Wednesday, March 30, 2016

New Release: Unseen Messages by Pepper Winters


Unseen Messages by Pepper Winters
Published March 30th 2016
“There is a message for everything. From handwritten to verbal, seen and unseen. Messages exist all around us.”

But what if you don't see?

What if you don't understand?

What if, by ignoring the message, your life is never the same again?

Estelle Evermore morphed from nobody to somebody overnight.
Galloway Oak put his past behind him and endeavoured to make his fortune using his trade.

Two strangers.

One plane.

Multiple unseen messages.

From sky to island, they find neither fame nor skills can save them. Stripped from society and left alone to survive the elements, the very task of staying alive outweighs all other needs.

Until survival turns to desire.

And desire turns to danger.

From New York Times Bestseller Pepper Winters comes a timeless love story answering the question of what happens when everything is stripped away.

Unseen Messages Full wrap

Unseen Messages Teaser

Unseen Messages Teaser 1

About Pepper Winters:
Pepper Winters is a NYT and USA Today International Bestseller. She wears many roles. Some of them include writer, reader, sometimes wife. She loves dark, taboo stories that twist with your head. The more tortured the hero, the better, and she constantly thinks up ways to break and fix her characters. Oh, and sex... her books have sex. She loves to travel and has an amazing, fabulous hubby who puts up with her love affair with her book boyfriends. She's also honoured to wear the IndieReader Badge for being a Top 10 Indie Bestsellers, best BDSM series voted by the SmutClub, and recently signed a two book deal with Grand Central. Her books are currently being translated into numerous languages and will be in bookstores in the near future. To be the first to know of upcoming releases, please join Pepper's Newsletter (she promises never to spam or annoy you.)

She loves mail of any kind:
You can stalk her here: 
Pinterest/Pepperwinters | Facebook Pepper Winters | Twitter  | Blog 

Monday, March 28, 2016

Review: A Girl's Guide to Moving On (New Beginnings #2) by Debbie Macomber

A Girl's Guide to Moving On (New Beginnings #2) by Debbie Macomber
Published February 23rd 2016 by Ballantine Books
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • In this powerful and uplifting novel, a mother and her daughter-in-law bravely leave their troubled marriages and face the challenge of starting over. Leaning on each other, Nichole and Leanne discover that their inner strength and capacity for love are greater than they ever imagined.

When Nichole discovers that her husband, Jake, has been unfaithful, the illusion of her perfect life is indelibly shattered. While juggling her young son, a new job, and volunteer work, Nichole meets Rocco, who is the opposite of Jake in nearly every way. Though blunt-spoken and rough around the edges, Rocco proves to be a dedicated father and thoughtful friend. But just as their relationship begins to blossom, Jake wagers everything on winning Nichole back—including their son Owen’s happiness. Somehow, Nichole must find the courage to defy her fears and follow her heart, with far-reaching consequences for them all.

Leanne has quietly ignored her husband’s cheating for decades, but is jolted into action by the echo of Nichole’s all-too-familiar crisis. While volunteering as a teacher of English as a second language, Leanne meets Nikolai, a charming, talented baker from Ukraine. Resolved to avoid the heartache and complications of romantic entanglements, Leanne nonetheless finds it difficult to resist Nikolai’s effusive overtures—until an unexpected tragedy tests the very fabric of her commitments.

An inspiring novel of friendship, reinvention, and hope, A Girl’s Guide to Moving On affirms the ability of every woman to forge a new path, believe in love, and fearlessly find happiness.

Praise for A Girl’s Guide to Moving On

“Debbie Macomber’s finest novel. Betrayal and sorrow can happen in any stage of life and, in this wonderful story, her very nimble hands weave a spectacular kaleidoscope of courage, struggles, and finally joyous redemption and reinvention. Macomber totally understands the human heart. I absolutely loved it!”—Dorothea Benton Frank, New York Timesbestselling author of All the Single Ladies

“Whispers a message of love, hope, and, yes, reinvention to every woman who has ever wondered ‘Is that all there is?’ I predict every diehard Macomber fan—as well as legions of readers new to the Macomber magic—will be cheering for Leanne and Nichole, and clamoring for more, more, more.”—Mary Kay Andrews, New York Times bestselling author of Beach Town, Ladies’ Night, and Summer Rental

“Macomber is a master at pulling heartstrings, and readers will delight in this heartwarming story of friendship, love, and second chances. Leanne, Nichole, Rocco, and Nikolai will renew your faith in love and hope. The perfect read curled up in front of the fire or on a beach, it’s as satisfying as a slice of freshly baked bread—wholesome, pleasantly filling, and delicious.”—Karen White, New York Times bestselling author of Flight Patterns

