Monday, February 29, 2016

Review, Spotlight & Giveaway: One Texas Cowboy Too Many by Carolyn Brown

Publication Date: March 1st 2016 by Sourcebooks Casablanca
Purchase Links: Amazon | BAM | B&N | Chapters | Kobo

About the book:

Carolyn Brown’s New York Times and USA Today bestselling cowboys prove that love is bigger in Burnt Boot, Texas 

She’s got too many cowboys on her hands
Leah Brennan has always been the good girl of the Brennan family, groomed to become the matriarch of the clan. When a dark-eyed, tattooed, ponytailed bad boy saunters into her life, Leah knows he’s off-limits—but his mesmerizing gaze makes her forget everything she used to think was important. As town-wide tension rises, Leah wonders if love really can conquer all…

And the whole town’s taking sides
When Rhett O’Donnell roars into Burnt Boot on a hot July evening, the first thing he sees is a beautiful blonde. She puts a little extra giddy-up in his heartbeat, but when Rhett’s desire throws him into the middle of a love triangle and a hundred-year-old feud, he realizes that winning his cowgirl’s heart will be a lot more complicated than he thought.

My Thoughts:
Leah Brennan is supposed to be the good girl of the bunch, and is expected to take over someday for her Grandmother, Mavis, at the River Bend Ranch.  Her family has been locked in a battle with a neighboring family, the Gallagher’s, for decades and Leah is sick and tired of the whole feud.  While she was in school she had her heart set on Tanner Gallagher, but growing up she realized that could never happen just because he’s a Gallagher.  No one would expect Leah to go against her Grandmother’s rules or wishes, but that’s exactly what she does when a sexy, dangerous looking cowboy arrives in town riding a motorcycle!  Rhett is smoking hot, with green eyes, and wavy hair, and a tattoo, but there’s more to this cowboy than his sinfully good looks.  He’s got a sweet heart and it’s immediately focused on Leah after he lays eyes on her. 

Rhett O’Donnell has come into town to work with his cousin Sawyer on Fiddle Creek Ranch.  He doesn’t expect to be dragged into the battle between the Gallagher’s and the Brennan’s, but Leah’s a Brennan so there’s no way around it.  In between ranching and bartending he strikes up a romance with Leah, and it isn’t long before his heart is long gone to this sweet and sassy schoolteacher. 

One Texas Cowboy Too Many was a sexy, fun, laugh out loud romance. When you see the title you may worry a bit about there being a love triangle, but trust, that was never a big concern as much as the Gallagher’s tried.  Rhett was the clear winner in Leah’s heart for the entire book.  They have a grown up romance without any petty drama. All the drama comes in the form of the Brennan and Gallagher feud.

In the Burnt Boot, Texas series there’s been a long ongoing feud between the Brennan’s and the Gallagher’s, and let me just say the fighting has been taken up a few notches with this installment.  I laughed over Mavis Brennan and Naomi Gallagher’s knock-down-drag-out, these old ladies can sure brawl with the best of them!  The hair piece had me giggling!  But at the same time the fighting has become serious and I’m worried someone will eventually get hurt or worse.  These matriarchs should be ashamed of themselves carrying on this ridiculous feud! Also, I was also furious with Mavis after learning her role in Leah’s mother, Eden, leaving!  I hope Eden becomes more a part of Leah’s life in the future. 

Carolyn Brown once again makes me swoon, laugh, and dream of living on my very own sprawling Texas ranch complete with a drop-dead-sexy cowboy, of course!

