Sunday, February 2, 2025

Sunday Post #282


The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated reviewer book blog, and is a post to recap my bookish and non-bookish things from the last week. I'm also linking up to The Sunday Salon hosted by Deb Nance @Readerbuzz.

We've had 4 1/2 inches of rain so far today, almost 5 for this storm and we have more coming. It's been dry for a while, for here anyways. The rain is welcome, but maybe not so much at once? 
Peanut won't hardly go out, but Starla and Smokey were in and out all day. Crazy cats!

Peanut keeping an eye out for Starla & Smokey

With the rain I completed two puzzles this week. Forgot to take a picture of the last one I did before breaking it down.

The Cambridge by Charles Wysocki

I made oatmeal cookies and my husband made us homemade pizza for dinner.

I had an unpleasant/unstable patient this week, which isn't unusual, but this guy was something else. He mentioned that he worked for Door Dash. Kind of made me think about what kind of people we invite to our home when ordering in. I rarely order food delivery, so that's probably a good thing!

I finally joined Bluesky!


A Killing Cold by Kate Alice Marshall
Once Smitten, Twice Shy by Chloe Liese
The Dark Hours by Amy Jordan
Head Cases by John McMahon

A Killing Cold by Kate Alice Marshall: 4.5 Stars
Once Smitten, Twice Shy by Chloe Liese: 4 Stars

I had a great reading week! The Dark Hours was my favorite read of the week and for the month of January. I listened to A Killing Cold straight through today while working a puzzle! So many twists in the end! Loved it! Head Cases was also really good and I'm looking forward to the next in the series!


Hidden Nature by Nora Roberts
The Vanishing of Josephine Reynolds
The Favorites by Layne Fargo

Famous Last Words by Gillian McAllister
Tartufo by Kira Jane Buxton

Thank you to St. Martin's Press, Harper Muse, Penguin Random House Audio, Harper Audio and Hachette Audio!


How was your week?


  1. Your ginger cat has a lovely color. My neighbor cats, grey and black, often sit by our window, looking in. They are also cute with black and grey stripes on their tails, which makes me think they are wild cats.

    1. Thank you! He is a pretty color and I love the tortoise shell pattern of his coat!

  2. That's the kind of rainy days we have here. That's a lot of rain.

    I've been hoping my library would have Tartufo, but so far, no. I did add it to my wishlist.

    1. Yes, it's not as helpful when it all runs off! I hope you get your hands on it soon and we both love it, Deb!

  3. Hidden Nature looks good. My library doesn't have it in the catalog, yet, so I'll have to request it later.

    1. I'm excited to read it! I'll probably try for an audio.

  4. I guess your new kitties just have the outdoors in their DNA. I would stay inside with Peanut (smart kitty). We had some rain too which was nice because it washed all that blasted salt away.

    1. The do! They go nuts if they have to stay inside all the time! Peanut has become more settled as he gets older, but he still will go crazy if cooped up too long. Yeah, the salt is something we didn't have to deal with in Southern California. We have it up here in NoCal, though.

  5. I read A Killing Cold last year as an ARC, i gave it a four star rating (i don't do half stars). I don't read a lot of mystery but it was quite good.

  6. Adding both The Dark Hours and Head Cases to my TBR list!

  7. I really liked Head Cases as well! So good!

  8. I finally put my plants back outside after the snow, so I was happy for some rain this week! I've got A Killing Cold set to listen to next.

    1. I look forward to your thoughts, Ethan! It's a page-turner!

  9. You did have a great reading week. I'm glad you are getting some rain even though it is too much at once. We've been dry for a long while with just minor bits of rain. Sounds like you have a cozy and comfortable week with the puzzles and reading.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. I did have a great reading week! Yes, not much else to do but stay inside with all the rain. It is cozy, though and I'm enjoying it while it lasts. :)

  10. I'm looking forward to reading that Chloe Liese book. And too much rain is never good. We got a little yesterday and last night...just enough to really dirty up my car. ;D

    1. Hope you enjoy it, too, Lark! That's a bummer! If it's going to dirty your car you need it to at least be measurable!

  11. The rain last weekend was so delightful! I hope we get more this week!

    That is a beautiful picture of Peanut!