“Beloved author Debbie Macomber reaches new heights in this wise and beautiful novel. It’s the kind of reading experience that comes along only rarely, bearing the hallmarks of a classic. The timeless wisdom in these pages will stay with you long after the book is closed.”—Susan Wiggs, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Starlight on Willow Lake

“Debbie dazzles! A wonderful story of friendship, forgiveness and the power of love. I devoured every page!”—Susan Mallery, #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Friends We Keep.
My Thoughts
I definitely enjoyed this story. It did have a few bumps in the road but overall okay.

In A Girl’s Guide to Moving On, Nichole finds an unlikely ally in her mother-in-law when she discovers her husband has been cheating on her. Both Leanne and Nichole are devastated to have to make a choice to move on from their marriages after both experiencing the heartbreak of unfaithful husbands. As these two women begin to build a new life for themselves, they rely on each other for comfort and advice, thus coming up with a few guidelines to moving on.

Their first rule to ease the pain is to distract themselves by giving to others. When Nichole volunteers at a clothing store that helps women dress for success as they are striving for a better life, she meets Rocco and they soon become fast friends. Leanne decides to volunteer as an English teacher for adults learning it as a second language. That is where she meets Nikolai, and they immediately begin to develop a tender relationship.

Overall, I really enjoyed Nichole’s story. She was easy to relate to and her struggles and strength were applause-worthy in my book. I liked the relationship she built with Rocco because they both seemed like two sensible people that developed a believable love and romance for each other, all the while putting their own kids first.

I struggled a bit with Leanne’s story only because she put up with her husband’s cheating ways for decades and then suddenly decided to abandon the relationship. If she had chosen to stay with him for so long knowing his unfaithful ways, I would have liked to see her be more than a doormat by either trying to fix her marriage or at minimum confronting her husband. I wasn’t too keen on her relationship with Nikolai at all. He seemed so jealous and unreasonable and I could never stand to be with such a hot head of a man. I feel she went from one bad relationship to another.

If I followed the book closely enough, I only discovered two rules to this Guide to Moving On (1) ease the pain with distraction and (2) make new friends. There could have been more substance to this guide, such as (3) learn to love yourself before falling in love with someone else, (4) strive for a better relationship than your first, and (5) set yourself up for independence.

Overall, Debbie Macomber is an accomplished storyteller. I’ve enjoyed enough of her novels to know that she has a knack for capturing the hearts of her readers. Although A Girl’s Guide to Movie On is not at the top of my list of Macomber’s best, it’s definitely not my last. I look forward to finding another gem by this author.
3 Suns

Friday, March 25, 2016

Review: The Dirty Secret by Kira A. Gold

Publication Date: March 28th 2016 by Carina Press
Purchase Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble

About the book:

From the Desk of Donna Edith…

My services are unconventional. My clients come to me with needs and I match them to other clients with needs of their own…

Promising young architect Killian Fitzroy: Driven, clever, eager to prove himself. Starved for sex, though he’s come to me for professional assistance, not personal. Needs: Someone unique, creative and fast. An artist with a feminine perspective to breathe life into a house he’s built.

Aspiring scenic designer Vessa Ratham: Sensuous, spontaneous, but secretive. Recently returned to Vermont armed with an art degree that qualifies her for little more than waiting tables. Needs: An opportunity to shine.

Yes, Killian and Vessa will satisfy each other nicely—in more ways than one.

My Thoughts:
I enjoyed the relationship parts of The Dirty Secret.  The building of chemistry and the sex scenes were sensual, and extremely hot, beautifully written.  I liked that the problems this couple face never reached an angsty drama filled level, where I’d roll my eyes and want to throw my Kindle out, but the conflict still captured my interest and kept me on the edge a bit. 

Where I had some major issues was the amount of time spent on interior design.  I do love home decorating shows on TV, but I don’t expect that level of detail in my romances.  It was actually more detailed than a home improvement show, IMO. Such a high percentage of this story was devoted to color, design, and technique that I found myself skimming those parts and just reading any character interactions.  Far too much detail and too distracting for me. Had the author edited much of that out my rating would’ve been higher because, as I said, the romance was very erotic and beautifully written. 