4 Suns

An Excerpt:
The Burnt Boot Bar and Grill was not exactly what Rhett expected. The parking lot was gravel, or at least it had been at one time. Now it was thinly distributed gravel on top of dirt with only one streetlamp to illuminate the whole place. The building was weathered wood that didn’t look as if it had ever seen a drop of paint applied. Hell, it might have even been petrified, as old as that sign swinging above the entrance. The roof was rusty sheet metal, and the only window in the place was the one in the door.
“Not what you thought it would be?” Sawyer asked when Rhett got out of his truck.
“Looks more like a barn than a bar,” he said.
“The inside is better—air-conditioning, jukebox, and even paint on the walls.” Jill laughed.
“I like the air-conditioned part best of all.” Rhett followed them inside.
The bar itself was only eight stools long and had a small area for grilling burgers and making fries behind it. There were no pool tables, which surprised Rhett. But not as much as the shelves holding loaves of bread, hot dog and hamburger buns, and a small assortment of prepackaged pastries, or the refrigerated section beside that, with milk, beer, wine, and soda pop behind sliding glass doors. The other end of the long, rectangular room sported a jukebox, a few mismatched tables with chairs around them, and a small area for dancing.
“After the store closes in the evening, folks can get milk and bread or beer in here,” Sawyer answered the unasked question.
“And I thought Comfort was a small town. I’m not sure this qualifies as a town.” Rhett chuckled.
Sawyer clamped a hand on his shoulder. “You’ll get used to it. Besides, you know what Grandpa says. To be a town, the place has to have a church and a place to buy beer or get a shot of whiskey. So by the O’Donnell qualifications, Burnt Boot passes the test.”
At nine o’clock, he’d filled a few pitchers of beer for folks who’d drifted in and out, and Sawyer had shown him the process of making burger baskets. Sparks danced around Jill and Sawyer every time they brushed against each other. It damn sure didn’t take a rocket scientist to know that their honeymoon wasn’t over.
Two lonesome, old cowboys sat in a back corner drinking beer and telling tall tales. The jukebox had gone quiet and Rhett had wiped down the bar so often that it was shiny clean. If every night was like that, he’d have to bring some rope to make a bridle or something to keep himself from dying of complete boredom.
“Why don’t y’all go on home? I can handle it for the next couple of hours,” Rhett said.
“If you’re sure, we won’t argue.” Jill removed her apron and hung it on a nail.
Sawyer didn’t waste a bit of time hanging his apron right beside hers. “We damn sure won’t. Can’t remember the last time we got to go home before midnight. Sweep up and put the chairs on the tables. We don’t do mopping unless there’s major spills. Here’s the keys. Be sure to turn off the grill and the lights.”
“Will do.” Rhett rolled the sleeves of his white T-shirt and wiped down the bar one more time.
Jill and Sawyer were gone less than five minutes when the door flew open and suddenly the bar was crowded to capacity. Someone plugged money into the jukebox, and in seconds it was going full blast, playing “Boys ’Round Here” by Blake Shelton. Folks wasted no time getting out onto the dance floor and making a long line to do a line dance. The noise level went from zero to one hundred so quick that it took a while for Rhett’s ears to adjust.
“Hey, Rhett, we need three pitchers of beer and about six red cups,” Kinsey yelled from the end of the bar.
He quickly filled the pitchers, set them on the bar, and stacked up six plastic cups. Kinsey handed him a bill and he made change.
“And when you finish that, I need two longneck bottles of Coors,” Betsy said from the other end of the bar.
It kept him hopping, keeping the beer orders filled, the money straight, and making a few pitchers of margaritas. Then there was a lull, and there she was, sitting on a bar stool, her light green eyes watching him. His heart threw in an extra beat and his chest tightened.
“Well, hello, did you just fall from heaven?” he asked.
“I’ll have a double shot of Jack on the rocks, so the answer is no. I don’t think angels drink whiskey, but it is a fine line,” she answered.
“So you are a Tennessee whiskey lady?” he asked.
“Tonight I am,” she said.

About the author:
NY Times and USA Today Bestselling author and RITA Finalist, Carolyn Brown, has published more than seventy books. She has written historical single title, historical series, contemporary series and single titles, cowboy romance and women’s fiction. These days she is concentrating on her two loves: romantic women’s fiction and cowboy romance. She and her husband, a retired English teacher, make their home in southern Oklahoma. They have three grown children and enough grandchildren to keep them young. When she’s not writing she likes to spend time in her back yard with her two cats, Boots Randolph Terminator Outlaw and Chester Fat Boy, and watch them protect the yard from vicious critters like field mice, crickets and spiders.

Connect with Carolyn Brown:

The lovely people of Sourcebooks Casablanca have provided the complete Burnt Boot, Texas series to giveaway to one lucky reader.  Simply fill out the rafflecopter for a chance to win. 

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Review & Giveaway: The Shadow by Sylvain Reynard

Publication Date: February 2nd 2015 by Berkley
Purchase Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Audible

About the book:

From the New York Times bestselling author of the Gabriel trilogy comes the hotly anticipated follow-up to The Raven, a sensual novel set in Florence featuring the dangerously intoxicating coupling of Raven and William…

Raven Wood’s vampyre prince has returned, pledging his love and promising justice for every wrong done to her. In the wake of their reunion, Raven is faced with a terrible decision—allow the Prince to wreak vengeance against the demons of her past, or persuade him to stay his hand. But there is far more at stake than Raven’s heart...

A shadow has fallen over the city of Florence. Ispettor Batelli will not rest until he uncovers Raven’s connection to the theft of the priceless art from the Uffizi Gallery. And while the Prince hunts a traitor who sabotages him at every turn, he finds himself the target of the vampyres’ mortal enemy.

As he wages a war on two fronts, he will need to keep his love for Raven secret, or risk exposing his greatest weakness...

My Thoughts:
Raven and William continue their passionate relationship in The Shadow, but there are things brewing in the background that become front and center by the end of the book. 

One of the things I like best about this series is Raven and William’s romance. There’s never a question about their love, they’re completely devoted to one another to the point of obsession.  No worries of a third party causing doubts here.  Instead of looking for their own gain, both Raven and William are selfless in their affections.  William, in a virtuous attempt to find justice for Raven makes some missteps that really cost her emotionally, but he meant well. Raven is a completely selfless character always looking out and protecting the downtrodden.  She’s slowly resurrecting William’s conscience by challenging his thinking and just by being around her, making him a better man.

