Sunday, April 30, 2023

Sunday Post #205


The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week. I'm also linking up to The Sunday Salon hosted by Deb Nance @Readerbuzz.

Spring continues to be sunny and beautiful! We've had a run of hot days in the upper 80s, but tomorrow it's supposed to cool down with highs in the 50s and some rain for the next week at least.


Japanese Cherry

Yesterday a friend of the family's son, Jake Haener, a quarterback, was drafted into the New Orleans Saints!! He played for Fresno State and then was picked to play at the Senior Bowl at SoFi Stadium in Los Angeles back in December and was awarded MVP for that game (one we attended). We're so thrilled for him and his family!! 

(Click on cover for Goodreads link)

The Lonely Hearts Book Club was heartwarming and hilarious! Happy Place was perfection! A Fire in the Night was so good, too! A mix of mystery, thriller with a good characterization. 

Received/Purchased/Library Lend:


How was your week?


  1. Glad to know you enjoyed Happy Place. Henry's books make perfect summer reads and I'm looking forward to it. Gorgeous spring photos!

    1. I agree! Hope you enjoy it too. Thanks! The spring here has been so beautiful!

  2. Beautiful pics. It's been a little sunnier here but we're only 45 at the moment. I wish it'd warm up!

    I'm looking forward to reading A Fire in the Night!

    1. It was really warm but cooled down significantly today. Our high was only 56 and we're expecting rain. It's cold right now! Hope it warms up for you, Greg and I hope you enjoy A Fire in the Night as much as I did!

  3. Nice spring photos, what are those flowers? I'm still getting a few iris and my peonies just started. It's supposed to be cooler here this week 65-70 which is perfect. You have some great reads, enjoy!

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. Thanks, Anne! I should've captioned the names. I'll correct that. The first photo is wisteria and the second is Japanese cherry. Nice to hear you're enjoyed some great weather!

  4. The flowers are so pretty!!! It was in the 70's here this week, but tomorrow, the high is 46. Ohio...

    1. Thanks! We're cooling off considerably too. I don't mind it.

  5. How exciting to know someone in the draft. I hope he enjoys much success. I am reading Happy Place right now (52%). I am hoping for the best, but it is emotional for me. Even the happy parts in the flashback have me bawling because I know where they are now.

    1. I hope he does, too! Hope Happy Place ends up being a win for you, Sam! I look forward to your thoughts.

  6. The Lonely Hearts Book Club is another one I want to read. And just looking at the covers of the books you're received or got checked out tells me my TBR list is about to grow. ;D Hope you have a good week this week!

    1. It's such a hilarious and heartwarming read! Plus, it fulfills our Bookish Challenge! Hope you enjoy it, and hope you have a great week, too, Lark! :)

  7. Great picks. Regine

  8. Gorgeous spring pictures and love that you've had beautiful weather, too. What a joy for your friends to see Jake get drafted!

    Wow, nice haul of reads. I've had my eye on Boyfriend Candidate so I look forward to seeing what you think of it.

    Have a good week, Rachel!

    1. It was exciting news for sure! We're so happy for him and his family. I hope Boyfriend Candidate is a win. It'll be my first time reading that author. You too, Sophia!

  9. Beautiful photos. And great books!

  10. Congratulations to your friend's son! We have a lot of fun watching our nephew pitch for the Texas Rangers.

    So glad to hear how much you liked Happy Place. I want to read it soon.

    1. That's amazing! I've never big a big sports fan, but knowing a team player has me more interested than ever! Hope you enjoy Happy Place too!

  11. Congrats to him!
    And lovely spring there

    1. Thanks! The spring here has been so gorgeous thanks to all the record breaking rain we had.

  12. So now you know a soon to be celebrity? LOL And I am reading Happy Place right now and I love it!

    1. I guess so, lol! Happy for him and his family. Oh, yay! It was so good!

  13. Gorgeous pictures! Hope you have a great week.

  14. How exciting that you know someone that was drafted! Lovely photos! I hope that you have a wonderful week, Rachel!

  15. What beautiful springtime pictures! Glad you enjoyed Lonely Hearts Book Club. Planning to listen to the audiobook after Happy Place soon.

  16. We got close to 90 the other day but the over night lows are still around 60. Love the pictures.

  17. You're getting quite a mix of spring and summer temps. :) How cool that you friend's son was drafted into the NFL! That's huge!

  18. Congrats to your friend! I love your spring photos. I went for a walk yesterday and actually saw a few wildflowers.
