Saturday, August 26, 2023

Sunday Post #219


The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week. I'm also linking up to The Sunday Salon hosted by Deb Nance @Readerbuzz.

I had a nice week! Went to a book party/signing on Tuesday for Brenda Novak's newest release: Talulah's Back in Town in historic downtown Folsom at Ruby's Books. The bookstore and town were super cute and I had a great time! Brenda is a wonderful speaker! I'm excited for her new three book romance series set in Montana! I'm about 30% down with Talulah and I would've thought it too messy, too angsty for my tastes but it's soooo good! I'll be giving away a signed copy with my review this coming week, so be on the lookout! 

It's been an eventful week because we left early the next morning (Wednesday) to travel down to Southern California to visit my son, DIL and our newest grandson, who is now 8 months. He's so happy and cute! He had a lot of colic and was super fussy, and didn't sleep well. I'm so happy he's done a complete turn around for the sanity of my son and DIL! It's so stressful when you can't soothe your baby and they're in pain! Also, trying to get by on minimal sleep can make you crazy! I remember those days and I'm so happy they're out of the woods. We drove back yesterday and it was a long drive! Both my husband and I were exhausted, but happy to be home. We listened to the newest Sandra Brown which made our drive a lot more bearable!

(Click on cover for Goodreads link)

I had a great reading week! Kind of an eclectic mix of reads but all were wonderful! Just finished Mixed Signals today and I think it's my favorite of the Lovelight series. Out of Nowhere was another solid romantic suspense from Sandra Brown. She's an auto read for me even though I don't get approval from the publisher anymore. Not sure what's up with that, but I got a library audio and now I don't have to write a review. It was a page-turner for sure and it made our drive enjoyable! Vampires of El Norte isn't my usual kind of read, but it was surprisingly addictive! Moving Forward was a heartwarming double romance.

Received/Purchased/Library Lend:

This is a lot. I had to commit to some blog tours offered and downloaded widgets offered a while ago when they sent a print copy. I need to get reading! I listed one library audio lend. I'm sure there's more library lends I just am too lazy to add here.


Surprisingly good! Love that the beautiful cover is taken from the story!

How was your week?


  1. Glad you had a nice visit! And book event as well. Sounds neat.

    Vampires looks fun, and I love the look of Weekend Retreat as well. Happy reading this weekend!

    1. The book event was fun and I loved the cute historic town. You have a great week, too, Greg!

  2. Sounds like a fun book event. And glad you enjoyed your time in my part of California. :)

  3. The book event sounds like fun. Have a great week!

  4. Ooh all your books look so good, especially 'Vampires of El Norte'! And that sounds like an eventful week. I haven't been to a book party in ages but I do miss them! And I hope the grandson continues to feel better, for the sanity of his parents. Can't imagine what those first few months to a year must be like! I hope you have a lovely week :)
    Juli @ A Universe in Words

    1. Vampires of El Norte was a great story! Yes, I can't imagine having a baby again. It's a lot of work and stress even though you do love them immensely. You too!

  5. I am so glad to be out of the woods too Rachel LOL I am very cranky when I have little sleep. I am drooling on your copy of The Wake Up Call! I asked for it but...

    1. I know! I can't imagine going back to that time in my life. Glad my kids are grown, lol! Oh, bummer about The Wake Up Call. I know the feeling. I just request at my library when that happens and smile because I don't have to write a review. :)

  6. Great that you got to visit the new grandson! Isn't it frustrating that all that agony is such a normal part of baby life, and just has to be waited out. I hope their troubles really are over.
    best, mae at

    1. Yes, it is a trial that a lot of parents go through. Thankfully, most babies grow out of it, but at the time it feels never ending.

  7. You had a fun week. A book signing and cuddle time with the grand-baby. I hear stories like that about babies and consider myself lucky. My daughter was easy, slept through the night from 2 weeks on. Easy teen too. I think I was blessed because her father was terrible. I just finished The Wake-Up Call yesterday. I liked it. The ending had me shedding happy tears. It was fun too. I don't get the title, but it was great. I hope you enjoy it too

    1. You were lucky with that! Glad to hear you had that reward if the dad was awful! Happy to hear you enjoyed The Wake-Up Call! I'm happy to hear it's a little more light than her last few books.