As far as the plot, William’s brethren are scheming to overthrow him as Prince and take over the principality of Florence. William knows there’s traitor in his midst, but doesn’t know who or how far this traitor’s influence and plans go. The traitor’s identity isn’t revealed until the end.  It’s apparent that Aoibhe (pronounced: Ava) isn’t all that she seems to be.  I have to say I’ve disliked and distrusted Aoibhe from the beginning.

I didn’t understand Raven’s stance on (Highlight to see spoiler) becoming a vampire.(end of spoiler) Did it make me like her less? No. But still I don’t get it and can hardly believe that someone wouldn’t jump at the chance to (Highlight to see spoiler): live a long time. (end of spoiler).  Also why wouldn’t she at least Highlight to see spoiler) take some blood to heal her leg?\ Raven did surgeries to help fix it, and so how is taking the blood any different? Raven suffers through pain, and it’s completely unnecessarily. (end of spoiler) These issues continue to frustrate me somewhat and another strike against this story is the cliffhanger with no date listed for the third book. 

I’ve always wanted to go to Italy and now if I go Florence will be at the top of my list for stops. The city sounds like a Mecca of art and culture.

Sylvain Reynard’s writing is interesting, beautiful and descriptive without being overly done. I look forward to how everything will turn out. 

4 Suns

The lovely people of Berkely have provided a Paper Back copy of The Shadow by Sylvain Reynard to giveaway to one Waves of Fiction follower. Fill out the rafflecopter for a chance to win. Good luck!

Friday, February 26, 2016

Review: Magnate (Acquisition #2) by Celia Aaron

Magnate (Acquisition #2) by Celia Aaron
Published January 18th 2016 by Celia Aaron
Lucius Vinemont has spirited me away to a world of sugar cane and sun. There is nothing he cannot give me on his lavish Cuban plantation. Each gift seduces me, each touch seals my fate. There is no more talk of depraved competitions or his older brother – the one who’d stolen me, claimed me, and made me feel things I never should have. Even as Lucius works to make me forget Sinclair, my thoughts stray back to him, to the dark blue eyes that haunt my sweetest dreams and bitterest nightmares. Just like every dream, this one must end. Christmas will soon be here, and with it, the second trial of the Acquisition.

Full disclosure: This book is a dark romance with elements of slavery, violence, BDSM, and super-hot sex. It is the second book of a trilogy and ends on a cliffhanger. If you're good with these caveats, enjoy.

Coming April 2016 -- Sovereign, Book 3 of the Acquisition Series

My Thoughts
"Seven rules to see you through. Seven rules to live by. Seven rules to make it hurt. Seven rules to kill by."

Just as good as the first book, but still I need more!! Magnate is the second installment in the Acquisition series, and where I might have gotten a little more details about the dark rules to this game, I know the worst is still to come. Absolutely engrossing and disturbing!!

In book two of the Acquisition series, we witness Stella take part in the second of a four-part game that she is bound to for a year. The Sovereign calls the shots, and Sinclair Vinemont is doing his part to make sure his family wins this barbaric and sadistic game of power.

In Magnate, we got to see more of Lucius and Teddy Vinemont, who are Sin’s brothers. They each have a part in this antiquated game of supremacy, but in no way do they know how it will all play out. Only the eldest brother, Sinclair, is privy to the rules of the Acquisition.

The second game had me at the edge of my seat. I really thought when Stella partnered with her fellow Acquisition Gavin, they might have a chance to come out somewhat unscathed. What a mind fuck! I was absolutely captivated throughout this whole story. I want to know more… about Gavin, the rest of the games, how Sinclair will see it through and ultimately what will happen to Stella when it’s all over. I have no doubt she’ll survive, but at what costs???

I keep going back and forth as to whether I want her to stay with Sin. My mind says absolutely NOOO, but a piece of my heart knows that Sin has more he wants to give, but just can’t at this point in the games. Again… a true mind fuck in the best way possible! I need book three NOW!!
4 Suns

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Review: The Unsung Hero by Suzanne Brockmann

Publication Date: June 6th 2000 by Random House
Purchase Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Audible

About the book:

Suzanne Brockmann’s wildly popular Troubleshooters series showcases this master storyteller’s rare gift for blending intense adventure with sensuous romance. And it all begins with The Unsung Hero, a heart-pounding tale of love that reveals hidden truths and brings two solitary people together against all odds.
After a near-fatal head injury, Navy SEAL lieutenant Tom Paoletti catches a glimpse of an international terrorist in his New England hometown. When he calls for help, the Navy dismisses the sighting as injury-induced imaginings. In a last-ditch effort to prevent disaster, Tom creates his own makeshift counterterrorism team, assembling his most loyal officers, two elderly war veterans, a couple of misfit teenagers, and Dr. Kelly Ashton. As the town’s infamous bad boy, Tom was always in love with Kelly, a sweet “girl next door” who has grown into a remarkable woman. Now he has one final chance for happiness, one last chance to win her heart, and one desperate chance to save the day.

