Sunday, September 29, 2024

Sunday Post #266


The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week. I'm also linking up to The Sunday Salon hosted by Deb Nance @Readerbuzz.

Happy Sunday! We're still having warm temps here with high 80s to low 90s, but it doesn't feel like it does during summer. With the shorter days and the sun in a different angle the heat goes away fast. The trees are still turning colors because it's dipping down to 50 at night. I have been tired and not feeling well with a stomach bug. I didn't get out for my normal runs this week. I want to get out for a walk today and I want to plant the bulbs I've bought. Bulbs always sound wonderful until you have to plant 50, lol! And I still want to get more. They're all going along a split rail fence my husband will be putting up. He bought the material yesterday.

The roses are doing really well and I ordered three more from Heirloom Rose Catalog because they were having a sale.

Rose: Brandy

I did a puzzle while listening to Known to the Victim and An Inheritance of Magic:

Moving Day in Amish Country by Charles Wysocki

(Click on cover for Goodreads link)

Known to the Victim by K.L. Armstrong: 4 Stars

I had a good reading week. I wanted to read the first book in The Inheritance of Magic series before accepting an ARC of the second one. I loved it so I'll be reading and reviewing the next one in a couple of weeks. 

The Cold Light of Day is book 7 in the Verity Kent series and I feel like it opened a new chapter with it taking place during the time of the Irish War of Independence (1919-1921). I didn't know much about the history so I did some reading and want to do some more reading. Huber's books are well researched and she incorporates the time period without taking away from the pacing or plot. The series is excellent with mystery, political intrigue, a dash of romance, and multi-faceted characters I've come to love! Must be read from the beginning. The audios are excellent! 

Known to the Victim is by Kelley Armstrong written under the pseudo name K.L. Armstrong. I tried to request it off of Netgalley not realizing it was only open up to Canadian reviewers. However, it became available at my library so I grabbed it up. Really good and kept me guessing!


Thank you to Ace, Hachette Audio, Macmillan Audio, Simon & Schuster Audio, Blackstone Publishing, and Catherine Bybee!


Thank you also to Jill Shalvis for the print ARC of Better Than Friends

How was your week?


  1. Sorry you have been feeling poorly this week!

    That rose is gorgeous! I don't think I could ever plant bulbs because I would dig a hole, see something crawling in the dirt and that would be all, brother.

    That's a cute puzzle!

    1. Thanks! I'm feeling a lot better, but still not 100%. If it's a worm, I'm not that bothered because they're actually good for growing things. All bets are off if I see a spider!

  2. The rose is superb! And I read The Night We Lost Him last week!

    1. Thanks, Sophie! I'm looking forward to picking it up, hopefully this week!

  3. I hope you are feeling better soon. Stomach bugs are my least favorite illnesses.

    You really enjoyed The Inheritance of Magic, and I hope book two is just as good.

    1. Yes, they are not fun! It was really good, and well thought out! I hope so, too!

  4. Ugh I did 2 days of stomach unease last weekend so I hope you feel better. I have fertilizing and pruning to do yet and either it's raining or too hot/humid or I'm at some medical appt. This week looks promising though. I LOVE Benedict Jacka and did a read-along of his first series. His website has lots of further details about how the magic works and I'm hoping to read some of that before the next book but I'm rather behind at the moment.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. Thank you! I hope you feel better, too! I bought a bunch of tree stake fertilizers that I need my hubby to pound into the ground. I've done some branch cleanup on my cherry and lilacs. I need to do my apple trees. I would love to read his prior series at some point. I did read through the glossary of magic terms they had at the end of the story.

  5. Good luck planting all those bulbs! It is a lot of work to get them planted, but they'll be gorgeous in the spring. And I hope you're feeling better.

    1. Thank you! I love seeing the bulbs in the spring. It's usually the first bit of color we get back after winter!

  6. I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of all the flowers.

  7. Ha, yes! I order packs of bulbs with visions of already planted rows of color just before reality hits and I get out my kneeling pad and bulb digger.
    Fun that you got a puzzle done with your book. I have a stack of puzzles waiting for the cold season when I can't get outside much. Hopefully your heat will cool off soon.

    Nice batch of books you read and in your haul. Glad the new Jacka series started good.

    Have a good week, Rachel!

  8. What a beautiful rose! My poor yard has been neglected recently. I need to get a puzzle out soon. It is my favorite thing to do while listening to audiobooks. I hope that you have a wonderful week!

  9. What a great reading month for you. I'll check these books out. I've been on a reading slump and wanting to find something to help me out the funk.

  10. We still have high temperatures here, too, but at least the humidity has subsided. Your rose bloom is gorgeous! My night-blooming jasmine along my backyard fence is in full bloom, so we have a wonderful aroma in the evenings.

  11. You really did have a good reading week! I hear what you are saying about the temps feeling different, but 80-90s is still too hot. I got back here to that warm front coming up the coast. I just want fall.

  12. We have had first frost a few times, and then the temp gets higher in the day. Fall is coming

  13. Such a pretty rose! We have had a few days of frost here and there but the afternoons are usually 60s/70s. I'm curious to hear about the Laura Dave novel ... will it match her last one?
