Saturday, January 11, 2025

Sunday Post #279


The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week. I'm also linking up to The Sunday Salon hosted by Deb Nance @Readerbuzz.

My heart goes out to the Southern Californians affected by the fires! I can't believe the devastation I've been seeing! I've lived in California all my life and don't remember having these massive fires we now experience on a regular basis. Climate change has amplified environmental threats to unimaginable levels. Scary times!

My husband traveled down to Southern California (north of the fires) to help our son and DIL move. I sent my Popcorn Balls (similar to Rice Krispy treats but with M&Ms and popcorn) and Rice Krispy Treats. My son loves Popcorn Balls and so I make them for him most times we meet up even though I'm not crazy about making them.

Popcorn balls & the butter you have to coat your hands in so they don't stick!

The weather is still on the warm side with highs in the upper 50s, but it felt colder because of some wind.

Out and about in the neighborhood: pond with some geese.

I sat down today (Saturday) and figured out my garden seeds: vegetable and flower. Seeds to start indoors and outdoors and the dates to get them going. I have several zinnia varieties. They did so well last year, but I ordered a few more varieties Queeny Lemon Peach and Queeny Red Lime because they look so pretty! I also ordered Cosmos, Scabiosa and several varieties of Sunflowers. I'm going for a more varied cutting garden. 

Starla having a quick nap

(Click on cover for Goodreads link)
Shooting the Moon by Brenda Novak
Remember When (Ravenswood #4) by Mary Balogh
Shattering Dawn (The Lost Night Files #3) by Jayne Ann Krentz

Shooting the Moon by Brenda Novak-4 Stars

Shooting the Moon was an older Brenda Novak romance that, as far as I can tell, they're re-releasing by audio. It was good, but I could tell it was written a few years back. Remember When was a wonderful mature romance, low on angst. Shattering Dawn is the last of The Lost Night Files and my favorite installment.


Thank you to Dreamscape Media!

I've been seeing All the Missing Pieces everywhere so I grabbed up the audio copy. Earl Crush has a lot of high ratings and is by a new-to-me author.


How was your week?


  1. Climate change is scary. Even in Missouri the weather is significantly different than when I was a kid. I hope those impacted by the fires in Southern California are able to find some peace eventually. Happy reading!

    1. It's hard to pick a spot where that isn't plagued with some sort of natural disaster on occasion! I hope so, too, but it seems they have a long road ahead!

  2. Those fires are horrific. I admire the bravery of the folks who are coming to stop the fires.

    Good luck with your planting plans. We got some free trees yesterday from Trees for Houston, two fig and two olive. Let's see how they work out.

    1. I know! I admire all the workers pouring in from other states to help. It really is touching! How exciting, Deb! I love trees, and I'd love to have a fig tree! My husband is allergic to olive trees so those wouldn't work for us. I hope you share some photos!

  3. It sounds like you’ve had a busy and thoughtful week, especially with everything going on in Southern California. It’s so great that you were able to send your homemade treats to help out your son. Your gardening plans for the upcoming season sound exciting, too – zinnias, sunflowers, and cosmos will surely make your cutting garden beautiful!

    Your book reads seem interesting too, especially *Shattering Dawn*—it's great that it was your favorite in the series.

    I just shared a new post; let me know what you think. Have a lovely weekend ahead.

  4. Your planting plans sounds wonderful! I love planning my summer garden in January and February. :)

    1. I'm having a ball with it! I used to live in Southern California up until 2 1/2 years ago and I did have a garden but is was so limited. I'm reveling in the opportunities!

  5. Good luck with your plants! I miss having a garden, but I'm just too busy in the summer to deal with it. Stay safe from the fires! Those are really scary.

    1. Yes, you definitely have to have some time to spare. Although, my husband set up an automatic watering/drip for the garden so not nearly as much work as it was. My heart always skips a few beats when I hear a fire truck! Usually January is a relatively safe month, but seeing what is going on down south takes away that comfort!