My Thoughts:
It’s not often that I call a romantic suspense novel beautiful and moving, but that’s exactly what The Unsung Hero was.  Really, this was three separate stories weaved together into one: a second chance romance between Tom Paoletti and Kelly Ashton, a longtime friendship between two WWII veterans (Tom’s great uncle, Joe Paoletti and Kelly’s father, Charles Ashton), and a romance between Tom’s niece, Mallory and David the geek.   

Tom’s back home with his Great Uncle Joe on thirty-day medical leave from his SEAL unit after a head injury nearly killed him.  As the longtime grounds-keeper for Charles Ashton, Uncle Joe lives on Charles’ property in a cottage by the main house.  When Tom was in high school he couldn’t ignore Charles’s beautiful, but underage daughter, Kelly.  They were good friends, talking under her tree house many a summer night, their attraction growing and growing until they shared a night of passion filled kisses.  Sixteen years later Tom still thinks of Kelly and she is still hurt by Tom’s sudden, unexplained departure.  Now that Kelly’s father Charles is dying, she’s back home, and with Tom back as well, all the old feelings and attraction come rushing back full force.

There was massive amounts chemistry between Tom and Kelly. Their longing was palpable, making their romance fiery once they finally get together.  It takes a bit for them to sort out exactly where they stand: hot temporary fling or forever? But I loved their journey!

Joe and Charles fought together with French resistance fighters back in World War II. They were lauded as heroes after the information they carried back to the Allied forces saved Charles’ company of troops: the Fighting Fifty-fifth.  After the war, Joe came back with Charles and became his grounds keeper, and reluctant best friend, but Joe’s hit hard with the news of Charles’ terminal illness.  Worse, at this fragile time they’re fighting because Joe has agreed to tell the story of their time in France to a reporter covering the Fighting Fifty-fifth’s reunion. Their story flops between the present and their dangerous time in France.  Love, tragedy, and heartache had me in tears several times over their story! 

Mallory Paoletti meets David, a geeky guy determined to get to know her, and can’t shake him.  David’s an artist working on a graphic novel and Mallory is his dream lead girl, Nightshade, so he wants her to pose for pictures.  After getting through Mallory’s tough defenses they form a bond, and Mallory starts to see the attractive man, inside and out, under all the geek trappings.  I swear, this was the sweetest romance! I was rooting for the geek from minute one!

The suspense part was actually more in the background in my opinion. Tom thinks he spots a terrorist called the Merchant at the airport and then again in town. He’s worried the Merchant has targeted the Fighting Fifty-fifth’s award ceremony since foreign dignitaries and important government representatives are attending. Convincing the higher-ups that the Merchant is back and poses a plausible threat is quite another thing.  Tom enlists the help of some of his SEAL teammates, and even Uncle Joe and Charles join in on the mission.

It does seem like a lot going on, but these stories converge and intersect seamlessly through Suzanne Brockmann’s talented and beautiful writing.  Each story was emotional and I was moved to tears more than once while reading.  I’ll definitely be reading the rest of this series, because The Unsung Hero was just lovely!

I must give a shout out to Eva at All Books Considered because she once again gave me a winning book recommendation! Thanks, Eva!

5 Suns

Connect with Suzanne Brockmann:

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Blog Tour Review & Giveaway: Counsellor (Acquisition #1) by Celia Aaron

Counsellor (Acquisition #1) by Celia Aaron
Publication date: September 28th 2015
Purchase Link:  Amazon
Genres: Erotica, Romance
In the heart of Louisiana, the most powerful people in the South live behind elegant gates, mossy trees, and pleasant masks. Once every ten years, the pretense falls away and a tournament is held to determine who will rule them. The Acquisition is a crucible for the Southern nobility, a love letter written to a time when barbarism was enshrined as law.

Now, Sinclair Vinemont is in the running to claim the prize. There is only one way to win, and he has the key to do it — Stella Rousseau, his Acquisition. To save her father, Stella has agreed to become Sinclair’s slave for one year. Though she is at the mercy of the cold, treacherous Vinemont, Stella will not go willingly into darkness.

As Sinclair and Stella battle against each other and the clock, only one thing is certain: The Acquisition always ends in blood.

My Thoughts:
“I’ve never been a good man. My darkness is neither restrained nor buried. It lives right at the surface. The only thing that hides it is my mask.”

Oh wow! That was absolutely dark, twisted and quite disturbing at times! Counsellor by Celia Aaron was exactly what I needed to shock my reading palette! This is the first novel in what I believe is a three book series, and I can tell you now, I have no intention of putting this down. On to book two!! I must see how this dark tale continues!

When Stella Rousseau decides to take Sinclair Vinemont’s offer of being his Acquisition for a year in exchange for her father’s release from a hefty prison sentence, she has no idea what she’s bargained for in this dangerous agreement. Living in the deep south, the Vinemont’s are among several powerful families in Louisiana that take part in a tournament held every ten years, where slavery and sadism are the basis of the game and losing is not an option. When Stella becomes Sin’s Acquisition, she’s immersed in a barbaric game that could cost her more than she ever thought to sacrifice.

