Monday, September 30, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Read Because of the Hype


Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Artsy Reader where each week they post a new top ten list and ask fellow bookish folk to share their lists on that topic. 

Books I Read Because of the Hype:
Did they work out or not?

Wow, it was hard to narrow this list down! I've read so many books because of the hype, especially before I found Goodreads, because that was really the only way I heard about books. I'm going with (mostly) more recent choices.

Books that lived up to the hype for me:

Moon Called by Patricia Briggs
Magic Bites by Ilona Andrews
The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer
Things You Save in a Fire by Katherine Center
Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros

I was fairly new to Urban Fantasy books when I picked this up, but so many fellow blogger and friends on Goodreads loved the series, so I gave it a try. It's one of my all time favorites! I've listened to the entire series several times now!

Magic Bites/Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews:
Another UF that's one of my all-time favorites! The writing is so amazing and Kate is a wonderful character! I'm going to do a re-read (by audio) of it soon.

The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman:
Several blogger friends featured this when it first came out and so I grabbed up an audio. These octogenarians are hilarious, tackling mysteries, but a lot of the story is so poignant, too!

Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer:
SO popular, but I didn't actually pick up the first book until the first movie came out. I was hooked and read the entire series several times. I know there are many readers that look down on these books, but they still hold a special place in my heart as they reignited my passion for reading and led me to finding Goodreads!

Things You Save in a Fire by Katherine Center
I had read Happiness For Beginners, and I liked it, but didn't love it. (I need to do a re-read, loved the film adaptation). I saw a lot of praise for Things You Save in a Fire and it was narrated by Thérèse Plummer, one of my favorites, so I tried Center again. Loved this story so much and every new release since! 

This book is all over the place! The hype is deserved, however I didn't love Iron Flame as much. The audios are the way to go!

The not so much:

Eligible by Curtis Sittenfeld
Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover
The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires by Grady Hendrix
Silver Nitrate by Silvia Moreno-Garcia

Eligible: A Modern Retelling of Pride & Prejudice by Curtis Sittenfeld
I was hooked by it being a P&P retelling, and it was nominated for "Best Fiction" on Goodreads in 2016, but this was not for me.

Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover
I've loved several books by CoHo, but this wasn't one of them... 

The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires by Grady Hendrix:
Lured in by the promise of fun and horror! Mostly a mixed bag for me.

Silver Nitrate by Silvia Moreno-Garcia:
Another mixed bag...

What books did you read because of the hype?


  1. I've had Magit Bites for ages, I really need to get around to actually reading it!

    Thursday Murder Club is such an obvious one I didn't think of! Agree it's a lot of fun!

    1. I hope you pick up Magic Bites and hang in their after the first book, which is the weakest, IMO, but the series is awesome! Yes, loved The Thursday Murder Club! I'm thrilled their making into a movie!

  2. Dunno of I ever tried that PP one

  3. I have the Richard Osman book waiting for me, and I've set it aside because I've been afraid it would disappoint me. I'm glad to hear how much you enjoyed it, Rachel.

    1. I hope you love it, Deb! I recommend the audio version!

  4. I couldn’t get into Silver Nitrate either.

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.


  5. I really need to read The Thursday Murder Club.

  6. If only we could all predict accurately which books we’d love in advance!

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

  7. I grabbed The Thrusday Murder Club when I found it at the thrift store due to the hype. And I'm so glad I did. It's a great read, and I can't wait for the adaptation.
    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

    1. Yes! I can't wait for the film adaptation either! Especially when I heard the cast!

  8. I read the Twilight series when my son was an infant, and quality literature they are not. They were absolutely perfect for my sleep-deprived brain though, didn't require a lot of thought, and sometimes that's what we need.

    I hope you have a great week. - Katie

    My TTT if you wish to visit -

  9. Magic Bites was a lot of fun. I have to catch up on the series soon.

  10. Well I've read all your Lived up to the Hype books and they are some of my favorites. And I haven't read the other ones so I guess I am doing ok.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  11. I've never read Twilight but I did watch the movies.

  12. I never got into the Twilight books, but I do love the Mercy Thompson books! And Things You Save in a Fire is one of my favorite K. Center novels. Fun list. :D

    1. Yes, so good! I'd like to try the Twilight books again someday to see if I feel the same way now. Thanks! :)

  13. I have accepted that Sittenfeld is not for me. I have read two books, one was a DNF. I have a profile in my head of who her readers are, and I am not them.

    1. I don't think I'd ever pick up another Sittenfeld book. That one was enough for me. Yep, I am not that reader either!

  14. I haven’t really read anything other than Harry Potter because of the hype. I’m not even sure if it counts because I read it many years later because my grandkids were reading it at the time.

    1. Harry Potter was very popular! I watched the movies, but probably won't read the books.

  15. I don’t really pay attention to what people are saying about books. I just pick based on author, publisher or the book cover.

  16. Moon Called and Twilight were two first in genre reads for me and I didn't know about the hype at the time. This was probably good because I get weird about hyped books and avoid them. :) I do tend to read a lot based on books I spot on blog reviews and friend recs so maybe that counts as 'hype'. :)

  17. I really liked THE THURSDAY MURDER CLUB, too, although I haven't read any of the sequels yet. I did just read Osman's newest, WE SOLVE MURDERS, and it is awesome! I loved it.

    I'm also a big fan of Center's books and Plummer's narration. In fact, I mentioned her on my list this week because I'm listening to a big she narrated right now. She's excellent!

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!

    1. So happy to hear that about Osman's newest as my library copy just came through! Yes, Center is wonderful! Thanks, Susan! You too!

  18. I've been pulled in by hype and actually had a couple DNFs. I also liked Osman's book and Things YOu Save in a Fire. I still have Fourth Wing on my TBR. Interesting list, Rachel.