  6. The fires are terrifying! I hope they get them under control soon. It was nice of you to make something you hate making. That's love right there!

    1. They are! Love and guilt! I felt bad for not traveling down south as well, but the new cats are still not at the point where we could leave them here alone even for a couple of days!

  7. The fires are devastating! My heart breaks for everyone who lost their homes. I've never seen anything like it. And how fun that you're already thinking flowers for your garden. I can't think of anything beyond shoveling the snow off my car and driveway. ;D Have a great week!

    1. I know, it's so heartbreaking! I can't imagine losing everything like that and the hard work that's to come!

      I made the mistake of not checking the dates for planting on my seeds last year and I was behind a month! That made a difference with production! We haven't had snow here, just rain. Hope you have an easy time getting a safe path through the snow, Lark!

  8. I am so sorry about the fires. Many people are having a challenging week with snow and ice too. We are happy at home. I'm starting to think I won't get to plant in February with the weather so cold this month. I love hearing about your plans. I'm more perennials and food gardening.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. I won't be able to transplant seedlings into my garden until end of March, but I'll have a head start. I'm starting a lot of the seeds next weekend. I'll be starting a bunch of vegetables along with flowers.

  9. Look at the sweet face on Starla!!! Those popcorn balls look delicious! You're a good mom to make them even though they are a pain!

    1. Starla is such a pretty girl! She's so sweet, too! Thanks!

  10. Earl Crush is on my TBR, I hope you enjoy it. The California fires are very scary to watch. We had tons of snow and cold here this past week, so much I got the week off of school! Starla is adorable. The popcorn balls look yummy, but I can see maybe too much work for me to attempt, lol. Have a good week!
    Lisa Loves Literature

    1. Yay for snow days! Hope you enjoyed the time home! They aren't that much work, just messy. :)

  11. The fires are so scary Rachel! I was thinking of my daughter as she is now officially in California but luckily, Sacramento is far from the fires at the moment!

    1. Sacramento is about 6 or 7 hours north of the fires, thank goodness! Still, wildfires are a threat in California we all worry about!

  12. Maybe if the people in charge made better decisions and did the required maintenance, things would not be as bad as they are in LA. It's horrible how many are suffering because of that. Those zinnias are beautiful. I don't think I have ever seen them before. I hope your family is safe and you have a great week.

    1. Well said, Samantha. Underground powerlines would've maybe prevented that deadly Paradise fire in Northern California. And I'm not sure what happened with the water down south. All scary! I do think no one ever thought the threats would be as bad as they currently are, though. Thanks!

  13. I enjoyed All the Missing Pieces and have Earl Crush as well. Your garden plans sound lovely.

    1. Happy to hear that, Kimberly! I'm even more excited for them!

  14. The fires are awful. I love rice krispy treats but popcorn balls sound good too.

  15. I love Zinnias. The video I've seen of the fire fighting helicopters and planes is amazing. Those pilots are incredibly skilled.

  16. Growing up, I remember my grandmother in Pennsylvania making popcorn balls every Christmas and sending them to us via the postal service. It's been ages since I had one. The Jayne Ann Krentz book sounds really good! I am glad you enjoyed it. I want to read more of Mary Balogh. I don't read historical romance often which is a shame given how much I like historical fiction. I hope you have a great week, Rachel!

  17. The news coming out of LA is heartbreaking for sure!

    Have a great week.

  18. And still people do not believe in climate change

  19. Hi / we just got back from SoCal (long drive)! Very sad to see those fires. I grew up in So.Calif too. Is your son moving away from there? I hope they can get a handle on it. My brother is in Pasadena and my dad in Redlands, so I'm keeping an eye on the situation. Enjoy your reads.

    1. Yes! That is a long drive! No, he's not moving from there. He lived quite a bit north in Santa Clarita, and just bought another home in Acton where he just moved. I wish he'd move by us, but it is what it is. I hope your father and brother continue to stay out of the danger zone!