Despite the pain and danger Sin puts Stella through, she never gives up hope that she will make it through the year she agreed to be a part of his sick game. It was heartbreaking to witness her being degraded and tortured in order to protect her father. I knew from the beginning that Stella was going to begin to fall for her captor, Sin, and as much as I don’t want it to happen I can see the appeal in this dark and hard-edged character.

"To want the touch of the devil was nothing short of a mortal sin."

Sinclair is nothing short of lethal, handsome, and absolutely motivated by the traditions of his ruling faction that has been a part of his history for over 150 years. There is plenty of darkness in him that guides every move he makes, but when he has brief moments of vulnerability you see the man he prefers to be.

Overall, I found myself captivated by this twisted tale. I wanted to know more about the Acquisition, as well as Sin’s parents who are mysteriously out of the picture but not out of the story. Celia Aaron does a great job at giving me just enough details to whet my appetite and have me scrambling for the second book. I am hooked!
4 Suns

Author Bio:
Hi, I'm Celia. Nice to meet you. Can you keep a secret?

I write smut. Gritty, dirty, delicious smut. This is a secret we can share. I'll do the writing. You do the reading. We have to keep our relationship quiet because I have a highly respectable day job. At night, I become markedly less respectable, as you will see.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoy my stories. And remember, it's our secret.

Sign up for my newsletter at to get information on new releases. (I would never spam you or sell your info, just send you book news and goodies sometimes). ;)

You can find me on:
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Be sure to enter this tour-wide giveaway for a chance to win a $15 Amazon Gift Card.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Review: Twisted by Cynthia Eden

Publication Date: April 28th 2015 by Avon
Purchase Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Audible

About the book:

In the second seductive LOST novel from New York Times bestselling author Cynthia Eden, an obsessed Last Option Search Team agent goes looking for trouble—and finds her in the Big Easy.

Dean Bannon comes to New Orleans for one reason only: to track down a missing sixteen-year-old girl. That's before he meets the drop-dead gorgeous con artist who makes him want to lose his legendary control.

With her past, Emma Castille doesn't claim to be psychic. She just notices things other people don't. Like the fear in a runaway's eyes—or the pain in an ex-FBI agent's heart. Her chemistry with Dean is blistering, but Emma follows her passion . . . not someone else's orders.

Then a madman breaks into Emma's home and leaves a twisted message: You're next. Now Dean refuses to let her out of his sight until he pries every last secret from her full, sexy lips. And suddenly Emma's aching to give him everything he wants.

My Thoughts:
Dean Bannon was an FBI agent until the bureau’s rules and delays led to the death in a case he was working.  After that he left the bureau to work for Last Option Search Team or LOST, a group of specialists in tracking down missing people.  Dean comes to New Orleans looking for a missing sixteen year-old girl, Julia.  It seems the last one to see Julia alive is Emma Castille, a street vendor with a knack for reading people. To Dean, Emma is just another con artist bilking the public out of money to hear her utter nonsense readings, but he soon finds her skills very handy to their case. Even with his doubts about Emma, he can’t deny the immediate attraction. She’s gorgeous and the more he gets to know her the more he realizes there’s to Emma than meets the eye.

Emma learned from her father to open her eyes and really look around.  She’s a pro at reading people and surroundings so well that some would mistake her as s psychic.  Emma has dealt with death and darkness before, losing her father in the process. She wants to find Julia so much she isn’t afraid when the abductor targets Emma, as well. 

Twisted was everything I want from a romantic suspense novel: action, danger, twists and passion.  This is the kind of story you want to read straight through to find out exactly how it all turns out.  It was easy to get behind Dean and Emma’s instant and intense connection.  Being faced with life and death situations really boiled down what was most important to them and they got to know each other at a deep level quickly. Their romance was hot and desperate, and I thoroughly enjoyed it!

Even though I did guess who the killer was before it was revealed there was danger and twists at every turn making this one exciting read!  I’m very intrigued by the next installment, Shattered, where Dr. Sarah Jacobs, a criminal psychologist in the LOST group, is paired up with Jax, a guy definitely on the wrong side of the law.  Can’t wait!

I switched back and forth from the audio version to the e-copy and I have to say Abby Craden’s narration is amazing.  Her voice lends a sultry and dark edge to the story I really enjoyed!

4 Suns

Monday, February 22, 2016

Review: Marrow by Tarryn Fisher

Marrow by Tarryn Fisher 
Published April 18th 2015 by Tarryn Fisher
In the Bone there is a house.

In the house there is a girl.

In the girl there is a darkness.

Margo is not like other girls. She lives in a derelict neighborhood called the Bone, in a cursed house, with her cursed mother, who hasn’t spoken to her in over two years. She lives her days feeling invisible. It’s not until she develops a friendship with her wheelchair-bound neighbor, Judah Grant, that things begin to change. When a neighborhood girl, seven-year-old Neveah Anthony, goes missing, Judah sets out to help Margo uncover what happened to her.

