Sunday, September 15, 2024

Sunday Post #264


The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week. I'm also linking up to The Sunday Salon hosted by Deb Nance @Readerbuzz.

I'm posting late because we had guests over for dinner yesterday and it was a flurry of activity cleaning and cooking. We had a great time catching up with our friends. They live about an hour away from us and hadn't been to our house since the walk through with our real estate agent right after we made the offer over two years ago. The night before we went to dinner with my sister and her husband in downtown Auburn not realizing there was some classic car festival and the city was packed! We walked through and looked at a few of the vintage cars. It was pretty neat:

Auburn Classic Cars Festival

Had my yearly blood chemistry done and all my levels were in the good range and yet my total cholesterol is 206 (supposed to be under 200), which is considered borderline. I guess I need to make some changes.

Did a puzzle:

We bought this at an independent bookstore when we visited Truckee (in the vicinity of Lake Tahoe) a few weeks back. 

(Click on cover for Goodreads link)

The Trouble With Love by Lauren Layne: 4.5 Stars
The Guilty One by Kiersten Modglin: 4 Stars
The Serial Killer Guide to San Francisco: 4.5 Stars

I've been trying to read arcs I've had on Netgalley for way too long. I've had The Trouble With Love on my shelf since 2014!! You know when you download a book and then a few reviews come through that make you hesitant to pick it up? If I remember correctly, that's what happened here, however, I loved the story! Shouldn't have waited so long to read it.


Thank you to Dreamscape Media, Blackstone Publishing, Macmillan Audio and St. Martin's Press!


How was your week?


  1. Good for you to getting to those older titles. Glad you are getting together with family and friends.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  2. Dinner parties seem to be getting less and less common. We used to invite or be invited almost every weekend but now nothing like that.

    1. I agree! We get together with a few people here and there though.

  3. I loved the Stiletto books. Layne has long been a favorite of mine. I do like the turn more from sex driven stories to more, I guess, women's fiction, but all her books were great. Sounds like you had a great time with your friends. Nice to visit family, too. I actually went and submitted feedback for old ARCs that I had DNFed. I never felt right about commenting, but it's nice seeing my ratio at 97%.

    1. I forgot how much I enjoyed Layne's books! Yes, there are some spicy parts but she really builds up to them and they're not every other page, which I appreciated. Yeah, I don't like giving negative feedback, but I don't think publishers expect you to love every book you pick up. I think they don't mind the negative feedback if it isn't mean spirited and honest, and I know you are always kind even when you don't love a story. My ratio is similar even with the 5 left to clear out. I'm trying! :)

  4. I'm so glad you had a nice dinner with friends and also with your sister and her husband. How fun that you ran into the car festival! I am not much of a car person, but I do enjoy looking at vintage cars.

    Your mentioning Truckee brings back so many memories. My family and I used to camp up in the Donner Pass area every summer when I was growing up and we'd always make a trip to Truckee for groceries if it was a long stay.

    I do want to read Love and Other Conspiracies, but am disappointed it wasn't better for you. On the plus side, your high rating of The Serial Killer Guide to San Francisco has me wanting to read that one even more!

    I hope you have a great week, Rachel!

  5. How to Age Disgracefully came in for me from the library a few days ago. But I forgot to bring it along with me to Waco while I visit my sister. Darn.

    I miss the days of dinner parties. We should see that dinner parties make a comeback.

  6. It is always great to catch up with old friends!

    I see you read the most recent Scarpetta book. I've got the new one on my pile here, so I hope to get to it soon.

    We are FINALLY finished with construction and renovations following the April storms. We were delayed a bit because of Hurricane Berryl, so I'm happy to be finished. The house looks complete again!

  7. Glad the visit with old friends could happen and then the lovely night out with your sister. Our town just hosted a Classic Car show two weekends ago and it was fun to walk down there and meander through seeing the cars. I confess a local dairy ice cream cone was a bigger hit than the cars for me, though. :)

    I enjoyed Serial Killers Guide to SF, too. I've got Love and Other Conspiracies still to read though I'm not sure when I'll slip it in. Lowering expectations now.

    Have a great week, Rachel!

  8. Lovely puzzle :D I tried doing a 500 pieces with my daughter but, omg I gave up. it was too hard. It was so weird, some pieces were like end pieces but not. Yeah please give me a normal puzzle

  9. I've got Love and Other Conspiracies still waiting to be read. Sorry to see you only had 3 stars for it. I'll have to check out your review!