  8. Wow, you have a fantastic list of books this week. I use toread Sandra Brown's books all of the time years ago. I need to start checking her books out now. Have a wonderful week, Rachel ☕📚🌞💛

    1. Sandra Brown has a great addictive formula that always seems to work for me! My favorite to date is still Mean Streak, though. Thanks, you too! :)

  9. My youngest daughter had colic and it was horrible. I am so glad that your grandson has moved past that. You added some great books this past week. Strange that you no longer get approvals for Sandra Brown's books. I did enjoy her newest!

    1. My son had colic too and I agree, it is horrible. It seems never ending. Thankfully they grow out of it! Yeah, I'm not sure if I would've got approval or not, but my request just sat there for like 2 months so I withdrew the request and figured I'd just get it at the library when it came out. Got the audio so that was even better! It was good, right?! Both my husband and I enjoyed it. :)

  10. Glad you had a nice week!

    My Sunday post:

  11. I really think we need to find out more about the struggles of a young baby. It's so hard on the child and the parents to have a fussy baby, and I wasn't able to find anything to help my baby...he just had to grow out of it.

    You certainly have a lot of great books ready to go. Enjoy!

    1. I agree! I think they have some anti-acid/reflux meds that did help a little, but still. My son had colic too and we just had to wait until he grew out of it as well. It was a stressful time.

      Thanks, Deb!

  12. Congratulations on grandparenthood. The coming and going are the best parts of the role. Come and visit--cuddle, play, fun. Go home--quiet. Ah!

    1. Lol! Yes! I'm happy to cuddle and love and then go. I'm happy my kids are grown and I can enjoy my quiet time! :)

  13. Sounds like a good but busy week. I get you about getting at the library so you don't have to review. I added more reviews for myself by doing my new Sunday Series meme but they are shorter and I don't have to send them to the publisher or anything.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. It was a nice, but busy week. I'm happy to be home!
      Yes! It is nice not to have to write a review, and I don't feel guilty because I do feature all my reads on the Sunday Post.

  14. The book party sounds so fun and I love the Instagram book pic, great cover. Happy reading!

    1. It was fun! Thank you. I love that cover too. Happy reading to you as well!

  15. That book signing sounds so fun; I'm glad you got to go. And I like the sound her new book, too. :D

    1. It was fun and I loved the historic town it was in. I am loving the book, I just need to get some time to sit down and finish it. :)

  16. Glad things are better for your son and DIL-colic would be horrible! And yay for a book signing!

    1. Yes, colic is no fun! So stressful. I'm so happy he's past that now.

  17. Glad you had a nice time at the bookstore! I haven't been to any bookstores in awhile now.

    Here’s my Sunday Post

    Rabbit Ears Book Blog: WORLD’S WEIRDEST BOOK BLOG!

  18. Omg the colic days. She never went to sleep before 2 am

  19. Glad you had such a great week - I love author events, too. It's always such fun listening to authors talk about their process. As for colic - so glad he's settled down. I recall my son and eldest grandson's early days with a shudder. I wouldn't wish a baby with colic on my worst enemy... Have a wonderful week, Rachel:).

  20. Im glad you were able to enjoy time with your grandson.

    Wishing you a wonderful reading week

  21. I have never been to a book signing, sounds like you had a nice time though. Have a great week!

  22. What a great week you have had there!!! So many fun things for you. Happy news for the baby. But yeah I can only imagine how hard it is as a parent to see your child struggle and can't fix it for them. book signings are so much fun!

  23. Neat that you got to go to the cute bookshop and Brenda Novak event. I get her newsletter and she mentioned trying to find good macaroons to serve at the release party. Ah, your poor son and DIL with a colicky baby but glad things are moving past that for them all and you got in a visit with the sweet little guy.
    Fun array of reading, too.

    Have a good week, Rachel!

  24. From my old babysitting days, I seem to recall 8 months is a fun baby age. Glad to hear your grandson is feeling much happier now that he's past the colic stage!

  25. Sounds like you had a good time at the book event. That's a special memory. I'm looking forward to The Last Close Call. Hope you have a great week.

  26. How fun to go to the Novak signing! I love author events and it's been quite a while since I went to one. It was probably Colleen Hoover back in 2018... 5 years ago! I've only read one by Novak before and I enjoyed it. I'm interested in picking up this new one.

  27. I'm so glad your grandson is feeling better. Colic can be hard on everyone.

  28. I'm glad your grandson is doing better. I remember those days and it is not easy!


  29. I'm glad your grandson is feeling better and the visit was fun! I hope you're having a great week.
