
Saturday, November 7, 2020

Sunday Post #96


The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week.

Last weekend one of our cats went missing which is not like him at all. I figured he was gone, but keep checking the local shelter's website to see if he may show up. We traveled up to our daughter's house Thursday afternoon when we spotted photos uploaded that looked exactly like our cat and I was beside myself. We loaded up at 4am to go back home so we could show up at the shelter and hopefully reunite with out cat. Turns out this was not our cat. My heart broke all over again.  My poor sweet kitty is probably gone for good. Our other cat is out of sorts, as well, since they were good friends and hunting buddies. I've received lots of "presents" from these two over the years. Nothing says "I love you mom" like a dead rat/mouse at your door.

My missing kitty.

We finally have some proper Fall weather and I was thrilled to get rain last night and today. We even had a double rainbow. Rain is the perfect weather for my mood.

Click on cover for Goodreads link:

Loved Burning Bright, the second Peter Ash book! Already have the next downloaded ready to go. Waiting on a Cowboy was entertaining except for some naivete on the heroine's part. I'm looking forward to the next book. Crazy Stupid Bromance was my favorite in the series, but all were a lot of fun. Claiming the Rancher's Heir was also a win for me!

Received/Purchased/Library Lend:


I haven't read any of the books. The movie was entertaining, but nothing that knocked my socks off. 

How was your week?


  1. Oh I'm so sorry about your kittie! That's heartbreaking! I pray and hope that he will return but if not sending lots of sympathy and well wishes your way.

    Beautiful 2nd pic!

    Katherine Heigl is fun.

  2. HI there Rachel! I'm so sorry about your kitty. Me and Elza sends big virtual hugs. You are welcome to come and visit her anytime.

    I haven't seen One for the Money yet and didn't even know it was based on a book!

    Hope your week will be good. Be kind to yourself. Here's my The Sunday Post #17

    1. Thank you! I appreciate it. :)

      Yeah, I haven't read the series, but I guess Stephanie Plum is a popular one.

  3. I'm so sorry about your cat ! But maybe he is locked up somewhere in a garage or a garden shed ? This happened to my cat, the neighbours were gone for a week and the cat was locked up for a week... Fingers crossed !

    1. You never known, but that would be kind of awful! No water or food I'm guessing. I'll keep checking the shelter and the neighborhood.

  4. Rachel, as a fellow cat owner, I am sending you lots of love and sympathy for the loss of your dearly loved kitty. I pray he can be found but if not that you, your family and other cat will find some peace. 🙏❤

    1. Thank you, Jessica! As you know, they feel like a member of the family. :)

  5. I'm sorry about your cat! I've had one go missing before too and it is just awful... Don't give up though! Our Freya (who never used to leave the garden) came back after 10 days. Worst 10 days ever though.
    *virtual hug*

  6. I am so sorry to hear about your kitty. ((HUGS)) Yeah, you have Man Down. I hope you enjoy it! I was looking at One Hot Holiday. It looks fun. Will be waiting to hear your thoughts.

  7. My sister got a call from her plumber to say her cat had been in the back of his truck and ran away when he got to his house. He lives 30 miles away from my sis. Three weeks later Alex arrived back by herself, thin & unwell, but she made it. Don't give up hope.

    1. Wow, another story giving me hope! You never know, I guess. Thank you for sharing that!

    2. Forgot to say, Kate, I don't know how to find you or your blog so I can comment back. I feel bad because you stopped by last week and commented, too. Please leave a link so I can visit you, too! :)

  8. So sorry to hear about your cat. I have heard to leave food outside and they will come back when they get hungry. I hope your kitty comes back! <3

    I hope this week is a good one for you!

  9. Oh, I'm really sorry to hear about your kitty. I hope nothing bad has happened to it. That rainbow in your pic is a reminder to keep positive so I hope you will find your kitty.

  10. I am so, so sorry to hear about your cat, Rachel. I hope there's still a chance that he'll show up, having just had an adventure and glad to be home.

    I've yet to read anything by Kate Meader but the synopsis of this latest one has me very interested. Especially after seeing some great reviews this week.

    1. Thank you, Tanya! I hope so, too.

      I've loved this series by Kate Meader! I think you'd probably enjoy it, too, especially since it's a hockey romance.

  11. Oh I'm so sorry about your missing cat. That is heartbreaking! Hugs!

  12. I love the Stephanie Plum series! The movie was awful but the books are so much fun! Have a wonderful week!

  13. Oh nightmare! I hope he will find his way home, and if not rest in peace kitty

  14. I am so sorry for your missing Kitty rachel! I still hope you'll find him soon.

    1. Thank you, Sophie! I don't have much hope, but we'll see.

  15. I'm so sorry that your kitty has gone missing. I hope he comes back.

  16. sorry about your kitty. i don't have pets because i can't stand losing them. i hope he comes back. while you're waiting, it looks like you have some great books to keep you busy
    sherry @ fundinmental

  17. Double heartbreaking for sure. I hope your kitty is the longshot and finds its way back to you.
    I'm glad to hear how much you loved Crazy Stupid Bromance since I've got that one to read still. :)

    Have a good week, Rachel!

    1. Yes, I got my hopes up so much. Hope you enjoy it. You too, Sophia! :)

  18. I'm so, so sorry about your missing cat. Fingers crossed he finds his way back.

  19. I’m am so sorry about your missing kitty, I hope he finds his way home.

  20. I'm so sorry about your cat. I will say, don't give up hope just yet. I once had a dog go missing for four months only to be recovered some 30 miles across the city.

    1. Omg! That's some story, and it does give me hope. I'd like to know what happened to him in the interim. Thanks, Ethan!

  21. I'm so sorry about the kitty. We love our Lulu and even if the gate to the backyard is open she prefers to stay with us, waits for us in the house to go up or downstairs Our weather is going to go rainy midweek and the cool down about 10-15 degrees. I read about the first 15 Stephanie Plum books before I got sick of them being ridiculous and all kind of the same. I haven't seen the movie. I hope you have a great week with some good books!

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. Thanks, Anne. This isn't like Lynx at all. He doesn't stray far from the house at all which is why I don't really think I'll see him again.

      Yeah, I don't think you're missing out by not watching the movie. I did a lot of eye rolling with the ridiculous/TSTL things she did. Not sure if her character behaved the same way in the books, but if so I'm sure I wouldn't continue with the series either. Plus, it seems there's sort of a love triangle that still is going on after many books! No thank you.

      I hope you have a great week, too! :)

  22. Oh! I'm so sorry for your cat. I hope you find him soon!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  23. Oh my god, I am so so sorry about your cat. I know you must be devastated. I hear stories about cats that show up after awhile though, so I'll keep thinking of you and hope that he comes home soon.


    1. I am. I hope that I have some fantastic story to share of him returning, but I don't think that'll happen.

  24. Hugs. Sorry about the cat. I hope he’s just hiding somewhere and turns up soon.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!
