
Sunday, February 6, 2022

Sunday Post #153


The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week.

It was a little less busy at work this last week and I welcomed the calm. Nothing exciting at home other than cleaning out and organizing my closet and other areas of the house. As I said last week, we're planning on putting our house up for sale in the next couple of months so I'm trying to prepare for that. I set up three giveaways (on the right sidebar) and I plan on doing a few more in an effort to whittle down my books! Of course, when I stopped at the local thrift store to drop off donations I had to go in and check the books and bought three books, lol! I know! Not helpful, right? I just couldn't resist! 

Had to share a photo of my camellias. I bought the plant a year and a half ago (?) and it's exploding with blooms! I'll have to buy another for the new house.

Debutante Camellia

Click on cover for Goodreads link

Out of the Dark5 Stars
Last Seen Alive4 Stars
The Family You Make- 5 Stars

Received/Purchased/Library Lend:

I haven't had the best of luck with requests lately and so I was so excited about Crowbones! I won a signed copy of Uncharted (one of my absolute favs from 2021) off Instagram from Adriana Anders! The book came all the way from France, where she lives! I couldn't resist a hardcover copy of The Man Who Died Twice, since I loved it so much, and the Linda Lael Miller books at the local thrift store. 


One of the giveaways I'm running on the right sidebar. Such a pretty cover, right?

How was your week?


  1. Those camellias are gorgeous!! I recently read A Perfect Equation and really liked it. Hope you do too!

    1. Thank you! I'm looking forward to it as I enjoyed the first one. Looking forward to your thoughts, Wendy!

  2. A perfect Equation looks cute. Yay for autographed books!! Have a great week.

  3. Always new books coming in! :)

    I thought about trying Jayne Ann Krentz. Her most recent series, I think it is, appealed to me... Hurwitz, and LAst Seen Alive, both look interesting...

    1. I think you'd like the Orphan X series and the Ellery Hathaway series, Greg. :)

  4. What?!? You are planning to move after redoing your kitchen? I feel like I missed a major plot point here. I've also tried over the last 10 years after I first got a Kindle to move to digital books. I was lucky to meet Adriana Anders I think it was 2017 at RT in Atlanta maybe, after reviewing some of her books on Audio. She seemed surprised I knew who she was. My camelia is younger and had one or two buds but I think it needs another year. I'll have to remember how to display them once they bloom more.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. Yes. We've been planning on moving out of Southern California for quite sometime now. My daughter lives in Northern California and we want to be closer to her and the kids. Our kitchen was outdated so we thought we'd better update before selling. I love the way it turned out and we'll use the experience if we need to update the kitchen wherever we end up.

      I'm not going to part with my absolute favorites. I love having a physical copy for my shelf, but if I wouldn't re-read I don't have the space for them.

      Hope you get some nice flowers from your camellia! I'll float even just one in a bowl and it looks pretty. I'd love to see a picture, Anne.

  5. I laughed when I saw you picked up more books. But I guess it's ok if you give some away too. Your plant is doing so well, Ms. Green Thumb. I don't have that talent. Yeah for the Shalvis! I adored that book.

  6. Camellia's are such a beautiful flower, I just love what you shared!! It makes me want for spring haha My mom always put house plants in water once they bloom like that. I really want to start having real house flowers around.

  7. Yes, your camilla is gorgeous. I love seeing it in the pic. LOL, I would be the same about taking in books and coming back with more. :) Yay for scoring Crowbones! I crossed my fingers until I got approval, too. I love that you got a signed copy of Uncharted all the way from France.

    Have a good week, Rachel!

  8. Oooh! That camilla looks beautiful! I hope your move goes well.

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  9. I've been trying to clear out some of my books this year, too. But then my library had a used book sale where every book was only a nickel. I brought home ten! So, I'm not making much progress either. ;D

  10. I enjoyed The Family You Make. It was a five star read for me. Greg Hurwitz is an author I hope try someday.

  11. The flowers are so pretty!
    I'll have to check out your giveaways.

  12. Your camellias are beautiful! I don't envy you the task of getting your house ready. I am glad that things were a bit slower. I hope that you are having a great week!
