
Sunday, September 25, 2022

Sunday Post #177


The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week.

It's been a busy two weeks, a busy summer really but we started the remodel of our master bathroom two weeks ago. Most of the work we're having done by our contractor, but we're doing some of it. I had to remove a bunch of wallpaper which was really stuck on but good! I've spent weeks picking out tile, bathtub, vanity, etc, and it's now finally coming together. 

torn up master bath

torn up master bath

Thankfully, the fires in our area are out helped by a big rain storm we had last weekend. It rained for three days, which was lovely! We even had a fire each night.  We're back to sunshine and some hotter days this week (upper 80s). Still, the trees have begun to change and I'm so excited! 

clearing skies

I'm starting to explore hiking trails around the area and did a four mile one on Thursday. So pretty!

Local hiking trail

Click on cover for Goodreads link

This are my reads for the last two weeks. I didn't do a Sunday Post last week because we had a lot going on with our remodel. I've been thinking I'll list the star rating here as well. What do you think?

Always the First to Die: 4 Stars
Marple: Twelve New Mysteries: 4 Stars
First Born: 4 Stars

Received/Purchased/Library Lend:

Yep. This is a lot, but I'm excited for each and every one of these. So excited to get approval for Murder at Haven's Rock which just came through this morning! 


This is a fun series and I'm loving the new covers.

How was your week?


  1. Good luck with the bathroom remodel. I like the hiking trail.

  2. Yay for bathroom remodel! I would love to redo our bathroom. Glad you got some rain as well!

  3. Good luck with the bathroom reno. We need to update ours. I am just so worried about getting scammed.

    1. Thanks, Kimberly. That is a worry. We had a plumber recently try to scam us on installing a tankless water heater. Yeah, move on buddy!

  4. Remodel is a bit of a pain in the butt, but the results are wonderful. I hope yours turns out exactly as you pictured it. Glad you are still getting in some reading time, Rachel.

    1. Me too! It seems like any remodel doesn't come out exactly perfect, but I'm hoping for close. :)

  5. Bless you for having the patience to remove wallpaper. That is such a chore. Can't wait to see the finished product! It's beautiful up where you live and great that you are getting to enjoy it.

    1. I usually don't mind removing wallpaper. I've done it so many times, but this wallpaper was good and stuck. Probably the worst job I've done so far. Oh well. I listen to audio books while I do it so not too bad.

  6. It's great you are able to do work and get your home the way you want so you can enjoy it for all the time you live there. Bathrooms are on my list here but I can't do them yet. The trails look so lovely.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. Thanks, Anne. I am excited about our master bath remodel. The guest bath will have to wait a bit. We did order a new vanity for it, but the shower and floor need to be redone too. That'll have to wait for now.

  7. Oh that does look like a pretty trail. I'm excited to try the new spinoff series by Armstrong.

    Honestly... I feel like the Ice Barbarian series must be pretty good, I'm seeing them everywhere! :)

    1. I'm excited for the spinoff, too, Greg! The Ice Barbarian stories are pretty campy and fun. Be warned, lots of spicy scenes too! :)

  8. home renovations are tedious and stressful but the end result will be worth it!! I just got approved for the new Armstrong book too. Can't wait to read it!!! Have a great week.
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

    1. Yes, they are stressful and time consuming even when you have a contractor doing most of the work. I'm so excited for the Armstrong spinoff! Hope we both love it!

  9. Glad your home renovations is going great! Have a great week!
    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  10. Best of luck on the bathroom remodel. I can't wait to see the finished results.

  11. Omg the barbarian series, I have not read those

  12. Wish I could take that hiking trail! And good luck with your bathroom remodel. :D

    1. It's a pretty one and not too strenuous or hot. Thanks, Lark! :)

  13. We finished our bathroom remodel in July so I know a bit of what you're up to with that and know you'll feel so great when it's new and lovely.

    Yay for getting to visit the hiking paths and get some rain to clear the air. Nice to get Murder at Haven's Rock. I was geeked to get it too.

    Have a good week, Rachel!

    1. Oh, nice, Sophia! You should post some before and after photos. It's so nice to have a home reno completed!

      Yes, I'm so excited for more Eric and Casey! You too, Sophia!

  14. It looks like you had a great week there. Love the photos that you have shared, Remodels can be fun to do. I hope that you do enjoy Dark Whisper.

    Have a fun week!

  15. Glad you got some needed rain, and the master bathroom is coming together! Nice!! I really liked Love in the Time of Serial Killers.

    Lauren @
