Saturday, June 29, 2024

Sunday Post #256


The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week. I'm also linking up to The Sunday Salon hosted by Deb Nance @Readerbuzz.

I have nothing exciting to report. Which is good! It's been a while since we've been home this long. We'll be heading to Southern California to visit my son, DIL, and grandson in a couple of weeks.

My husband is still working on all the irrigation, but he's getting close to being done. It's a big job and thank goodness he was able to do it. I'm sure it would've cost us a mint, because just the parts and such has been a chunk of change! 

Summer is in full swing here with temps in the high 80s to low 90s. We're supposed to have four days of 100 degrees next week. I picked some wild plums, they're the size of cherries, and made some plum jam. My hydrangeas are blooming well, one is really blue and two are more on the purple side than blue. Not a fan of this heat, but I guess it is summer. 

These are the bluer hydrangeas

More purpley than blue

Nap time for Peanut

(Click on cover for Goodreads link)

You'll Never Find Me by Allison Brennan: 4.5 Stars

It was a mystery/thriller week. I think next week will be mostly romances I need to get through

Library Lend/Purchased/Received:

I read and loved the first book in the Western Light series. I got an audio copy from my library, but just found out today I won a print copy from Reading is My Superpower! All Rhodes Lead Here was an Audible Daily Deal. Love Brenda Novak so I grabbed up a copy of The Banned Books Club.

Thank you to MIRA!



  1. Enjoy your visit to your family--definitely something to look forward to. :) In love with the hydrangeas! They're looking so good.

  2. Peanut looks so cute and comfortable. I wish I could relax like that. And I have pink hydrangeas in my yard, but their blooms look a little sad this year. I should try and take better care of them, but it's so hot outside I don't like to be out there. ;D

    1. He's so cute when he sleeps! I love the way he stretches out when it's warmer! I've had to erect some shading for my hydrangeas otherwise they'd be completely wilted with the heat. Yeah, I hear ya. It's been hot here, too and so I try and go out when the heat is manageable. :)

  3. Love the flowers! And your cat looks so comfy!

  4. I almost snapped up the All Rhodes Lead Here on Audible, but decided to not spend the money this time. Your flowers are so pretty! Peanut is adorable. We had that horrible heat here the past week and I'm looking forward to a little cooler this week, especially for the 4th which is usually miserably hot. Have a good trip!
    Lisa Loves Literature

    1. Yeah, it's rare that I actually purchase an audio besides my membership, but I love Zapata and I want to get to that story eventually. I hope you have some cooler temps. We are not so lucky this next week. We do have the seasons here in Northern California, so summer is hot. :/

  5. Your hydrangeas are gorgeousl! I love them; maybe I'll try planting some next year, if I can find a spot that gets enough sun. And I love the photo of Peanut — what a beautiful cat!

    Have a wonderful trip to see your son and his family. And enjoy your new books!

    1. I love hydrangeas, too! With the hot summers here, though it was tricky finding the right spot. They have to have enough sun to bloom but can't be in the intense afternoon sun. I hope you find a good spot for them! I love Peanut! Thank you!

  6. Your garden is always so beautiful and the kitty is adorable. I feel like I have been lied to about the weather in your part of CA. I always thought it was better up north.

    1. Northern California has the seasons, so the summer is hot, but we don't have 9-10 months of summer like weather like Southern California does. Summer is over by the end of September. Or at least, that's how it was where I lived in Southern California. Some southern parts closer to the beach have more moderate temps.

  7. Oh, those hydrangeas! Beautiful vibrant color!

    I am curious about The Banned Book Club.

    Peanut is doing what we all should be doing in this hot weather.

    1. Thank you! Yes, he does nap when it's hot out. Although, he enjoys laying on the front porch when it's hot. Crazy cat!

  8. I love your photos and 80-90 sounds comfortable. It all depends on the humidity / dewpoint. No excitement is good. My hydrangeas were pink but I might add lime so they are blue next year. We are finally getting some rain today; first since June 4.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. Yep, those temps aren't too bad especially since we're in the 50s/60s at night, however we're getting some 100 degree days next week. Not looking forward to that! I added something to the soil to up the acid, but I can't remember what it was and I don't have the package any more. We haven't had rain for a while and there isn't any in the forecast.

  9. Your garden looks amazing! And I recall California being extremely hot when we visited back in the days. Stay cool Rachel!

  10. Glad you are having a lovely time at Southern California! Hope you have a good week!

    Here’s my Sunday Post

    Rabbit Ears Book Blog: WORLD’S WEIRDEST BOOK BLOG!

    1. We're not in So Cal yet. We travel there in a couple of weeks, but thanks.

  11. Your hydrangeas are lovely. I hope you all keep cool. We just had record heat and have since cooled off.

  12. I've got All Rhodes Lead here on my TBR. Enjoy your trip to visit your son and family.

  13. I hope you have fun on your trip visiting your son and his family. I hope the weather is nice while you're there.

    My Sunday Post

  14. I love hydrangeas, we used to have some along the wall of the house I grew up in.

    1. I love them too even if they are fussy in the warmer weather.

  15. Love your pics and you have some good looking books. Enjoy your visit with the family.
    sherry @ fundinmental

  16. Your flowers look great!


  17. Peanut!!!! I love Peanut.

    Those flowers are so pretty!

    Mmm plums and plum jam!

  18. Enjoy your summer, 4th of July today, and this weekend. And all your reading, of course.
