, can't ever remember not saying/wanting that) but I'd like to eat healthier, and get my weight distributed better. It's a constant challenge since I've hit my 40's, more so now that I'm close to 50.  I love the recipes and workouts and the whole positive mindset so far. Anyhow, that's what's been eating up my time, but I feel like I've got a handle on it now.  Here's another pic of hydrangeas (featured one last week too) I spotted while exercising around the neighborhood. So pretty, right? Can you tell I love hydrangeas? I have a couple planted in my yard but there not as big as these ones yet.


Loved Someone to Honor, Mary Balogh's Westcott series continues to shine.  Even Tree Nymphs Get the Blues was a part of my free Audible Membership picks, a novella. It was fun as most Molly Harper books are. Nothing Stays Buried was another win in the Monkeewrench series. I'm on the next book already in preparation for the newest release coming. 

Received/Purchased/Library Lend:

Love Allison Brennan's thriller/romantic suspense books, so I was happy to see a new one out and snatched it up at the library. I'll probably buy the audio copy too. It's been a while since I read a Carolyn Brown and I've been missing her cowboy romances! I couldn't resist Suzanne Wright's newest. Her stories are always so much fun!


Murder Mystery was meh for me. This one had so much potential, but it seemed like they were just improv-ing the whole movie.  Either that or their writers weren't very good. I feel like they could've made this marriage-in-rut/mystery into a clever romp, revitalizing their marriage in the process, but it was just stupid jokes, and mindless running around, IMO. I will say the setting and scenery was beautiful, but it was a disappointment otherwise.

How was your week? 


  1. The hydrangeas are beautiful. I terrible at gardening. My roses survive in spite of me. Haha. It's been ages since I read a PJ Tracy book. Molly Harper's book looks fun. And I've been wanting to try something by Mary Balogh. Murder Mystery hasn't really caught my eye, although I keep seeing ads for it. That's too bad it wasn't better. I hope you enjoy your new books! Have a great week!

    1. I'm okay at gardening, I just don't have much time to do it. Also, the heat here makes it difficult. You have to plant at the right time and in the right place, especially for plants like hydrangeas. It's one of the reasons I'm so in awe over a big beautiful one because I know it's hard to grow them here.

      Thanks! Hope you do too. :)

  2. Beautiful pic! And good luck with the nutrition program! I went vegetarian recently and it's been all about adjustments, but I'm actually liking it (well, except at 4th of July and whenever I smell meat on the grill haha- I may cheat from time to time lol).

    Murder Mystery- for a split second I thought that was Tom selleck, then I looked closer and was like- why did I think that?? Tom would have to be a bit younger! Haha I'm losing it... :):)

    1. Yeah, completely cutting out certain foods is hard, especially if you love them. I don't think eating them once in a while is bad. Everything in moderation.

      He does kind of look like him, right? I'm a fan of Tom Selleck. :)

  3. Those are some gorgeous hydrangeas! And good for you about the fitness program! I'm starting a fintess challenge too on Monday! It's hard doing these changes in your lifestyle, but I try keeping in mind that it will feel good in the end. LOL!
    Good luck this week and happy reading!

  4. Lovely flowers :D

    Heh, I liked it, mostly cos it took no brainpower to watch, and I adore that.

  5. Hydrangeas always look so lush, more flower than shrub. That fascinates me.

    I am always interested in eating more healthy and getting more exercise. Please keep us updated on your progress.

    We decided to pass on Murder Mystery. Your thoughts confirm what I'd heard.

    Have a great week.

    1. I will. So far it's working out great and the recipes are delicious, and not too laborious to make. I like the workouts, and I can already feel some results.

      Yeah, don't waste your time with Murder Mystery unless you want some mindless show to play while cooking or something.

      Thanks! You too! :)

  6. Those hydrangeas look so gorgeous!
    Good luck on your program! If you ever need healthy recipes, DM me on Twitter! I work with a couple who owned a vegetarian /vegan restaurant and most of their customers were people who weren't vegetarian nor vegan but they absolutely loved their vegan food. So let me know :)
    Genesis @ Whispering Chapters

    1. Thanks, Genesis! The program I joined has a few cookbooks and I've tried several of the recipes and they've all been delicious! :)

  7. Good luck with the Health/Fitness program Rachel! This is a very wise idea as being close to my fifties too I know the struggle is real ;-)

    1. Thanks, Sophie. Yes, I see a whole range of aging people working at a hospital, 50 year olds who look/feel 90 and then 80 year olds who look/feel 60. I want to be the latter, so I'm always trying to beat back those years. :)

  8. I love hydrangeas, too. My favs are the purples.
    Woohoo for finding a healthy regime that you like and makes you feel good about getting to your better health and a few pounds lost goal.
    Loved Someone to Honor, too. Oh, I enjoyed Cowboy Rebel. Hope you do, too.

    Have a great week, Rachel!

    1. I think the blue are my favorites, but I don't see many of them.

      Thanks, Sophia Rose! :)

  9. Those flowers look lovely. Congrats on the workouts and sticking to the schedule. I hope you have a great week ahead.

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes

  10. I want to eat healthier too! I was doing really well for quite awhile, but in the last year I've gained 40 pounds from eating too much fast food, and sweets. My husband and I just bought a juice and are going to be doing a raw. fruits and vegetable cleanse for a month from mid July to mid August. I'm tired of feeling uncomfortable and all of my clothes being too tight in the waist. I agree with your thoughts on Murder Mystery. It was just ok for me too! Good luck with your new health plan Rachel! Happy reading all of your awesome new books :)

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

  11. Good luck on your new health/fitness program! Oh, those flowers are truly beautiful. I'm actually swooning. Also, I felt the same about Murder Mystery. It just didn't fully work for me!

  12. I need to work on losing some weight myself. Hope you have a good week!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays

  13. I need some of your motivation. You are always running and now you are changing your diet. I totally admire you. Good luck!

  14. Your flowers are gorgeous. I can barely keep mums alive! I have no skill with plants. Enjoy your books-they look good!

  15. I've been wanting to watch Murder Mystery. I'm sorry to hear it's a dud!!
    The struggle to stay healthy as we hit a certain age is so hard. I feel like it just keeps getting harder every year! Good luck with the new routine!

  16. Sorry to hear Murder Mystery wasn't that great - I've read similar things, so you aren't alone! Good luck with your new fitness/healthy eating. I really need to get better with that too.


  17. My hydrangeas are suffering from the heat and dry spell we are having. I water them and they perk up only to droop hours later. We need a good rain.

  18. Those hydrangeas are lovely! I enjoy Molly Harper’s sense of humour.. I haven’t read the Mystic Bayou series yet though.

    Have a great reading week, and good luck with your new regime

  19. Hydrangeas remind me of the home I grew up in. We had loads of them in the garden. :)

    I've just borrowed via KU the first book in that Suzanne Wright series. It's been a while since I read some PNR.

  20. Love the hydrangeas! I have one small one in front of the house but only because it was there when we bought the place last year. LOL I have NO green thumb at all so it’s a miracle it’s even lasted this long. Hope you’re having a great week,Rachel!
