Sunday, March 16, 2025

Sunday Post #287


The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week. I'm also linking up to The Sunday Salon hosted by Deb Nance @Readerbuzz.

Not an eventful week. Just the usual and it snowed for three days. Our first for the season, which is kind of late in the year. I made sure to get my runs/walks in before the rain and snow started, so Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Most of it melted today. Smokey and Starla still went out and played! They romped around in the snow and then would rush back in. It was pretty cute. Peanut was content to watch their antics from the window while staying inside, warm and dry, haha.

The shoulder I injured a couple of years ago has been sore from working. I also managed to twist my neck on the same side. I'm giving both a rest as I'm not working much the next couple of weeks. 

We'll be leaving for Montana on Monday. I should be packing!

I worked another puzzle while listening to audiobooks:

Paper Boys by Charles Wysocki

(Click on cover to take you to Goodreads link)
The Underdog and Other Stories (Hercule Poirot #31) by Agatha Christie
All the Other Mothers Hate Me
Kills Well With Others (Killers of a Certain Age #2) by Deanna Raybourn

Loved revisiting Agatha Christie. Poirot uses his "little grey cells" to solve each of the cases. As usual, Poirot's little eccentricities and large ego (well earned) infuse the stories with humor! Kills Well With Others was a delight!


Thank you to Atria Books!


I won the first two books of The Edge series by Ilona Andrews from Anne @Books of My Heart! Thank you Anne! 

How was your week?


  1. I read my first Christie recently (I know!). I enjoyed it! I want to get more. And ooh enjoy your trip! Montana sounds wonderful.

    That Raybourn book- love that title! :)

    1. Wow! I'm happy to hear you liked it. Thanks! We're meeting up with family and skiing again. That is a great title!

  2. March is such a wildcard. I never count March out. Wow! Three days of snow. I would be crying. Have a great and safe trip!

    1. Yes, we've had a couple of late snows here. Definitely not what you want late in the season. Thanks, Sam!

  3. We had real spring weather and now look forward to backtracking for a while. March weather really is bouncy.
    Have a good week… mae at

    1. Yes, March has been up and down for us, too. You too, Mae!

  4. I hope your injuries heal quickly! Enjoy Montana.

  5. Ouch! A sore shoulder and neck is no joke. I need to get going on Deanna Raybourn - she is on my TBR list. Have a good trip!

    1. Yes, definitely not fun. Killer of a Certain Age and this one were so much fun!

  6. Ugh for snow this late! We had beautiful spring weather all week followed by crazy wind Friday and then some snow last night, but not much. Lots of good books. I go out of town a week from today, need to start packing at some point. Have a nice trip!
    Lisa Loves Literature

    1. Yes, not a fan of late in the season snow, but thankfully it's all melted! Thanks, Lisa! I hope you have a great trip, too!

  7. Sounds like the animals had fun! If we get snow this late I might cry but it is actually in the weather forecast for Thursday. The books look very good. Have a great reading week.

    1. They did! Yikes! I hope it melts quickly if you get it. You have a great reading week, too!

  8. Nice haul. I hope your pain improves. Enjoy Montana.

  9. Well the snow is pretty and hopefully won't last too long. You're welcome. I appreciate your participation in the Read-along. I hope your trip is smooth sailing. We went the first week of April on the train for spring break one year for skiing. It's a beautiful place. Happy St. Patrick's Day!

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. Thanks Anne! I hope the snow is nice this trip for skiing in Montana. It was perfect the last time.

  10. We got snow on Thursday and Saturday and have more on the way this week. At least with March snow it melts really fast which is nice. Enjoy your time in Montana! :D

    1. I hope this is the last of the snow for the year, but yes, it did melt quickly. Thanks! :)

  11. Guess winter snow isn't done with you yet. Another fun Wysocki puzzle done and love Poirot's Little Grey Cells, too.

    Enjoy your MT trip, Rachel!

  12. Have fun in Montana Rachel! My daughter is traveling to Zion and Bryce and there is snow there as well!

  13. I like the snowy background in your window pic. Nice puzzle too. Check out the puzzle I posted on my site yesterday ... you received an honorable mention! I hope you have a fun time in Montana ... how can you ski if you have injuries going on?! Better rest up. We still have snowflakes going on today but nothing major. Still it's chilly. Pack accordingly.

  14. Congrats on the books! Safe travels to Montana! I hope your pain improves asap!