What Margo finds changes her, and with a new perspective on life, she’s determined to find evil and punish it–targeting rapists and child molesters, one by one.

But hunting evil is dangerous, and Margo risks losing everything, including her own soul.

My Thoughts
“…humans are built to live with pain. Weak people let their pain choke them to a slow, emotional death. Strong people use that pain… they use it as fuel.”

Well that was all sorts of twisted... I can always count on Tarryn Fisher to mess with my head and lead me into a somewhat disturbing journey that can take what at first I think is an ordinary character and make them into a monster I refuse to hate.

In this case, we meet Margo Moon who was raised in Bone Harbor in what she refers to as the eating-house. The Bone is in her marrow. It’s complacency and fear handed down from generation to generation and Margo is just one of the many people there that are stuck among killers, baby beaters, rapists and worse. When a little girl goes missing and Margo begins to uncover the horrific details of a crime in the marrow of her town, she begins to take matters into her own hands and deal out just punishment.

"I smile halfheartedly at the crescent moon. Some people see a thumbnail clipping, but I see a curved mouth. The moon is wicked, jealous of the sun. People do bad things in the dark, under the hallow gaze of the moon. It’s smiling at me now, proud of my sin. I’m not proud. I’m not anything. An eye for an eye, I tell myself. A beating for a beating."

There are so many parts of this novel that I have highlighted. Whether it was because the passage sounded poetic or Fisher simplify captivated me with her twisted brilliance, I could not put this book down! I’ll admit, I had no intention of reading Marrow, but after learning that Muslim Black has a debut appearance in this novel, I just had to check it out! Little did I know that Marrow also has a tie into Mud Vein. Tarryn Fisher is nothing short of an evil genius! It’s actually somewhat scary how she has all of these dark tales somewhat entwined with one another. To know Fisher’s imagination has no bounds is scary and exhilarating all at once!

Overall, Marrow is disturbing, captivating, dark, twisted and absolutely addictive. That seems to be what I’ve been in the mood for lately… I can’t wait to see what Fisher has in store for Muslim Black and if Margo Moon will be the dark avenger. Bring it on!
4 Suns

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Spotlight & Giveaway: Worth the Trouble & Worth the Wait by Jamie Beck

In author Jamie Beck's contemporary romance series, the St. James siblings—Catalina, David, and Jackson—have everything going for them: looks, successful careers, and status. Under that veneer of perfection, however, lurk secrets, guilt, self-doubt, and resentment. But luckily, they’re not alone. As they navigate the highs—and devastating lows—of their personal and professional lives, they discover the redemptive power of love and realize one universal truth: family matters. And all we really need is somebody to lean on.

Worth the Trouble (St. James, #2) Worth the Wait (St. James, #1) 

Learn more about the siblings below and get ready for Catalina's story with a sexy excerpt from her book:

Worth the Trouble Excerpt:

As soon as Cat answered her door, Hank noticed her fidgety hands and caffeinated gaze. 

“Sorry I’m late.” He stepped inside. 

“That’s fine.” A tentative smile spread across her face. 

“Mind if I grab some bottled water?” 

She gestured toward the kitchen and then followed closely behind him, practically skipping. He unscrewed the cap and took a swig, squinting at her. “What’s up? You’re a bundle of energy today.” 

Clasping her hands in front of her body, she swayed side to side. “I’ve been considering your conditions.” 

“Have you?” His body flushed with prickly heat. He set the bottle on the counter. “Are you about to dazzle me with facts and figures already?” 


Deep disappointment pierced his heart, like a pin to a balloon. Foolishly, he’d dared to hope she’d agree—that like him, she’d been overcome with longing. “Well, it’s probably for the best. Maybe in a few years the timing will be better for this business idea.” 

“Oh, you misunderstand.” She wet her lips and stepped closer. “I’m accepting your terms, but I’m not nearly done researching. I am, however, prepared to ‘dazzle you’ with that second condition.” 

“You are?” 

“I am.” 

He blinked in disbelief, even as his heart galloped in anticipation. “But what if we can’t agree about the business risks? Maybe we should wait . . .” 

Absolutely not what he wanted, yet he had to make sure she was ready to take this step. 

“I don’t want to wait.” She boldly met his stunned gaze. 

His feet wouldn’t move. In fact, his whole system seemed to be shutting down from shock. 

“Hank?” She tilted her head, peering curiously at his frozen body. “Please don’t tell me you’ve changed your mind. I really can’t start my day with a serving of humiliation.” 

Without speaking, he reached for her face with both hands and then claimed her mouth with his own. Her hands caressed his shoulders before her fingers threaded into his hair. Every inch of his skin tingled in response to her touch. 

The room around them fell away as he became absorbed by the citrusy taste of her mouth. Euphoria spread through him like helium, lifting his heart, making him weightless. 

This woman he fiercely desired wanted him, too. This moment—the truth of it—seemed as beautiful yet fragile as porcelain. Something his calloused hands could easily break if mishandled. But the scent of her hair and soft skin beneath his fingers made him anything but careful. 

