
Sunday, August 8, 2021

Sunday Post #131


The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week.

It's been a busy week at work with Covid cases going up. All but one of our patients were unvaccinated. I hope it doesn't get worse. I'm not prepared mentally for the insanity after last Thanksgiving. 

It continues to be hot here in Southern California last week over 100 degrees every day, this week will be marginally cooler. I looked up the month on my weather app and it shows we're supposed to have the same through September! My roses and other flowers still bloom, but they're sad a shriveled, and I don't want to be outside for any length of time. Thankfully, my husband has agreed to go jogging with me since it's not cool enough to venture out until it's almost dark. 

Click on cover for Goodreads link

To Sir, With Love was cute. The plot follows the film, You've Got Mail closely, which was okay since it's one of my all-time favorite rom-coms. Say Goodbye was fantastic! Engagement and Espionage features my favorite couple of the series, Jenn and Cletus. The book was hilarious, even more so by audio as Joy Nash's performance is sooo good! The plot was a little on the frustrating side, but still a fun "read".

Received/Purchased/Library Lend:

I'm excited for April and Mitch's story in Well Matched! Love Sandra Brown and was excited to get a physical copy from the publisher of Blind Tiger since I was declined on Edelweiss. Strange...
Radar Girls is a library audio copy I requested after seeing Sophia Rose's praise. Looking forward to it!


Love Sandra Brown!


Yep, went on a Twilight re-watch! My daughter said she was re-watching them, so of course I had to. Cheesy and fun and boy, they bring back memories! I think I read all the books six times or more! They're all on Netflix now, but I think I have all the DVDs. Easier just to click on Netflix, though, lol. Will be finishing with Breaking Dawn tonight or this week.  

How was your week?


  1. I also enjoyed To Sir With Love, mostly because I loved You've Got Mail, and it was so similar. I've been wanting to read Well Matched also.

    1. Yep, it seemed to follow the movie plot very closely. But I loved the movie so that was ok. I just wished that there was more couple time, more swoony kissing.

  2. I'm still waiting to get my hands on radar girls. It looks fantastic. We've had a cool weekend, but next week is supposed to be over 100 again. I'm up in Oregon.

    1. The heat wave we're having all over the West is insane! I love Oregon!

  3. Covid cases among the unvaccinated keep rising here in Utah, too. You'd think people would start to get a clue! It looks like you've got some good reading ahead of you. I'm excited to read Well Matched, too. :D

    1. I know! Especially since the new variants are more contagious. I can't wait for Mitch and April's story!

  4. I hope you are safe Rachel as california is burning right now! And I read radar Girls this week!

    1. I know! The fires depress me so much. I hate that this seems to be our new normal. I'm looking forward to Radar Girls!

  5. And we turned to Fall, and rain. But yes rain will be good

  6. All the Twilight movies are on Netflix so I re-watched all of them too. The first movie is still my favorite.

    I hope the Covid cases don't spike way back up there again. But I keep seeing so many who think it's no big deal and they have no fear of getting it. It's unreal.

    1. Yes, the first movie felt more true to the books in spirit, but the quality of the newer ones was better. No surprise as they had more money to work with.

      I'm crossing my fingers about the Covid resurgence. :(

  7. I have only seen each Twilight movie once. Though my daughter wasn't a Twihard, she did make me take her to see the films. I will never forget the last one. After that whole big fight sequence and, well, you know. The guy in front of me stands up and shouts, "You've got to be kidding me!" Then, he walked out and never came back. It was hilarious.

    1. I've seen the movies like 2xs through. The books were way better, IMO. Lol! That's hilarious! A lot of people were ticked about how the fight scene turned out. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the whole Jacob/Renessmae thing after all these years!

  8. It's so sad to see Covid going up with all the vaccines available. And wow that's hot! I hope you get a cooldown soon. Although it doesn't sound like it's going to much. Eek.

    It's funny how we often have DVD's but Netflix and streaming are just easier. :)

    1. The uptick in cases is troubling. I wish the heat would just go away, but I'm reading that with climate change this may be the new norm. Scary.

  9. This week was a bit cooler but this coming week is more HOT. Jenn and Cletus are my favorite couple too! And I'm excited for April and Mitch!

    Ugh covid. People need to get it together and do their part.

    I hope you get cooler but it's unlikely in August.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  10. That's awful work has been so crazy with Covid cases. I really wish more people would get vaccinated - help things out a little bit!


  11. I really feel for you, Rachel. Working in a hospital I know you must see and hear a lot firsthand. It certainly makes it very real instead of just abstract numbers delivered in a news report.

    I'm so excited for April and Mitch's story in Well Matched!

    It's always fun to watch the Twilight movies. So nostalgic. :)

    1. Thanks, Tanya! I hope it doesn't get too crazy but it seems like our numbers are growing. Me too! April needs a HEA! I just finished Breaking Dawn last night. Still a lot of fun!

  12. This heat wave we are all getting is insane, I am so done with it haha it is not a fun summer at all. I just want it to be over. Its always so strange to see how Edelweiss works.

    1. I'm so done with summer! I've heard Utah has had it pretty bad too. Hope we both get some relief, Renee!

  13. Glad you liked Say Goodbye! I love Karen Rose! Hopefully you get some relief from the heat! 100+ is just opressive.

  14. I should definitely do a Twilight re-watch. I think it would bring all the feelz back to me too!

    Weird how the weather over there and here is so different. It's been raining so hard and so much over here... But yeah, we both can't go out during the day, at least we have that in common, lol... :)
