
Sunday, September 4, 2022

Sunday Post #175---Super Late Edition...


The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week.

Hope everyone is enjoying the holiday weekend! Staying cool at least. We're on tract to have six days of over 100 degree weather. This heat wave is something else. Cooler than down south where I used to live, but still. We'll see if it reaches those temps because all the weather forecasts for my area seem to be off. The lows are off like 10 degrees, predicting higher than the actual. I have a couple of thermometers around the property because the temps didn't seem to match to me so I wanted to check. 

We're currently on our way home from East Bay San Francisco. We were at my daughter's house for the weekend. I went on a walk/run way too late because I was a little shaky from the heat when I got back. Didn't feel that great for the rest of the day.  We babysat the kids last night while she and her hubby attended a party. We took them out to dinner and then ice cream, read stories when we got home. It was a good night. 

Deer on my route trying to stay cool in the shade.

Click on cover for Goodreads link

Loved both Kit McBride Gets a Wife and The Broken Girls! Still behind on my review books, but I hope to read for the rest of today.

Received/Purchased/Library Lend:

I got an e-ARC but as I'm having trouble catching up with my review books I requested the audio from my library and it just came in. Sounds like a great thriller! 


How was your week?


  1. I'm glad you're having a good time visiting your daughter! The heat is crazy right now! I hope it doesn't get that hot for you. When it is that hot, I usually just stay indoors, lol. Have a great week!

    My Sunday Post

    1. I'm so glad we finally got a break in the heat after 10 days! Now I just have wildfire smoke to deal with. :( Thanks, you too!

  2. I hope you all get a break from the heat soon!

  3. Yeah, those high numbers consecutively would be an inferno. Hopefully, it won't be that bad. Glad you got back safe from your run when you started overheating.
    Kit McBride looks like a fun one. Cute Instagram shot.

  4. This weather is the pits. Hopefully you don't have any power issues (do they still do the rolling brown-outs?) I think we are supposed to be in the 80s this week. I am excited to see no 90s.

    1. Thank goodness the heatwave has finally broke! We're forecasted in the 80s going forward. Our power hasn't gone out lately but they kept threatening if we didn't conserve during peak hours. We have a generator so even if it did we're covered.

  5. Stay cool and safe. Regine

  6. I hope you get some cooler weather soon. Love those cowboy boots - they match perfectly.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. Thanks! We finally cooled down a bit. In the 80s now. I thought so too! Love that cute cover. :)

  7. We're in the middle of a heat wave, too. Record highs everyday. September is not supposed to be above 100. Hopefully it will cool down soon. Have a great week!

    1. I know, right? I feel like I haven't left Southern California! Finally we've had a break in our 10 day heat wave. Hope you got a break too!

  8. I hope you have a good time. We're having some hot temps right now too. It was 113 a few days ago.

  9. Oh wow- look at those deer! Sounds like you had a nice visit, but that heat... I hope you get a cool off soon. That's too hot.

    Happy Labor Day!

    1. Cute, right? One is a baby. Yes, it was too hot but thankfully the heat wave has broke. You too, Greg!

  10. Yeah this heat is pretty bad haha we are normally around 100 most afternoons, but thats summer and early fall temps in Utah haha I can't wait for cooler weather.

    1. Yes, I left Southern California to get away from the extreme heat, but they do say this weather is unusual for here. Hope you get cooler temps soon too!

  11. I'm impressed that you even try to run during the summer. I usually quit running when it gets hot and start again in the fall. I'm too much of a whiny baby to run in the heat. :)

    1. I usually don't, but I was feeling guilty about all the junk I ate. If I would've got out a little earlier it wouldn't have been so bad.

  12. That's too much heat to venture outside. I am a wimp! I am definitely interested in Kit McBride and have had The Broken Girls on my shelf for a long time. I hope that you have had a great week!

    1. Yeah, not my smartest move. I'm so happy it's cooled down a bit, but now I can't exercise outside because of the darn wildfire smoke that's blanketed our valley. You too, Carole!
