
Saturday, July 24, 2021

Sunday Post #129


The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week.

It's been another week of 100 degree temperatures and I'm so done with Summer. Thankfully, we'll drop into the 90s this next week. Still, I guess this might be the new normal thanks to climate change, which is disturbing. 
This weekend I've been cleaning out our kitchen cabinets since they got coated with layers of sanding dust from painting the shell last weekend. I'm weeding out things we don't use that often and ordered new shelf paper, too. Anyone else hate doing shelf paper as much as I do? We got all the new appliances in as well. The last things to do are the backsplash tile and the ceiling lights. It's all coming together! Maybe in a month I'll have our before and after photos to share. 

Click on cover for Goodreads link

All three books were a win, but False Witness and Last Guard were standouts for me! 

Received/Purchased/Library Lend:
Click on cover for Goodreads link

Didn't know there was a new J.R. Ward series, but it sounds really good! 


Four of the eleven books I'm giving away HERE.


Really liked this one! More than I thought I would. 

How was your week?


  1. Your kitchen sounds like it's coming along! And ugh that heat would be a killer. It's been mild here0 unseasonably so for Michigan- and I have to say I love it, but I feel for everyone roasting in the hot temps!

    I was curious about that show!

    1. I guess all of us here in the West are having a heat wave. Climate change is no fun!

  2. I do not want that heat, but I could take some rain and less winds. We have these Arctic winds so even if it is warm is is COLD

    1. I hate freezing wind! Makes it hard to do anything outside.

  3. Sounds like solid kitchen progress! I do love seeing before and after photos so I will await those with bated breath! 'False Witness' sounds amazing, I might need to get my hands on that one, although I prefer reading thrillers when its chilly and it's currently boiling here as well!
    Juli @ A Universe in Words

    1. False Witness was amazing! I like reading thrillers in the Summer, too. Sometimes by the pool. Stay cool, Juli! :)

  4. Ugh, those temps sound miserable. Better to stay inside and enjoy that new kitchen. :) Can't wait to see photos! I remember seeing a trailer for The Tomorrow War and it looked pretty exciting!

    1. Yes, when it's that hot you can't hardly do anything outside unless you're in the pool. I've been doing a lot of reading inside with the AC blasting. Thank goodness we updated it a few years back. The Tomorrow World was a lot of fun!

  5. Yeah for all your books being hits this week. Always a good thing. so exciting when a plan comes together too. Can't wait to see the kitchen

  6. The Tomorrow war didn't make sense to me at all.... But I'm not really that good with sci-fi, so maybe I should rather just stay clear!

    Very curious about the new Karen Slaughter, glad you enjoyed it so much!

    Have a good week and happy reading.

    Elza Reads

    1. False Witness was sooo good! Sorry you weren't too keen on The Tomorrow War. You too, Elza!

  7. I have mixed feelings about watching the tomorrow war. I've heard it has plot holes out the wazzoo. What did you think?

    1. I didn't notice any plot holes, but I was on a 2nd glass of wine so that may explain that, lol! I wasn't really watching it with a critical eye, and just had fun with it. Hope you like it, Sara. :)

  8. Ugh contact paper is such a hassle! Good luck! I'm excited for the new Karen Slaughter book for sure, and I loved both Last Guard and Isn't it Bromantic!

    1. I know, right?! Hate it! I hope you love False Witness! It was a 5 star read for me.

  9. You read some great books! I'm glad it's cooled slightly and your kitchen is coming together.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  10. I'm looking forward to seeing your before and after pictures of the kitchen.

  11. Don't get me started on shelf paper. It's my nemesis. ;) Glad the temps are coming down a little for you and you had a fab reading week. Look forward to seeing those pictures. I'm curious about JR Ward writing werewolves, too.

    Have a good week, Rachel!

    1. I'm so bad at it! I think my husband is going to do it. I did one drawer yesterday and didn't cut it right, so I don't think he trusts me with the rest, lol!

      I want to start the J.R. Ward tonight.

  12. I;m so done with Summer too.. Seems like all the crazies come out during the Summer and stay inside when the weather gets cooler. Too much craziness here. lol

    1. Yeah, the heat does something to them! I find people are more angry in hot weather, which I guess is understandable. I get more cranky too. :/

  13. It's been so miserable hot this summer it's been hard to make myself go outside and do anything. But I don't necessarily want summer to end (because then I have to go back to work). I'd just like it to be 20-30 degrees cooler for the next month. Good luck finishing up your kitchen!

    1. Let's cross our fingers and hope for cooler weather, Lark! I don't even want to go outside now, and that's been really hard for me and my runs! I've gained weight because of it. :(

  14. Climate change is awful Rachel! Last summer we had close to 100°F here and this year we have apocalytpic floods!

  15. Meg Tilly wrote a book? Have your read her others?

  16. Ooo new appliances! That Karin Slaughter book looks good. Hope the weather cools off some in August

  17. Whew, that is too hot. It's been in the 90's this week and that's too hot for me unless I'm in a pool. LOL

