Saturday, October 5, 2024

Sunday Post #267


The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week. I'm also linking up to The Sunday Salon hosted by Deb Nance @Readerbuzz.

Can't believe it's October already! Also can't believe it when we are still having 90+ degree weather here! We've been stuck in a heat wave, but thankfully the 90 degrees isn't as bad as summer 90 degrees! It's fall! Summer you need to move on! It's supposed to cool off next week. We head out to Austin, TX on Thursday.

My heart goes out to everyone affected by Hurricane Helene! The pictures are shocking! 

Because I'm trying to use the apples on our trees I tried a recipe for Apple Caramel Coffee Jam. I canned four pints today. I'm not sure how I feel about the taste yet. I think I should've made the coffee less strong. I might try apple chutney next. I've never eaten apple chutney. Thoughts?

(Click on cover for Goodreads link)

The Holiday Cottage by Sarah Morgan: 4 Stars


Thank you to Minotaur Books, Berkley and Recorded Books!


How was your week?


  1. I used to read a lot of Kelley Armstrong but haven't done for a long time now!

    Enjoy your books

  2. We have had frost most mornings, but still a lot warmer in the day than normal. Still not 90 ;)

  3. It certainly doesn't feel like October here. We are having ninety-plus degree weather. I hope it cools off for you and us soon.

    Just looking at the cover of The Holiday Cottage cools me off!

    1. Sounds like we're in the same boat! We're headed out your way on Thursday. I hope it cools down.

  4. I’ve made quite a few kinds of chutney, but like you I can’t recall any apple chutney — but apples are often in other recipes that I’ve made. So why not? It sounds good.
    best, mae at

    1. I've made so many things with apples so I was trying for a new, fun recipe. I'll have to try it.

  5. We've been back up in the high 80s and low 90s here in Salt Lake, too. It doesn't feel like fall. But at least the nights cool off, which is very helpful and nice. We make applesauce every year and bottle it, but I've never made or tried apple chutney. Could be really good. :D

    1. Yes, at least the nights cool off. I've made apple butter and lots of apple pie filling (which is delicious!) but wanted to try something different. :)

  6. Apple chutney sounds good! My family mostly end up with endless apple pies and apple crumbles, hehe.

    I should start assembling any Christmas books I have around so I don't forget them when the time is ripe. None until November for me, though! It just feels wrong. Glad you enjoyed The Holiday Cottage, though, it looks fun!

    1. I've made a ton of apple crumbles! They're delicious! Yes, a lot of readers won't touch Christmassy books until later. I'd put this one on your list, Nicky! It's lovely!

  7. I’ve not tried apple chutney, but it sounds amazing.

  8. Well it feels like NC October mostly 70s and less humidity. It is heartbreaking, all the destruction of the hurricane. I am more like an apple butter, or apple cider fan. I saw one of my high school classmates canned apple pie filling this weekend though. I hope you have a good trip and TX isn't too hot!

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. I've made apple butter and apple pie filling. Both excellent, but I wanted to try something different. Thanks! I hope it's cool, too!

  9. Same here with the 90 degree weather! That jam sounds yummy! Except maybe the coffee part, I'm not a coffee fan. You've got some reviews I've got to get time to go check out, especially the Kelley Armstrong book. Hope you have a good week!
    Lisa Loves Literature

    1. Yes, I think I should've gone a bit lighter with the coffee. We'll see.

  10. I would never even think of Apple Caramel Coffee Jam. That is such a fun combination!

    Was the Holiday Cottage clean? I'm looking for some clean but not necessarily religious books (preferably romance).

  11. I hope the coffee jam grows on you. I think apple chutney is always good. Put that on some nice cheese - yum! I would be crying if it was still that hot here. The hottest it's been as of late is just under 80. Not too bad. Very cool in the morning (48 today).

    1. Yes! I thought that would be tasty, too! We've been having really cool weather in the evening and mornings, too.

  12. It's 90 here too. It needs to cool down already.

  13. 90 degrees?! Yikes. We go from 40 to 70 degrees during the day if we're lucky. Fall should come sometime. I'm glad you liked The Sequel ... I will check out your review. Enjoy your time in Austin.

  14. I’m hungry. Sounds good to me yum.

  15. I love the cover of I'll Be Waiting.

  16. That's quite the fall heat wave. Hopefully the temps will break by the time you're back from your trip to TX. I love apple anything so your preserving projects sound tasty.

    Have a good week, Rachel!
    Sophia Rose

  17. Someone told me it feels like October got July to cover their shift this year, and that feels very true haha.

    We seem to be reading all of the same books right now, and I've really enjoyed seeing how your reaction stacks up to my own. I thought the new Scarpetta was one of her best in a long time, so I'm eager to see how you feel about it.

    As for the apples, definitely go for a chutney and maybe some apple butter too. We've been doing lots of pumpkin baking, so a couple pumpkin loaves and this week, pumpkin sourdough cinnamon rolls!

  18. We are *finally* getting a break from the awful heat. Today it's only 82 and also extremely windy (although that part is thanks to the approaching Hurricane Milton). I'm not sure I've had apple chutney but it sounds amazing.

  19. I love apple chutney! It goes great with Thanksgiving food.


  20. Wow, that is still pretty hot, Rachel. We are in the 60s here and it is perfect. I will be reading The Sequel and The Holiday Cottage soon. I hope you enjoy your time in Austen.

  21. I've never met a chutney I didn't like, so I say yes. Make it.

  22. I also finished I'll Be Waiting, my review is still coming. I'm so behind. We are also having warmer than usual weather, but it's not super hot. Have a wonderful week.

  23. The weather here is supposed to start getting cooler this next week, thankfully. I hope you start seeing cooler weather soon too! I keep hearing good things about Sarah Morgan's The Holiday Cottage and look forward to reading it. I am glad you enjoyed it and your other recent reads. I hope you have a great week, Rachel!