A groan rumbled in his chest. Without breaking contact, he kissed her harder, his tongue engaged in heated dance with hers, his arms squeezing her tighter against his body. He acted on pure instinct, couldn’t think, didn’t really know what he was touching, but needed to feel every gorgeous inch of her body. 

“Cat,” he growled as he tore his mouth away and dragged it down the length of her neck. Appreciative little noises coming from deep in her throat heightened his arousal. He slid his hands down to her waist and then cupped her bottom, tugging her against his raging erection. “I want you so much. So much.” 

She inched her leg up his, wrapping it around his thigh. “No one’s stopping you.” 


About Worth the Wait, St. James Book 1

Thirteen years ago, Vivi LeBrun was sketching a rooster and eating Oreos when she first met—and fell for—her friend’s brother, David St. James. Since then, her love for David has only intensified thanks to years of friendship with his family, who rescued her from a lonely, tumultuous childhood. As she travels to Block Island to vacation with the St. James siblings, Vivi daydreams about reuniting with David, hoping he’ll finally see her as his soul mate.

After his mother’s death, David distanced himself from his siblings, determined to hide a devastating family secret. Now, he’s brought a new girlfriend along to his homecoming—one who’s pushing for a serious commitment. The last thing he needs on his growing list of problems is his budding attraction to Vivi.

With tensions running high, David’s behavior triggers a series of events that might cost him the love he’s always taken for granted and Vivi the only real family she’s ever known.

About Worth the Trouble, St. James Book 2 

Cover girl Cat St. James’s picture-perfect life is anything but flawless. Luckily, she’s a master of hiding the truth from the camera. Relying on that skill, she conceals her latest secret from her family while attending her brother’s wedding. Her only trouble now is Hank Mitchell—the soft-spoken carpenter she’d once brushed aside. Seeing him at the reception underscores her private heartache and ignites unwelcome longing, which she promptly drowns in champagne.

Hank is no stranger to sacrifice, having set aside his own ambitions to take care of his family. One thing he won’t forsake is his pride, which Cat already wounded once. But when the maddening beauty’s reckless behavior forces him to rush to her rescue, he sets in motion a series of events that leads Cat to make a business proposal granting him his dream job.

When Cat and Hank mix business with pleasure, promises and secrets unravel, and each must decide if and what they’ll surrender for love.

About Author Jamie Beck

Jamie Beck is a former attorney with a passion for inventing realistic and heartwarming stories about love and redemption, including her popular St. James and Sterling Canyon series. In addition to writing novels, she also enjoys dancing around the kitchen while cooking, and hitting the slopes in Vermont and Utah. Above all, she is a grateful wife and mother to a very patient, supportive family. 

Connect with Jamie Beck:

As part of this Spotlight the we have 3 Print Copies of Worth the Trouble up for grabs.  Just click on the link for a chance to win:

Friday, February 19, 2016

Review: Fall from India Place (On Dublin Street #4) by Samantha Young

Fall from India Place (On Dublin Street #4) by Samantha Young
Published June 3rd 2014 by NAL 
The New York Times bestselling author of On Dublin Street and Down London Road returns with a story about letting go of the past and learning to trust in the future…

When Hannah Nichols last saw Marco D’Alessandro, five long years ago, he broke her heart. The bad boy with a hidden sweet side was the only guy Hannah ever loved—and the only man she’s ever been with. After one intense night of giving into temptation, Marco took off, leaving Scotland and Hannah behind. Shattered by the consequences of their night together, Hannah has never truly moved on.

Leaving Hannah was the biggest mistake of Marco’s life, something he has deeply regretted for years. So when fate reunites them, he refuses to let her go without a fight. Determined to make her his, Marco pursues Hannah, reminding her of all the reasons they’re meant to be together.

But just when Marco thinks they’re committed to a future together, Hannah makes a discovery that unearths the secret pain she’s been hiding from him, a secret that could tear them apart before they have a real chance to start over again...

My Thoughts
Fall from India Place is a great addition to the Dublin Street series! Amazing former secondary characters that get a moment in the spotlight and find a place in my heart.

In Fall from India Place, we get to know Hannah and Marco a bit more as they share their story. Up until know, I've only known Hannah as Ellie's younger sister that loved to read books and hung out in the periphery of several former story lines. In this installment, Hannah is all grown up and teaching at a local Edinburgh high school. She really has her life together, but there is one part of her past that seems to keep her from forming any sort of meaningful relationships. When Marco comes back into her life, we discover what exactly happened between these two that shaped who they became and how they decide to move forward.

I must have cracked some sort of subconscious literary code because as of late, I seem to predict outcomes and turn of events too soon in the story. I saw the twist coming a mile away, but that didn't stop me from enjoying Hannah and Marco's journey. I really enjoyed seeing the relationship between Hannah and Cole that proved they have a solid friendship between each other. What a great pair of friends. It was also nice to revisit old characters as their families grow and prosper.