3 Suns

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Book Blitz: Relevance by Sonya Loveday

Sonya Loveday
(The Six #2.5)
Publication date: March 21st 2016
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult
The noun form of the adjective “relevant”.
Meaning “important to the matter at hand”.
Secretly located in the tunnels under Chicago’s city streets, Cole Enterprise is home to a group of trained soldiers. Jake Aceton is their newest acquisition. Recruited from boot camp before graduation after being handpicked by Grant Jackson, Jake is plunged into the mysterious underground world, forever changing his life.
Regardless of his relevance to Cole Enterprise, Jake has a hard time looking past all he has to give up. Can he learn to live in his own shadow in order to protect those he loves?
relevance promo teaser 2
Nothing fit right anymore, but it didn’t matter. I could close my eyes and see myself standing at the cabin watching the Six banter back and forth over fishing or swimming. Home. I smelled like home.
The serenity of the moment shattered when Riley burst through the door, swearing a blue streak until she realized she wasn’t alone. “Ace. What are you doing in here?”
She didn’t even bat an eye at what I was wearing. Had she been anyone else, I’d have had my ass ripped for being in civilian clothing. “Oliver just took me to get my clothes.”
She noticed then. “Oh!”
I put my hand out, and she stepped into my arms with a heavy sigh. “What’s wrong, Riley?” I asked, gathering her close and kissing the top of her head. Dread ran through me. I had a feeling I already knew.
She tucked her head under my chin and slid her hands down my back until her thumbs found my belt loops. “Nothing.”
I snorted at her lame-ass attempt to cover up how she felt. “You can’t bullshit a bullshitter, Riles. I know you’re not happy with any of this.”
She dropped her hands and took a step back, squaring her shoulders. “I’m fine. It’s just been an adjustment. Nothing I can’t handle.” She pulled out all the stops and managed a smile.
I caught her face in my hands and leaned down to place a kiss between her brows. Right on the spot that pulled together, telling me she was anything but happy. “I don’t know what I did to deserve you, but I’m gonna prove it every day for the rest of my life. I know you’re miserable. I know this isn’t what you wanted.”
“Once we find the leak and figure out what Nicco is up to, we’ll talk with Nadia and Grant and come up with something. Maybe they’ll even want us to transfer to Scotland.”
A real smile broke through that time. “Okay.”
One word was all it took to make the knot in my chest unravel.
I didn’t want to leave Riley, but Oliver was waiting for me in the cafeteria. “I have to go meet with Oliver. Are you staying in here for a little while?”
She shook her head. “I need to meet with Oliver too. I guess we better get going then.”
Riley made it to the door and had it open before I could cross the room.
“Why do you have to meet with Oliver?” I asked, closing the door behind us.
Her hair spilled over her shoulder, hiding her face from me. It wasn’t often Riley had her hair down, so the missing presence of her ponytail seemed odd. Truth be told, seeing Riley with her hair down was like seeing her naked, as weird as that sounded. Maybe it was because the only way I really saw her hair down was when we were… “Oof.” My side ached and my hand went to the offended spot immediately. “What the hell?”
Riley scowled. “Did you hear anything I just said?”
“Um…” She’d been talking to me and I’d tuned her out as I fantasized about her hair being down. “Sorry, I was uh…” Mentally stripping you and watching the way your hair falls over your…
She snapped her fingers in front of my face. “My eyes are up here, Ace.”
I jerked my gaze up to hers, feeling my cheeks blaze. “I know.”
She rolled her eyes and pushed past me into the cafeteria where Oliver waited at one of the tables.
He looked up from the file he had opened in front of him. When he looked between the two of us, he swore. “Please tell me you two aren’t in the middle of some sort of lover’s quarrel.”
Riley flipped him off and then sat opposite of him. I kept the urge to say something smart-ass back at him locked up tight, choosing to sit down instead.
Oliver looked between us again and then back to the file. “Okay, here’s what we’re gonna do.”
My spine snapped ramrod straight. “We? What we? Because I know you don’t mean Riley too.”
Oliver leaned his elbows on the table as he crossed his arms and looked directly at Riley. “You didn’t tell him?”
“Yes, I did. He wasn’t listening though.”
“What do you mean he wasn’t listening?”
I forced myself to listen instead of drift off as I’d done earlier. Damn her hair. She needed to pull it up and get it out of my thoughts!
“…just like that,” she said, waving her hand in front of my face. “Do you think it’s a flashback?” The fear in her voice startled me.
“I’m not having a flashback,” I answered, shifting myself on the bench seat so I straddled it.
“Then what the hell is wrong with you?” Oliver demanded.
My lip curled as I swung my gaze to him. “I’m dead, so, technically, it could either be classified as everything or nothing.”
Oliver shook his head, tapping the folder in front of him. “Do you think you can keep your corporeal form focused for a minute while we go over tonight’s recon mission?”
Relevance promo img 1

