Monday, June 1, 2015

Review & Giveaway: Moonlight on Nightingale Way by Samantha Young

Publication Date: June 2nd 2015 by NAL
Purchase Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iBooks | Kobo

About the book:

Logan from Echoes of Scotland Street is back with his own smoldering story, as the New York Times bestselling On Dublin Street series returns…

Logan spent two years paying for the mistakes he made. Now, he’s ready to start over. He has a great apartment, a good job, and plenty of women to distract him from his past. And one woman who is driving him to distraction…

Grace escaped her manipulative family by moving to a new city. Her new life, made to suit her own needs, is almost perfect. All she needs to do is find her Mr. Right—or at least figure out a way to ignore her irresistible yet annoying womanizer of a neighbor.

Grace is determined to have nothing to do with Logan until a life-changing surprise slowly begins turning the wild heartbreaker into exactly the kind of strong, stable man she’s been searching for. Only just when she begins to give into his charms, her own messy past threatens to derail everything they’ve worked to build…

My Thoughts:
Grace’s new neighbor, Logan, is basically a manwhore.  His sexual antics and loud parties have deprived her of sleep, and generally ticked her off.  Logan’s reactions to her complaints push her buttons even more so, accusing Grace of being an uppity snob.  Needless to say they are not on the best of terms when they first meet.  But Grace gets to know Logan a little and her opinion of him begins to soften, just a tad. 

When faced with something that changes his life forever, Logan is shocked and thrown for a loop, but he quickly abandons his party lifestyle to accommodate. Grace steps in to help, because she can’t help but admire the way Logan immediately accepts the change in his life with ferocity, and because the situation strikes at her heart for personal reasons. 

Samantha Young captures feelings so spot on that every time I crack open the pages of one of her stories I automatically put myself in the character’s shoes.  So of course I rooted for Grace and I felt her every hurt, all her longing and attraction, as well.  She was such a sweet, giving person, and her help to Logan cemented their closeness. In that closeness, Grace starts to fall for Logan even though she fears he’ll just break her heart in the end.  Grace doubts that she’s even Logan’s type when he paraded blond, curvy, scantily clad women in and out of his apartment for months, and Grace is pretty much the opposite.  Also, low self-esteem stemming from an absolutely horrid family further fuels her concerns.

Logan spent time in jail, almost two years, for severely beating the man who nearly raped and killed his sister.  So he didn’t feel worthy to take on the change in his life, but Grace helped him work through those feelings and be the man she knew he was.  Of course, I wanted to smack Logan a couple of times, but he proved time and time again what a good guy he was and I couldn’t help but fall for him.

Grace and Logan dance around their attraction, building up combustible sexual tension, so when they finally give in it’s so very HOT:

“The things I’m going to do to you, babe. I’m going to make you mine, every single piece of you.” Our eyes locked, his filled with sexual promise. “No holds barred, Grace. Not with me. I’m going to fuck you like there’s no tomorrow, and you’re going to let me.” 

I appreciated there was no last minute romantic drama to taint their relationship when they finally committed. It was Grace and Logan against the world, aka crappy family. 

I’m sad to say good-bye to this series, I’ve loved each and every book in the series, but Samantha Young gives us a good send off with short, but heartwarming epilogues for each couple.  You know these friends who’ve become like family, through their emotional bonds and unwavering support will live happily ever after, and that’s what every romance junkie, like me, craves! 

4.5 Suns

Connect with Samantha Young:

The lovely people at NAL have generously provided a print copy of Moonlight on Nightingale Way to one lucky Waves of Fiction follower. The giveaway is open to US residents only. Simply fill out the rafflecopter below for a chance to win. Good luck!


  1. I haven't read this author yet but I'd love a chance :) thanks for sharing!

  2. Thanks for the post and your thoughts on this book, I loved reading them. I can't get enough of this series and sorry to see it's completion. So it is hard to pick a favorite book of hers. If I had to choose it would have to be Echoes of Scotland Street because I was so invested in Cole from when we first met him as a boy with an abusive mother and now he has grown into such a sweet and kind young man. I loved his story. :) Thanks for the chance to win!

  3. On Dublin Street is great! Thanks!

  4. I have a few of this series on my shelf to read so no favorite yet! hope to start and devour them all soon!

    Thanks so much!

  5. Amazing review, Rachel! Saying good-bye to the favorite series is always sad, but hopefully Samantha Young will right new wonderful books!

  6. I'm excited to get to this one. I love tortured heroes and Logan sounds like he has a few issues. I"m sad the series is over too!!

    I wonder what Samantha Young will write next.

  7. I loved all the books in the series so far and am looking forward to this newest installment even though it will be sad to see the series end.
