Monday, July 29, 2024

Review: The Best Lies by David Ellis


The Best Lies by David Ellis
Publication Date: July 23rd 2024 by G.P. Putnam's Sons
Pages: 373
Source: Publisher 
Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | Audible | | Goodreads

My Thoughts:
I was a little hesitant to pick this up when I read Leo was a pathological liar, which was a label stuck on him that may or may not have fit. Not a fan of someone who lies all the time, but if/when he lied it was for the best of reasons and I loved how Leo’s clever manipulations of the truth kept him one step ahead of the bad guys! So many things were not as they seemed. I completely rooted for Leo, especially after that backstory.

I hit the 40% mark, and the story really took off, surprising twist and revelation at every turn! I stayed up into the wee hours to finish and see how it all turned out. The Best Lies was so good!

4 Stars

Book Description:

Bestselling and award-winning author David Ellis delivers a fast-paced, twisty thriller that will surprise readers at every turn.

Leo Balanoff is a diagnosed pathological liar with unthinkable skeletons in his family's closet. He's also a crusading attorney who seeks justice at all costs. When a ruthless drug dealer is found dead and Leo’s fingerprints show up on the murder weapon, no one believes a word he says. But he might be the FBI’s only shot at taking down the dealer’s brutal syndicate.

Risk his life going undercover for the feds or head straight to prison for murder? Leo accepts the FBI’s offer—but it comes with a price, including a collision course with his ex, Andi Piotrowski, a former cop and “the one who got away.” Forced to walk a tightrope between an ambitious FBI agent and a cruel, calculating crime boss, Leo’s trapped in a corner. But he has more secrets than anyone realizes, and a few more cards left to play.

AUTHOR BIODavid Ellis is a judge and a #1 New York Times-bestselling, Edgar Award-winning author of eleven novels of crime fiction, as well as nine books co-authored with James Patterson. In December 2014, Ellis was sworn in as the youngest-serving Justice of the Illinois Appellate Court for the First District. He lives outside Chicago with his wife and three children.


  1. Wow, it sounds like there really is a lot of suspense and twists and turns! So happy you enjoyed the book! Looking forward to hearing about your next read! Hope you have an amazing rest of the summer beauty!

    xoxo, Midori

  2. You read the best books.

  3. This is not one I would normally pick up, but you've got me really curious. Especially because you ended up liking Leo so much. I think I'm going to have to check this one out. :D

    1. Yes, the description had me a little hesitant, but I'm happy I took a chance! Hope you enjoy it if you decide to pick it up. Look forward to your thoughts, Lark! :)

  4. I have to say, I don't know if I could have hung in for the 40% mark, but I am glad this worked out for you. Are pathological lying characters some sort of unreliable narrator? They miff me too.

    1. It was good even before the 40%, but it really got exciting after that!

  5. I would have been hesitant to follow Leo too, especially as the unreliable narrator isn't my favorite. It sounds like here though, it is used to maximize the impact!

    1. Yes, unreliable narrator isn't my favorite either, but this didn't fit that traditional mold. It was really good!

  6. Neat that your gamble to try one you weren't sure of turned out great.

  7. I often struggle with unreliable narrators (which sounds like the case with Leo). But I'm intrigued by his backstory and he sounds like such a clever character.

    1. Me too, but this didn't fit that traditional mold. I was rooting for Leo all the way!

  8. Some twist and revelations are never wrong

  9. Hmmm, I already have his Look Closer on my library holds. It sounds a bit intense for Leo.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. It was really good. I look forward to your thoughts on Look Closer. I'd like to read more from Ellis.

  10. Ooh I have this one on my TBR. Good to hear you liked it.

  11. I love when a book has me staying up later than I planned to finish it. It sounds like a good suspenseful story. I am also not a fan of liars, but it sounds like it was for the good.... Nice review, Rachel.