Author Bio:
Sonya Loveday, first and foremost is a reader, an avid one. It is of that love that brought her to the realization that this was the answer to the nagging persistent feeling that ‘there’s got to be something more’.
The dream came alive in 2009 when she purchased her laptop and began the tedious step of becoming a published author.
When she’s not reading, she’s writing. When she’s not writing, she’s reading. And when she’s not doing either of those things she’s sleeping, shuttling her children back and forth to school, letting the dogs and cats in and out of the house for the umpteenth time in the last hour and dreaming of a clean house.


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Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Cover Reveal: Nate by J.B. Morgan

Nate (A Texas Jacks Novel)

Title: Nate (A Texas Jacks Novel)
Author: J.B. Morgan
Genre: New Adult/Contemporary Romance
Release Date: March 31, 2016

When Nathan Jackson's world shattered, and fell out from under him, his two best friends were there to help pick up the pieces. There’s nothing that Nate wouldn’t do for them.

It’s been a few years since then, and Nate’s life seems pretty content between his friends, work, and his love of dirt bike racing. When Nate’s out on the track, he can let it all go, be free, and finally feel at peace.

But when it comes to relationships, Nate's not looking for anything long-term. He swears that love isn't worth the risk—until she walks through the doors of Texas Jack's.

Charlotte Davenport knows that something has to give, or life will pass her by. It's time to add a little excitement to her routine. Charlie isn't expecting much, but with her friends at her side, she feels ready to break out of her shell. But something’s missing.

When she, and her friends, head out to Texas Jack's for a night of fun, Charlie meets him — Nathan Jackson. He just might be the man to help Charlie overcome her shyness, and shake up her world.

But first, Nate must be willing to let his guard down and take a chance on Charlie. A
nd if that happens, can Charlie open herself up enough to let him in?


J.B. Morgan resides in Oregon where she's a wife and a stay-at-home-mother of two. When she's not writing she can be found carting her kids everywhere, busy with volunteer work, or reading. She loves the NY Yankees, traveling, and her family.

When she was younger, she would make up hero-rescuing stories in her head, revolving around boys she had crushes on at school. She's in love with the idea of love. 

About her stories: I love full length stories with a resolution at the end so -no short novellas or serials for me. I love my stories to have: humor, swoony romance, strong and sensible heroines, good-decent guys, realism, and happily ever afters. After all, don't we read to escape reality? So why not read what makes you feel good on the inside and puts a smile on your face? This is what I strive to put in my novels

Monday, March 21, 2016

Review: The Lion's Den (Faraway #2) by Eliza Freed

The Lion's Den (Faraway #2) by Eliza Freed 
Published January 12th 2016 by Brunswick House
The stunning conclusion to the Faraway novels.

An injury stops the bleeding of Meredith and Brad Walsh’s fractured marriage. As Meredith recovers and tries to regain her memory, Brad fights to convince Meredith their marriage was perfect, even if it barely existed.

But with Meredith’s memory comes clarity, and Meredith is faced with the reality of a husband and a lover. A husband who will do anything not to lose—his family or anything else, and a lover who will set her free to see her happy. Breaking up her family is not an option, but neither is staying hidden inside her mind.

My Thoughts
DAMN that was GOOD!!!
I’ve had my eye on The Lion’s Den since that painful cliffy in the first book, and I am so glad I continued with this story. As with many series, I often lose interest in subsequent installments, but not with the Faraway series! I was determined to see how this story would end and just as I thought…. The Lion’s Den would NOT let my attention go! ABSOLUTELY CAPTIVATING!

This installment picks up right where The Devil’s Playground left off. Vincent Pratt gets that dreaded text from Meredith Walsh that signals their affair is over. As the story progresses, a tragic accident leaves both Vincent and Meredith struggling to figure out if they can ever be together again, but as one marriage falls apart and the other one evolves into something sinister, finding each other might be their only salvation.

I loved how Eliza Freed concluded this story! I’m always a sucker for illicit relationships because only in fiction do I allow myself to let my morale compass navigate to forbidden territory. It’s always exciting to travel with these characters as they make choices that have me at the edge of my seat.

