
Sunday, March 10, 2024

Sunday Post #243


The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week. I'm also linking up to The Sunday Salon hosted by Deb Nance @Readerbuzz.

Happy Sunday! I don't know about you, but I hate this particular time change, especially in the morning. I meant to get up earlier and set this post up, because I neglected doing it last night finishing a book I was reading. The morning came way to early! Now I'll be back to leaving in the dark again for work for the next few weeks because the sunrise here isn't until 7:22am. 

Weather has been cold and raining and our basement flooded with about 4 inches of water with the buckets it rained last weekend. My poor husband had to crawl around set up a pump to get all the water out. This is while it was raining/snowing (it couldn't make up its mind). Freezing cold! 

We had a couple of days of intermittent sunshine this week! I've been working out and running. 

Pictures from my runs and garden:

Knights plum moss on a tree

Daffodils in the garden

Camellia: Debutante

We're getting ready to leave for Cancun on Thursday. Of course the weather is going to be sunny and gorgeous with highs in the upper 60s here when we're gone. We're meeting my daughter, SIL, grandkids and another family down there. I'm excited!

(Click on cover for Goodreads link)

Dane's Mark by Lora Leigh:3 Stars
The New Couple in 5B by Lisa Unger: 4 Stars


Thank you to Berkley and Forever!


This cover is so pretty! And some wild daffodils from our yard to match!

How was your week?


  1. Have a great time with your family at the beach!
    best, mae at

  2. I'm not a fan of the time change either. And oh no about the flooding! I'm so sorry to hear that.

    I want to read the Unger book.

    1. Yes, the time change takes some getting used to. Fortunately the water is gone and the fan is drying everything up nicely.

  3. Beautiful flowers, which the rain is good for, but boo to flooding! Hope you get that all taken care of and don't have too much damage. Enjoy Cancun! Such a nice trip and the perfect time of the year. I'm not thrilled about this time change either!

    1. Yes, I'm happy to finally start seeing some blooms! We had a ton of rain so the flowers should be really pretty. The basement is drained and the dirt is drying out so it's all good. My husband made a more airtight door to enter. Hopefully that'll help for future deluges!

  4. I hate Daylight Saving too especially this one as we wake up at dark again!

    1. Ugh! I know it'll brighten again in a few weeks, but I hate leaving in the dark.

  5. I hate this particular time change, too! Getting up tomorrow for work is going to be so hard. And I'm so sorry your basement flooded. You guys definitely got way too much rain from those last storms. And have a great time in Cancun! It's such a fun place to visit. My family went there for Christmas once. The beaches are amazing. And I love all the Mayan ruins there, too. :D

    1. Me too! I do end up liking the extra daylight later in the evening but it takes me a while to settle into that earlier time to wake up. I'm not a morning person, lol! I like getting an extra hour in the fall. Thanks! I'm really excited to go to Cancun as I've never been. We usually go to Cabo this time of year, but I'm not a huge fan. It's super expensive for what is to me is like a desert (other than the resort) next to an ocean. Cancun is supposed to be more tropical from what I hear. I hope to get to those Mayan ruins, but my daughter said it's kind of far from where we're staying. I'll do some more pushing! :)

  6. Recipe for a Charmed Life has a beautiful cover. I hope you enjoy it.

    I am looking forward to seeing pictures from your trip to Cancun. It's a place I've always wanted to go. I bet it will be wonderful.

    1. I enjoyed the story, Deb. Especially the setting! It's my first time going to Cancun so I'm excited!

  7. I heard the government is talking about keeping DST again. I hope we really do this time. It's 2024, we don't need this. I had the time change today, and tomorrow, I head back to NJ which is an hour ahead. I will be all messed up. Sorry about the flooding. March really is an unpredictable month, but at least you have vacation to look forward to

    1. I really don't understand why we switch back and forth. I'm not a fan of the "spring ahead". Yep, the flooding sucked, but my husband has got it all sorted. Thank goodness!

  8. I'm done with this time change too! Spring is officially in the air this week, which means so is all the pollen. My allergies have been crazy haha

    1. I'm sorry you deal with allergies! It's miserable! I've haven't been affected by them and I'm so thankful!

  9. I love seeing the garden pictures. I like it being darker in the morning and lighter at night but not losing the hour so we are actually getting up an hour earlier. Have an amazing trip!

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. Thanks, Anne! I hope we do! It's so exciting to see the new blooms, at least it is to me!

  10. Enjoy your trip to Cancun. I have friends there right now and they are raving about the weather. I love the spring flowers that are popping up everywhere. I'm so sorry about the basement flooding, such a terrible thing to happen, especially just before you are leaving for a trip. Enjoy your new additions to your shelf.

    1. Oh, happy to hear that the weather is so nice in Cancun! I've never been so I'm really wondering how it'll be. I'm excited. The basement flooding is resolved for the most part. It's dirt down there and it's drying out with fans. All the water is gone, thank goodness!

  11. Water in the basement is no fun. Dealt with that twice last year. Definitely earned your lovely Cancun trip. Hope you love The Grave Robbery. Gorgeous blooms and yay for getting out on some runs.

    Have a good week, Rachel!
    Sophia Rose

    1. Oh, I'm sorry you had to deal with that, Sophia! It isn't fun at all! I'm so happy my husband was able to take care of it. It's dirt down there and currently drying out. I'm really enjoying Grave Robbery! I forget how clever and funny the books are! You too, Sophia!

  12. I'm not a fan of the time change. Those pictures look nice.
    Have a great week.

    1. I'm not a fan of the "spring ahead" either! I feel robbed of that last hour of sleep, lol!

  13. Oh wow Cancun! That sounds amazing!

    So sorry about the flooding and crawling around in the cold water. Hope the hubby didn't get sick after all that!

    I remember having to drive to work in the dark. Not fun! Bloody time careful out there!

  14. I'm not a fan of the time change either. Hope you have a great week. I have A Grave Robbery and Finding Mr. Write on my list too. Hope you enjoy them all.

  15. Sorry about the basement, but enjoy Cancun and your reading there! Have fun.
