Saturday, October 19, 2024

Sunday Post #269


The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week. I'm also linking up to The Sunday Salon hosted by Deb Nance @Readerbuzz.

Got home from Montana last Sunday and didn't rest until I unpacked and got the laundry going, which is my usual routine when I come home from a trip unless it's super late. I got my flu shot yesterday. My arm was sore all night and I went to bed at 9pm because I was so tired.

I don't think I've mentioned, but we we've been feeding three stray/feral cats that've been hanging around our house since the spring. There was a small gray tabby. She ended up having two kittens we didn't know about until they were maybe 2 months old. We just knew momma cat was super hungry all the time. Well, the three (mom and her two babies) have pretty much become our cats. The mom is still super skittish, but the babies, which I figure are about six months now, are a lot more friendly, playful and super cute!  It's a boy and girl, which I've named Smokey and Starla:

Starla with brother on the side

Smokey & Starla playing, as usual

I was able to finally pet Smokey this morning, which is progress! I need to be able to catch them, take them to the vet to get their shots, and get them spayed and neutered. Peanut's not too pleased with them. He used to chase them off and got into a scuffle with the mom cat a couple of months ago, but he's getting used to them. We'll see what happens. 

It was cold and rained the first part of the week and it even dropped to 32 degrees Thursday night! And the frost got several of my zinnias.
Picked a bunch of zinnias before the frost

It warmed up to high 70s today and it's supposed to stay that way for a while. 

(Click on cover for Goodreads link)
One Little Mistake by Lucinda Berry
An Instruction in Shadow by Benedict Jacka
The Specimen by Jaima Fixsen

One Little Mistake by Lucinda Berry-2 Stars

One Little Mistake was a short story/novella included with the Audible membership that I downloaded a while back and never got to. An okay story with a disappointing ending. An Instruction in Shadow was excellent and left me wanting the next story asap! The Specimen was really good! Historical mystery/thriller with a bit of paranormal to it.


The Mirror by Nora Roberts
The House at Watch Hill by Karen Marie Moning

Thank you to Macmillan Audio and Blackstone Publishing!


How was your week?


  1. Here in northeast Texas we had some near-freezing temperatures this week. It's so much colder here than at home. Glad you were able to pick some of your beautiful flowers before the cold hit.

    Good luck with the feral cats. It sounds like you are making progress!

    1. Yes, a lot survived and we're getting some milder temps so I should get a lot more flowers. Thanks! I need to catch them!

  2. Well, you fed them, vaccinated the, fixed them, and named them - you are theirs now. They are precious. Hopefully Peanut embraces the expanded family. This whiplash weather keeps making me sick. 40s in the morning, 80s in the afternoon. I hate it! I guess it could be worse, but really, I want to wear a sweater.

    1. Peanut is getting used to them, and I think he is secretly entertained by their antics, lol. I'll be mindful of his moods. He is my first priority. Yes, this is yoyo weather!

  3. We also got our flu shots this week. We still need a covid shot but we'll have to go to the health department for that.

    The cats are adorable! My sister did the same thing with some feral cats around her. She didn't get to the mamma cat soon enough and she had two litters before she was able to get her spayed. My sister was able to find homes for all the kittens in the second litter.

    Your zinnias are gorgeous!

    1. I was wiped out after having it! Not sure when I'll have the Covid one, but we just have to go to the pharmacy for that. I hope the momma cat doesn't get pregnant again!! Thank you!

  4. Love your zinnias, one of my favorite flowers.

    1. Thank you! I love them too! They are so hardy and just bloom and bloom and bloom!

  5. Oooo... I'm kinda jealous that you have The Mirror already! I can't wait to see what happens.

    1. Me too, but I'm also wondering if we'll end up with another cliffhanger, haha!

  6. I got my flu and covid shot last Wednesday and I felt tired and a little bit achey the next day, but that's me with shots. Always reacting. ;D Smokey and Starla are very cute. Wishing you a good week this week!

    1. Yes! The flu shot knocked me out! Same here, I always have a reaction to shots. Aren't they cute?!! Hope you have a good week, too, Lark! :)

  7. Oh wow! The Cat Distribution System gave you three kitties??? So cute. I hope you're able to catch them soon and get all their Vet stuff done.

    Those flower are so pretty!!!

    1. I know, right?!! Haha! Thank you! I hope so, too. We'll see.

  8. They are cute but I don't blame Peanut. When we first got Lulu she was used to other dogs and we thought she would have liked a playmate. Now I think she prefers to be only dog other than when we watch the neighbor's dogs. We haven't had frost yet and it looks warm for the next 10 days.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. I don't blame Peanut. He's going on instinct to protect his territory and us! Love my Peanut kitty so much! I don't think he'll every be besties with the strays, but I think he'll get more tolerant. I feel bad for the strays because they're out in the elements. We leave our garage door open a bit so they can sleep in there, but they're cautious. They've been sleeping on our covered wood pile against our garage so I've laid several towels out on top so they're warmer and more comfortable. We'll see how it goes as it gets colder here. We have one week of warm-ish weather and then it's getting cold.

  9. Beautiful flowers! We need some rain here. My sister had a feral cat that had babies outside her townhome she used to live in. She caught them and took the mom in to be neutered and she kept the two kittens that are now her pets. But there is a cat that hangs around outside her new house that she just moved to too. She loves cats! Have a good week!
    Lisa Loves Literature

    1. Thanks, Lisa! I love cats too, but I'm fine with just having one at this point, especially when we travel a lot. But I also can't leave an animal to starve and suffer. I hope you have a good week, too!

  10. OMG these kittens are just too sweet! And your bouquet is gorgeous.

  11. I really need to read more of Benedict Jacka's books! Good to know that one is fun. And cute photos! :D

    1. I want to go back and read his Alex Versus series now! Thanks! :)

  12. How precious you got one of them to let you touch. Cute kitties!

    Too bad about the frost getting your zinnias especially since you're getting a warm up for another week.

    Glad you had a good time and got back safely, Rachel!

    1. Yes, It was exciting! Yep, it was bound to happen as things are steadily cooling off, but it's a bummer. I still have quite a few that made it through as they're a bit more sheltered. Thank you, Sophia! I was happy to get home!

  13. Oh I am so jealous. I have been waiting for The Mirror to come out. I really enjoyed the first book.

  14. The cat distribution center chose you!

  15. What adorable kitties ... I hope you can catch them so you could help them with their shots. And what a lovely flower arrangement. Pretty colors! We got our first snow today but should just stick around for the day. Did you enjoy Montana? We live about 3 hours from the border.