The Lion’s Den was absolutely addictive. I finished this story in one sitting, all the while stopping myself from jumping to the end for spoilers. I can’t wait to pick up another novel by this author. She definitely has a way of creating an exciting adventure and testing your moral limits. Loved it!
5 Suns

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Waves of Sunday #84: City Beautiful by C.M. Foss

Welcome to our weekly edition of Waves of Sunday where each Sunday we spotlight a book that has been making waves in the book scene or has simply caught our attention causing a riptide on our TBR.

Today we are spotlighting:
City Beautiful by C.M. Foss
Published (first published June 26th 2015)
Patrick Thompson is all city, all the time. A young doctor, once full of passion, now disillusioned by the practice, he sets off across the country, intent on a small breather before a fresh start.

Ivy Lang loves the country way. So much so that she’s created a place where others can experience her ideas of the fundamentals for both mind and body. The life is perfect for her, carefully cultivated by her own hands.

He’s waiting for something to inspire him.

She finds inspiration all around her.

But when a chance meeting turns their worlds upside down, can they come together to create something beautiful?

Arlene's Thoughts
It's been a while since I've spotlighted a book on Waves of Sunday, so when I came across City Beautiful by C.M. Foss, I just had to give it some attention. The ratings for this novel are really high, and the consensus from the readers is that Foss is an amazing writer. All of her books have significantly high ratings, which is quite uncommon. Well, I'm excited to give City Beautiful a try and see if I can add C.M. Foss to my list of go-to-authors. It sounds promising!

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Lucky in Love Super Sale & Giveaway

37 Romance Authors offering
69 FREE & Reduced Price Romances
Enter to win one of 
4 Kindles
$25 Amazon Gift Cards

Be sure to go HERE.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Review: Breaking (Fall or Break #2) by Barbara Elsborg

Breaking (Fall or Break #2) by Barbara Elsborg 
Published July 28th 2015 by Samhain Publishing
Archer Hart is on the move before the man he’s just killed is found. When a bullet whizzes past his ear, he realizes hunter is now hunted. So much for his retirement plans. Someone wants him dead and all he can do is keep running.

Downed by a hit and run driver, barrister Conrad Black is certain the ‘accident’ was deliberate but he has no proof or support. In recovery, struggling to work out of partial paralysis, he has plenty of time to wonder who regrets not striking him harder. At this point, running anywhere is a distant dream.

The confidence, determination and stamina of two alphas males will mean little if neither is willing to bend—seize the love offered—and work together to understand why they’re suddenly both marked men. Not easy for either when Archer has broken the law in the worst possible way and Conrad is the law. 

My Thoughts
I picked Breaking up because I’ve been craving a Barbara Elsborg novel lately. I typically go to her when I want something witty, quick-paced and filled with chemistry.

Breaking is definitely signature of Elsborg's style. Archer Hart and Conrad Black kept the action ongoing as these two tried to outrun those that were after them throughout the story. Having two alpha males jump into a romance was definitely interesting and honestly a bit awkward at moments, but overall they made it work. I liked them together despite Archer’s constant attempts to avoid the inevitable.

Overall, not one of my favorites by this author, but definitely not bad either. I did learn something new in this story though… I did not know that barristers/lawyers in the UK wear white wigs and robes to court. Who knew?? I don’t quite find that sexy, but it was an interesting fact none-the-less.

