Saturday, May 20, 2023

Sunday Post #208


The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week. I'm also linking up to The Sunday Salon hosted by Deb Nance @Readerbuzz.

It's been a busy week with my son, DIL and grandson visiting. Thankfully, they stayed at my sister's since my husband's pink eye has been hanging on stubbornly. Finally it's getting a little better. 

We've been having a heat wave here with upper 80s. I got out for a jog earlier this morning. Lots of wildflowers and still so green! 
Jogging trail

Wildflowers on the trail

Neighbor's Sweet mock orange. Smelled heavenly!

(Click on cover for Goodreads link)

Loved Famous for a Living, Courage in the Storm and Investigation, Mediation, Vindication. The Boyfriend Candidate was a mixed bag.

Received/Purchased/Library Lend:

So excited for the newest Allison Brennan and Katherine Center! Also for The Only Survivors. 


          How was your week?


  1. Oh that jogging trail looks wonderful! Like something out of a movie. Lots of people are getting 80's, sounds like. We're still in high 60's here but should get in the 70's this week, or so they say.

    Allison Brennan and the new Megan Miranda look good.

    1. We'll be back in the 70s by the end of the week and I'm happy. I'm not ready for the 80s yet!

    2. Me neither! I need a little spring...

  2. Sorry to hear your husband is still sick. Funny how weather varies by location. I considering upper 80's to be warming up since we get so much hotter in So Cal.

    1. Oh, I do remember that! It's nice to have that heat for paddle boarding, right?

  3. Love the photos! I hope your husband is feeling better, and you have a great week. :)

    1. Thank you! Yes, his eyes are getting better, finally! You too! :)

  4. What a lovely place to jog! The wildflowers are stunning.

    I need to look for that Katherine Center book. Her books are light and yet also wise. I also like it that she is from Houston near me.

    1. Thank you! Spring has been gorgeous here! I've loved every book by Center! Hope you enjoy it if you decide to pick it up. :)

  5. Can't wait to get out of the 50s temps we have here. Upper 80s we are not eager for though.

    The Only Survivors was very suspenseful, but good.

    1. Yes! I'm thankful we're getting back to the 70s next week. Oh, happy to hear you liked The Only Survivors!

  6. I hope your husband will be fully healed soo Rachel! And we finally have some sun here!

    1. He's almost 100% thank goodness! Nice that you're getting some sunshine! We had a long winter here so it was welcome. :)

  7. We've been in the 80s all week, too...and our poor back lawn is starting to look a little sad. Just once I wish we could have a month of actual spring weather instead of always jumping right into summer heat. Wishing you a great week this week! :D

    1. Thankfully we'll be back in the 70s in a few days! But yes, I hate it when it goes from winter to summer, skipping over spring! That's the way it was down in Southern California. We've been watering the lawn because of the heat wave. Thank you, Lark! You too! :)

  8. Your poor hubs. That's a long time to have pink eye hanging around. Looks like you had quite the lovely views from your run. I was on the fence about Famous for Living, but we line up pretty well with our reading. Think I will give it a listen.

    1. Yep, and because it was viral the drops didn't work! Finally he's getting better. It's been so pretty here! Sure makes exercise a joy! I think you'd like Famous for a Living. It was such a fun, low drama read!

  9. Yay...I am enjoying Tullbane too. I hope that pink eye clears up soon.

    1. Yes! You're the reason I picked him up, Kimberly! It was a fun read! I need to acquire book two. It's KU, but I want to listen instead.

  10. What a pretty trail! And sorry the pink eye is hanging on-that sucks! Have a great week!

    1. Thanks! It was a stubborn case but thankfully he's getting better.

  11. Nice flowers but no to the 80s. I like our 70s to low 80s. I hope your husband is better soon. It's great you had another option as a place for them to stay. Happy reading!

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. Yeah, I wasn't thrilled for it to be so hot this soon, so thankfully we're cooling down this next week. Back into the 70s. Yes, I was thankful my sister was able to put them up. She has an ADU so it's perfect for out of town guests. She's close to my son as well.

  12. That jogging trail is beautiful! I need a few lake type books - I am adding Meet Me at the Lake to my list!

    1. Meet Me at the Lake was so good! I hope you love it too, Erin!

  13. Wishing your husband well and that you'll all have a wonderful time for the remainder of the visit. Lovely pics from your jog!
    Glad the majority of this batch of reads were good ones. That new Megan Miranda you scored looks good.

    Have a good week, Rachel!

    1. Thanks, Sophia! I had a great reading week and I'm looking forward to that new Miranda! You too! :)

  14. Me too! His eyes are so much better than they were. Oh, that is hot! I'm happy we're cooling back down again. Well, in the 70s at any rate. :)

  15. Hope your husband is feeling better soon! I'm glad to see you loved Famous for a Living too - I have that on my wish list!

    Lauren @

  16. My goodness, that pink eye really lingered a long time. Your poor husband. :( Love that pic of Meet Me at the Lake! It's high on my TBR.

    1. I didn't either! And on top of it the antibiotic drops didn't work because it was viral. Worst case I've ever seen. Thankfully his eyes are almost 100% again. Thanks! I just loved the story so much and I love the feel of a summer lake vacation! I have good memories with family on trips like that. Hope you love it, too, Tanya! :)

  17. How wonderful to spend time with your DIL and grandson, even if they didn't stay at your house. Wow, I can't believe that your husband's pink eye has taken that long to go away. That was a real stubborn case. I am just finishing Shelter in the Storm as I missed it, then I will read Courage in the Storm. I also have the three new books you received on my TBR. I hope the week as gone well so far, Rachel.

  18. Nice pictures! What a beautiful place to jog at.

  19. Beautiful pictures! Hope you have a great weekend and enjoy all your coming books.
