
Saturday, February 2, 2019

Sunday Post #16

The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week.

I'm back in Northern California and it's been pouring rain! I did manage squeeze in a 3 miles run when there when there was a letup. We watched a few movies and I made chicken noodle soup for dinner. Our flight was delayed coming up here on Thursday which is the 5th flight in a row that's been delayed for us. It sucks. I hope they're on time coming home tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon. 

(Click on cover for Goodreads link)

Dead Run is the third book in the Monkeewrench series and I loved it. It was a lot better than book two, and I just got a copy of the fourth book in the series.  The White Christmas was such a sweet Hallmark movie type of story/romance. I need to look up other books by Colleen Wright.  The Best of Us was yet another wonderful installment in Robyn Carr's Sullivan's Crossing series. I love

Received/Purchased/Library Lend:
(Click on cover for Goodreads link)

Snow Blind is an Audible purchase.  Storm Front and Solace Island are library lends, but I'm waiting for the Audio copy to come through before picking them up. I like to have the option to switch back and forth between audio and e-book.


Watched several movies because it was raining so much.  We watched Split which was a bit disturbing, and dark, and then I wanted to go back and watch Unbreakable since the characters will intersect in Glass.  I still like Unbreakable more.  Gone was a nice and suspenseful little movie. 

How was your week?


  1. Sounds like a pretty good weekend in spite of the rain! :) Hope your flight cooperates...

    Gone looks good, I'll have to check it out! Solace Island looks fun too.

  2. I plan to watch Split and unbreakable before I watch Glass too. It has been drizzling here in Dubai since the morning too. Have a good week ahead.

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes

  3. Huh... I commented on this post via bloglovin (as an experiment). I wanted to see if it appeared on the blog or just on bloglovin. Turns out, it's just on bloglovin...

    Anyways, lol, I want to read The Dresden Files. I hear good things and I enjoyed the first one when I read it years ago.
    It sucks when flights are delayed. Was it anything to do with the mighty Polar Vortex?

    1. Oh I hate it when I type in a comment and it won't post! I can't comment on any blogger post from my phone and it's soooo annoying! Sorry you had the hassle, Nicci.

      The delays have been part mechanical issues and part weather issues, which is disturbing on both fronts! We've had a bunch of rain and it's raining now so I keep checking my email to see if they're going to delay our flight. Crossing my fingers!

      I can't wait to start The Dresden Files especially since James Marsters (aka Spike on Buffy!) narrates! I'm just waiting for the audio book to come through. :)

  4. Boo to delayed flight and all the ran. Glad it did let up. I liked Unbreakable but haven't seen Split yet. Have a great week!

    1. I know the rain is pretty, but trying to travel in it sucks. :(

      Split is more disturbing, but the acting is really good! Hope you like it. You too, Grace! :)

  5. I enjoyed Gone...and I am hoping to read The Best of Us this week. Have a good one!


  6. Too bad about the delay, but neat that you had a plan to make it a little better with the movies. I've had my eye on that Meg Tilly series and I definitely need to start Jim Butcher's series at some point.

    Have a good week, Rachel.

    1. I read during the wait time with all the delays, but the movies were perfect with all the rain. :) Wasn't really motivated to get outside.

      I hope the Meg Tilly is good. It just registered she's an actress.

  7. Split was really disturbing. Wasn't the acting incredible in that one?

  8. You had me at Hallmark movie (btw, I am watching one right now). I love them!

    1. I love them too, but it's been a while since I watched one.

  9. I still need to watch Unbreakable down the line. Lots of great books you got this week!!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  10. I'm more interested in Split than Unbreakable, but I'm curious about Glass too so I may need to watch them all at some point. haha Sorry for all the flight delays! That's awful.


    1. Yeah, they suck. Today was only delayed by a little so I was thankful especially given that it's been raining all day.

      I think you need to watch Unbreakable before Glass. Not so much before Split, but I guess they all tie together in Glass. Hope you like it. :)

  11. Wow, you’re dedicated to running. I think I only ran 9 miles last month because there was too much snow, and I was unmotivated to run in it. Enjoy your new books!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I wouldn't be motivated to run in the snow either! I admire you for getting 9 miles in with that kind of weather! I think I'd have to break down and buy a treadmill even though I hate running on them. Thanks, AJ. :)

  12. Carr is wonderful. Oh my word. That's a lot of delayed flights in a row!

    1. Glad to find a fellow fan of Carr! I know. Hopefully it won't be too bad in the coming weeks.

  13. Yay for getting out for a run! It's been so cold here that I finally got out for a run yesterday, when our temps got to the 50's! I am so over the negative temps and ready for spring.
    I need to read a Robyn Carr book soon. I usually love her stuff.

    1. The 50s is still pretty cold, but I guess it's better than below zero. Yikes! You are brave to get out into that stuff. I'm looking forward to getting home before dark so I can fit in more running.

  14. These flight delays sound so annoying Rachel, but I'm happy that you were able to fit a run in, I really need to get back to it, but will do once I start feeling 100% again. Split was so messed right? I'm still torn between how things went in the end. i think you'll really like Glass, I was a fan! Have a great week :)

    1. I'm glad I got out, too. I need to get out even more! Hope you feel better Jasprit, I know you've had a lot of snow, too, so that would make it difficult even if you were feeling better. Split was messed up! I was conflicted, too, and worried about one of the main characters! I guess we'll see how it goes in Glass. I'm looking forward to it. Glad it was a hit with you! You have a great week, too! :)

  15. I love the Harry Dresden series. It takes a few books to really get going. I prefer the audio ( James Marsters - Spike!) and was able to get them all at the library. But I own them all now since I will definitely be reading them again and again. I hope you love it too. Have a wonderful week! Anne - Books of My Heart

  16. What a beautiful photo! I am sorry about all of the rain you have been having. I have seen Split, which I enjoyed, but haven't had the chance to see either of the others you mentioned. Have a great week, Rachel!

  17. Aack, I'm sorry about all the delayed flights. That is the worst. Ugh. Waiting at airports sucks, haha. Hope the flight home went okay. <3 And yay for reading and loving a bunch of books :) I remember seeing Gone on the tv once. It was pretty great :) And ahh, I have yet to see Split. But I will. Soon :D Glad you liked the movies.
