Saturday, August 19, 2023

Sunday Post #218


The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week. I'm also linking up to The Sunday Salon hosted by Deb Nance @Readerbuzz.

It's been a busy week. The usual, but also I flew down south with my husband to tag along while he called in on his account and then we met old friends/business acquaintances at the historic bar Joe Jost's in Orange County. We flew down and back in one day. When we got back home I was so tired I just washed my face and went to bed. 

I got up early to beat the heat and jogged three miles. I gathered up a few pears and some wild blackberries along my trail and made homemade blackberry scones. They were delicious! 

Morning meadow

Pears from trail

Garden Zinneas

We're finally getting some cooler days as in low 80s instead of high 90s this next week and there's a chance of rain on Monday from the huge storm Hilary. We'll be getting the tail end of it with most of the impact hitting Southern California. 

(Click on cover for Goodreads link)

I've been on a mystery/thriller kick but I did manage to read *listen* to one romance. 

Received/Purchased/Library Lend:

Fourth Wing is an audio library lend. I hope it's the updated version. I'm a little hesitant with all the hype.


A 5 star read set against a 5 star view. The book was set in the Montana wilderness and the background photo is from one of my trips there. 

How was your week?


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! They've been blooming so much I want to plant more as they're wonderful for cutting!

  2. your bowl of pears makes a pretty still-life.
    best, mae at

  3. That meadow picture looks lovely! And those blackberry scones sounds good. Flying down and then back up in one day sounds tiring, but I hope it was a good day. Have a great week!

    1. Thank you! It was a good day! I hope you have a wonderful week, too!

  4. I could never fly to and back in one day! I hate flying LOL. Adding that Allison Brennan book to my TBR!

    1. I hate flying too, but the flights were pain free this time. Hope you love it, too, Sophie!

  5. Those zinnias are gorgeous. I enjoyed North of Nowhere too. Here's my SP:

  6. You are quite the jet setter flying to and from on the same day. The airport is so exhausting too. I don't know if I could handle it twice in one day. LOL. A run and scones all first thing in the morning - you don't play around. Love the pictures!

    1. We got a companion pass with one of our purchased flights and it just went into effect. It's only and hour flight each way, so not too bad. Had to get the run in before the heat! Thanks! :)

  7. Wow that sounds like a fun trip but hope you get some good needed rest to recover. Beautiful photo!! Nature is so lovely. Scones are the best way to reward a good long run! Thrillers can be really fun to read. I hope you enjoy Fourth Wing. If you love that type of fantasy than I am sure you will love it.

    Have a fabulous week darling!

    1. I had the next day off so I did get to rest. Thanks! I don't usually go for that kind of fantasy, but there's been so much hype I'd like to read it. I'm sure it'll be on the Goodreads Awards too. You, too, Renee!

  8. I like to read books set in the places I visit. I will remember the Allison Brennan book for my next trip to Montana.

    And, oh, homemade blackberry scones! Sounds delicious!

    1. I enjoy "visiting" places through books too! I was happy they turned out well. I've never made scones before. :)

  9. I do love zinnias, and the colors of yours are gorgeous.

    1. Thank you! They're such great repeat bloomers and they've been doing so well in the summer heat. I'm a new fan. I want to plant more.

  10. Homemade blackberry scones sound so yummy! Hope you have a good week. :D

    1. Thanks they were! Hope you have a wonderful week, too! :)

  11. Those Zinnias are stunning!
    How nice to have wild fruit available, I love scones with jam (jelly)

    Wishing you a happy reading week

    1. Thank you! Yes, it's exciting! Last year we only had the blackberries because a late frost ruined all the pear, apple and stone fruit crops so it's a surprise seeing all the fruit this year! You too, Shelleyrae!

  12. That meadow looks beautiful - so very peaceful! Glad the weather is cooling down for you. We've had a summer where the temp has rarely edged over 70 with lots of rain - and while I'd have liked a tad more sun, I'm not complaining! The zinnias are glorious and what a treat to find such lovely pears:). I hope the coming week is a good one, Rachel.

    1. Thank you! Wow, you've had a cool summer. I love the zinnias and I was thrilled about the pears (need to look up recipes). I hope you enjoy the coming week as well!

  13. Blackberry scones from wild blackberries, I love that you made that. Sounds so good.

    1. Thanks! I felt happy to do something with them instead of them just sitting on the vines.

  14. I have seen so many people raving about the new Allison Brennan book!! Glad you liked it.

  15. Fun that you found that delicious fresh fruit along your jogging path and scones are a great way to enjoy them. Hope you're recovered from your trip. Hilary is an impressive storm out your way. I enjoyed many in your stack of reads. I still need to pick up that Fourth Wing, too.

    Have a great week, Rachel!

    1. Yes, it's been a nice find along the way. We got the tail end of the storm. A little rain, a lot of thunder but not much else. Not like down south! Hopefully I can get to Fourth Wing before my library lend expires. You have a good week too, Sophia! :)

  16. Oh I love that new header! I can almost hear the surf rolling in. :) And wild blackberries. Yum.

    Love that meadow pic. And Beneath Dark Waters looks great.

    1. Thank you! That would be a cold ocean to surf in, but it's beautiful in person! Thanks! It was a great story! :)

  17. Fun! I used to fly on business like that and it did make long days. I love how you have flowers and pears and all kinds of great stuff at your new home. I hope the rain helps the drought areas and doesn't cause too much flooding. I hope you love Fourth Wing as I did.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. Yeah, my husband does that route in one day once or twice a month for work. I feel for him. I wouldn't want to do it on a regular basis! We got the tail end of the storm, just a little rain and a lot of thunder. Down south had a lot of flooding from what I could tell. I hope so too!

  18. I love zinnias. Aren't they the best? So colorful!

    1. It's the first time I've grown them in a garden and I'm loving them! Beautiful!

  19. I've really learned to love a jogging routine in the past couple months. I'm down 20 lbs so far just by doing 2.5 miles each morning. I just have to remind myself to get rest so old injuries don't bother me!

    I've got a copy of The Christmas Appeal too...looking forward to holiday reading!

    1. Congratulations! What a wonderful accomplishment, Ethan! Warming up and stretching after a run really helps with injuries as well. I hope we both love The Christmas Appeal!

  20. Sounds like a good week. I enjoyed your pics and those pears are making me hungry. I love pears.
    sherry @ fundinmental

    1. Thanks, Sherry! I don't eat pears often but I really like them when I do!

  21. Thanks! My dad loves flying too. Airplanes and such. I don't mind the flying part, I'm not a fan of the hassles that usually go along with it. This time was easy going though so I was happy about that.

  22. Imagine picking pears and blackberries along your trail!!!!! Love the zinnias, too.

  23. The one day trip sounds a bit tiring. Blackberry scones... yum! I have the hardcover of Fourth Wing but then decided it would be clunky to lug around. I'm waiting on the Kindle at my library. I started at #552. LOL I think I'm up to 310 or so now. Hope we will both love it!

    1. It was, but fun also. They turned out really good! It is a long wait! For whatever reason the audio was available. I'll have to see if I can fit it in before my lend expires.

  24. What a lovely day. Regine

  25. I loved Fourth Wing and will cross my fingers that it's the updated version.

    1. Glad to hear you loved it, Kimberly! I hope I can get to it before my library lend expires.

  26. Temps are supposed to cool off here soon too. It probably won't last, but I'm looking forward to it.


    1. It's cool today as well which wasn't predicted. I'm enjoying it!

  27. Pears!

    Here days are getting shorter and darker...ok not that much, but summer is over

  28. I'm currently reading Fourth Wing, and it's delivering on the hype so far.