Overall, Hannah and Marco had a lovely story to share. One that's filled with a painful past, a struggling present and a hopeful future. Samantha Young makes her characters work for their happy ending... As it should be.
4 Suns

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Review & Giveaway: The One for Me by Sydney Landon

Publication Date: February 2nd 2016 by Signet
Purchase Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo

About the book:

The New York Times bestselling author of Watch Over Me delivers a steamy new novel of irresistible attraction in her popular Danvers series.

Mark DeSanto has never denied himself anything—especially in the bedroom. Rich, attractive, and successful, men envy him and women desire him. But when a sweet, guileless beauty faints at his feet, he suddenly finds himself wondering if it’s time to look for something more lasting...

Until her divorce, Crystal Webber never knew what it was like to follow her heart. Now she wants to experience all life has to offer. So when she catches a glimpse of Mark DeSanto in the halls of Danvers International, she’s instantly infatuated—and eager to join him for a walk on the wild side. Fainting at his feet wasn’t her plan, but at least it got his attention...

But for the first time, Mark wants to take things slow, which—considering the electricity between them—may take far more willpower than he’s ever had.

My Thoughts:
Crystal has been lusting over Mark DeSanto ever since his company set up offices in the building she works in.  Crystal gets up close and personal when she comes down with the flu and passes out in Mark’s arms, which was hilarious! There were several awkward revelations after Crystal comes to, but the episode endears her to Mark and they start seeing each other. 

Mark has no desire to have a steady relationship with a woman after witnessing the toxic marriage his parents have. One-night stands are his usual and frequent experience with women, but Crystal gets under his skin and so Mark decides to take a chance on love. 

The One for Me was pretty funny, and I liked that Sydney Landon diffused any drama with a dose of humor.  I love a couple that can laugh over difficulties, like Mark and Crystal did.  Crystal was a sweetheart and even though I wanted to shake her at times for being such a pushover with her mother and her ex-husband, I still liked her.  I seriously would’ve cut that woman (her mother) out of my life if it were me.  The obstacles that Mark and Crystal encounter were not because of their feelings, the drama came from their families.  As for Mark, I sort of got a 50 Shades/Christian Grey vibe from him without the BDSM, though. Yum!  While Always Loving You is still my favorite of the series, The One for Me was a fast and fun installment.

3.5 Suns

Signet has generously provided a Paperback copy of The One for Me to one Waves of Fiction follower. The giveaway is open to US and CA residents only.  Simply fill out the rafflecopter for a chance to win. Good luck!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Review: Carry On by Rainbow Rowell

Carry On by Rainbow Rowell
Published October 6th 2015 by St. Martin's Griffin
Simon Snow is the worst chosen one who’s ever been chosen.

That’s what his roommate, Baz, says. And Baz might be evil and a vampire and a complete git, but he’s probably right.

Half the time, Simon can’t even make his wand work, and the other half, he sets something on fire. His mentor’s avoiding him, his girlfriend broke up with him, and there’s a magic-eating monster running around wearing Simon’s face. Baz would be having a field day with all this, if he were here—it’s their last year at the Watford School of Magicks, and Simon’s infuriating nemesis didn’t even bother to show up.

Carry On is a ghost story, a love story, a mystery and a melodrama. It has just as much kissing and talking as you’d expect from a Rainbow Rowell story—but far, far more monsters. 
My Thoughts
…There will be a threat, that we’ll be dark and divided – that magic itself will be in danger, and that there will be a mage who has power no one else has ever dreamt of, a magician who draws his power from the centre of the earth. He walks like an ordinary man, but his power is like no other….
What an entertaining and creative story that mixed fantasy, mm and new adult all into one caldron of pure magic. I quite liked this one!

I knew when I read Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell that she had something going with her fan-fiction of Simon and Baz. I enjoyed the small excerpts she included throughout the book and thought on numerous occasions how her fanfic element would make a great standalone. I was right!

Carry On allows Simon, Baz, Penny and Agatha to take center stage in their own story as they battle the Insidious Humdrum that threatens their magical world. The most unlikely of characters become allies in this story as they fight battles, uncover mysteries and ultimately forge relationships that will redefine who they thought they were.

I loved how Rowell didn’t hesitate to take a popular premise and put her own spin on things. Yes, I won’t deny that the parallels to Harry Potter were glaring, but I feel that was done purposely. You can’t ignore how the Insidious Humdrum reflects dementor qualities at times. It’s hard not to miss the familiar spells. You also have a wizard who will save the magical world with a best friend named Penelope who has a knack for magic and uncovering mysteries. It’s quite clear that Watford is much like Hogwarts and Ebb is your resident Hagrid.

However Rowell takes these elements and makes them her own with an added splash of what reminds me of Malfoy’s character and making him into Baz who is in love with Simon. Edgy I tell you! All of the similarities did not for one second take away from the fun of being catapulted into a world of magic, good versus evil, and friendships that stand the test of hardship.

I loved what Rainbow Rowell did with this story and how she made it her own. Taking a tour down memory lane where the streets are called something different and the characters have their own personalities was a fun adventure in fantasyland. Loved it.
5 Suns