Not bad, just not her best.
3 Suns

Monday, March 14, 2016

Book Blitz: Freeing Destiny by Faith Andrews

Freeing Destiny
Faith Andrews
(Fate #2)
Publication date: March 14th 2016
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance
Words to live by:
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
Don’t break the rules.
I’d managed to fail at both by fraternizing with the enemy’s brother. Guess I’d followed in my mother’s footsteps by ignoring all the rules when it came to love.
Mom was marrying a man only six years older than me. A man who was also her student. But the biggest surprise that came out of their wedding wasn’t my new stepdad’s academic status or his age.
It was Jack Davis—my stepfather’s best friend.
Jack was the guy who could change the whole game. He was quite possibly my soul mate. But time and circumstance were against us—there was no easy way around it. I was moving back to New York in two weeks and his sister, Aubrey, was the one person my family hated most in this world. How would his sister—the enemy—deal with another Edwards girl claiming what she believed was hers? The idea of letting Jack go crippled me. Would I have to cut ties with the only man I’d ever let into my heart?
Other books in the series:
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“I don’t think you’re a tease, Stella.”
“Then what do you think?” I was dying to know what was running through his mind. I wasn’t playing a game—honest to God—but I could see how it might look that way. Unlike the way I’d felt in the beginning of all this, I didn’t want him to give up on me because my actions were yo-yoing all over the place.
I wanted him to pursue me while we still had time.
Taking my hand in his, he placed one finger under my chin and turned my face in his direction. “What I think is that you’re a phenomenal kisser. And I plan on doing a lot more of that tonight and all the other nights until you leave—maybe even some of that kissing will convince you not to go. But in the meantime, we’re going back to my place, we’re going to order whatever you want to eat, then relax and watch a movie or whatever makes you comfortable. As long as we get to spend time together . . . there’s no rush.”
The saddened look in his eyes told me that last part was a lie. It was painfully obvious that we were running out of time. I hated it. There were so many things I wished for in that moment—the ability to freeze the clock, or travel back in time, or to have an endless do-over of the last few days with Jack on a repeat reel. It felt like some odd and cruel twist of fate. What kind of messed up destiny would throw Jack in my path now?
Forgoing all the bitter thoughts playing out in my frazzled brain, I nodded in answer to Jack’s questioning eyes. “Okay. I like the sound of that.”
It was time to abandon plans and worries and strategies. The only thing I planned on doing from here on out was whatever I felt was right—in the moment. I wanted to kiss him again, and if kissing led to more then I was ready for that, too. Jack was right when he said all that mattered was that we spent the time we did have together. The memories would be worth it, even if it meant hurting in their absence.
young couple in love, kissing, studio shot, back light
Blond female relaxing on yellow autumn field.

Author Bio:
Faith Andrews is living out her dream right outside the greatest city in the world, New York City. Happily married to her high school sweetheart, she is the mother of two beautiful and wild daughters, and a furry Yorkie son named Rocco Giovanni. When she's not tapping her toes to a Mumford & Sons tune or busy being a dance mom, her nose is stuck in a book or she's sitting behind the laptop, creating her next swoon worthy book boyfriend. Coffee addict, lover of wine and cheese, and sucker for concerts and Netflix, Faith believes in love at first sight and happily ever after.


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Saturday, March 12, 2016

Review: Bengal's Quest (Breeds #30) by Lora Leigh

Bengal's Quest (Breeds #30) by Lora Leigh
Published June 23rd 2015 by Berkley
New York Times bestselling author Lora Leigh tells a story of two Breeds who are united by animal desires, only to find it’s vengeance that stirs the mating heat…

He was a shadow, ever shifting and insinuating, able to blend in everywhere and anywhere. The elusive ideal conceived and created by the Genetics Council, he went by just as many names as he had identities—the last one being Gideon.

Now calling himself Graeme, he hides in plain sight, terrifyingly close to his goal. A rogue Bengal Breed, he has loyalties to no one but himself. And he has a need for vengeance that surges hot and swift through his veins.

Graeme plans to exact an extreme and ruthless vendetta against those who wronged him—Breed and human alike. All will suffer his wrath: those who created him, those who pretended to love him, and those who betrayed him.

That includes the one at the center of it all: a seductive, enigmatic woman helpless against the man whose desire is just as desperate as his need to destroy.
And he’s on her scent…
My Thoughts
This is definitely NOT a stand-alone book. Nor is it a book you can dive into without reading the DOZENS of books that precede Bengal's Quest. Trust me, I made that mistake and was confused from beginning to end.

I've been eager to try a Lora Leigh book for quite some time and Bengal's Quest kept coming to my attention at the bookstore, on Goodreads and more recently on Overdrive. My intent was going into this book with no preconceived notion of what to expect. BIG MISTAKE! If I would have bothered to do a bit a research, I would have discovered that even longtime fans for the Breeds series were disappointed and confused with this installment that I had no clue was an installment. So imagine where that left me who had no prior background??? I was completely lost.

I had the hardest time figuring out the whole Graeme/Gideon and Cat/Claire/Catherine dynamic that I even surprised myself in completing the story... and these are the main characters! I could not figure that out...

Overall, I don't feel bad rating this story so low because I'm a firm believer that installments for every series should have an element that stands on its own... at minimum (1) explain how the Genetics Council and Breeds fit into the human world... (2) who the main characters are and (3) who/what your characters are up against. It was all so vaguely eluded to that I never really felt I had a good grasp of what was happening.

Lastly, if you can't impress me with substance, at minimum charm me with chemistry between the characters. I couldn't even give it points for that.

Not quite what I expected, but not entirely my own fault. One of my bigger misses for this year.
2 Suns