Friday, February 14, 2025

Review: We All Live Here by Jojo Moyes

We All Live Here by Jojo Moyes

We All Live Here by Jojo Moyes
Publication Date: February11th 2025 by Pamela Dorman Books
Pages: 464
Source: Publisher
Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | Goodreads | Librofm | Audible 

My Thoughts:
Lila’s life is not what she pictured for herself at forty-two. Her husband left her for the neighbor down the street, her stepfather has moved in after her mother died in a tragic accident.  Lila’s house is constantly in need of repair, and her biological father, Gene, an eccentric, attention-seeking actor, has just shown up needing a place to stay. As if all of that isn’t enough, Lila sees the woman her husband left her for everyday at her daughter’s school pickup.
I was outraged for Lila and completely rooted for her! At the same time, she wasn’t perfect either. She made mistakes, as most of us do. There’s a romance with some bumps and I hoped it’d all work out!
We also have the POV of Lila’s sixteen-year-old daughter, Celie, who is going through some tough times, too. I loved that Gene, Lila’s MIA bio-dad, form a bond, and he helps with some of her trials. Gene definitely had a lot to answer for, but I couldn’t help but have a soft spot for him, especially when we get some that last insight.
We All Live Here portrayed a slice of messy, relatable life, and I felt all the emotions acutely! I was angry, I laughed and cried, but the story left me in such a wonderful place of joy and hope! A definite recommend!

5 Stars

Book Description:

The #1 New York Times bestselling author, whose books so many love, brings us a fresh, contemporary story of a woman and her unruly blended family

Lila Kennedy has a lot on her plate. A broken marriage, two wayward daughters, a house that is falling apart, and an elderly stepfather who seems to have quietly moved in. Her career is in freefall and her love life is . . . complicated. So when her real dad—a man she has barely seen since he ran off to Hollywood thirty-five years ago—suddenly appears on her doorstep, it feels like the final straw. But it turns out even the family you thought you could never forgive might have something to teach about love, and what it actually means to be family.


  1. Lila’s journey sounds both heartbreaking and uplifting. Her struggles with a broken marriage, family dynamics, and unexpected challenges make her story so relatable. I'll definitely add this to my towering TBR list.

    How did you feel about the romance in the book?

    1. I liked the romance in the book a lot. Well, once Lila got her head on straight!

  2. I've had my eye on this one! The cover just snagged my attention. Glad to hear it's worth picking up. I might need to bring this one home this weekend!

  3. I've still never read a book by JoJo Moyes. Can you believe it? I should try her sometime.

    1. You should! I still can't bring myself to read You Before Me, but I absolutely loved One Plus One and this one comes in at a close second. They were both 5 star reads for me.

  4. Her books make me run the whole emotional spectrum, too. I've not read one in a while, but you have me tempted by this one.

    1. I agree! I'm so happy she balances the heavy stuff with great humor.

  5. There's too much going on in Lila's life. I feel bad for her.

  6. I think I'll add this one to my list. I've liked her books before, but they are very emotional.

    1. Yes, I still won't read You Before Me. I think that would put me over the edge!

  7. I haven't tried this author and I'm not sure. Really glad to see you enjoyed it though.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. I think you'd enjoy this story and One Plus One is my all-time favorite by Moyes!

  8. I am outraged for Lila! I have hold for this book and cannot wait to read it. I am getting vibes like One Plus One which is one of my favorites from Moyes. Glad to see this was a hit for you.

    1. Yes, One Plus One is my absolute favorite by Moyes! This came in at a close second, though! I think you'll love it, Sam. I look forward to your thoughts!

  9. Sounds great. I have only read one Jojo Moyes book. Will be adding this one to the TBR.

  10. I think I would really like Lila. I do like stories where trying to do the right thing with family eventually works out, but it takes work. This sounds wonderful. Great review, Rachel.

    1. I think you would, too. She wasn't perfect, but who is? Thank you!

  11. I have loved a few of Jojo Moyes books I have read, but it has been a while since I read one! This sounds good!

    Have a great week!

  12. I'm glad you reviewed the new Jojo Moyes. I have read 2 of hers over the years: Me Before You, which was good, and The Girl You Left Behind. I like the sound of her latest. Do you think it's one of her best?

    1. I do think it's one of her best! One Plus One is my absolute favorite by Moyes I highly recommend it if you haven't read it! I felt a whole spectrum of emotions reading it (like I did with this one). I'm so happy Moyes incorporates a lot of humor to balance the heavier bits out. I haven't read Me Before You. I think I'd really have to gear up for it. I haven't read The Girl You Left Behind either.

  13. I have not read one of hers in a while. I should try this one

  14. This is an author I do need to try one of these days. Love that cover too!
    Lisa Loves Literature