    Re the Doordash driver...YIKES!!! I have my deliveries set for "No contact" and I'm lucky that I can watch them leave from my living room window. I don't open my door until they've gone downstairs and are halfway down the walk to their car.

    1. Yeah, I always make my orders "leave at the door" but who knows what they'll do to your food? Especially if they think you didn't tip them well enough! Also, if they see a female name they might see it as an opportunity.

  12. We are never happy with the weather it seems LOL But yes too much rain can also create problems even if the ground is thirsty! Have a great week Rachel!

  13. I don't order food either. The grocery store is within walking distance from my apartment. I don't trust people not to steal my stuff or do something to it before it gets to me.

  14. Living alone I always think about the Door Dash aspect as well. Although I did do Door Dash for a few months back in 2021, so I think about that too. We got some rain this past week which got most of our snow gone, so that made me happy! Hope you have a good week, and I always love the cat pictures!
    Lisa Loves Literature

    1. Thanks! My kitties always bring a smile to my face...unless I find them chewing on a puzzle piece! Yeah, I'm always worried what they could do to my food. I'm sure most are decent people, but you never know if you'll get that random weirdo!

  15. Peanut is adorable! I hope your weather evens out, but it seems that extremes (more drought, more heavy rains) are becoming the norm. I'm just a smidge envious of you and the other folks who managed to snag Hidden Nature this week (but in a nice way—I'm really glad you got it.) I'm still waiting to hear back on my request.

    1. Thank you! He's a sweetie! I agree, the weather extremes are our new normal thanks to climate change. It's disturbing and so many greedy people just don't care! I hope you get approval for Hidden Nature, Lark!

  16. I love that puzzle! I’m glad you had a good reading week. I hope you have as good of a reading week this week!

  17. Peanut is adorable! And I like Wysocki puzzles, too. Hope it's a drier week ahead...

    1. Thanks! I think so, too. Wysockis are a lot of fun for me! I don't mind the rain, just having it all at once causes flooding issues for some. Better than not having rain, though!

  18. Love the cats! I'm glad you had a good reading week.

  19. Peanut is so cute, I LOVE animals!

  20. Wow almost 5 inches - that's a crazy amount all at once. The kitties are brave to go out in that. We got a few snow sprinkles but only an inch or so. It's been pretty dry. Are you a doctor or psychologist? Just wondering your line of work ... You must see all kinds of different folks. Way to go on the puzzles. Have a great week.

    1. It is a crazy amount! I just looked at we've hit 6.5" for this storm! No, I'm a cardiac sonographer. Working at a hospital you get all sorts of interesting characters! You, too, Susan!

  21. That's a lot of rain. We are finally getting snow, something sparse for the past 2-3 years. It's only a couple inches at a time, but it's building up because it's not getting warm enough to melt. During the snow this week, I made oatmeal scotchies, my favorite.

    My son used to door dash and I was always worried about the people he would deliver to!

    1. I've never heard of oatmeal scotchies, but they sound good. I'd have been concerned, too! You never know what kind of person you'll come across, especially going onto their property alone!

  22. A Killing Cold looks so good. I was at Barnes & Noble last night looking at thrillers and mysteries, I've been in the mood for those the most lately. Congrats on joining Bluesky! I'm thinking of doing the same.

    That is a lot of rain! I hope it lets up soon.

    1. A Killing Cold was really good and so were Head Cases, and The Dark Hours. I'd pick any for a thrilling read!

  23. I wish it had rained more here, but I'll take what we can get. Now it almost feels spring-like outside. Homemade oatmeal cookies and pizza sound like a wonderful dinner. :-) Now I'm wondering what we'll have tonight. I'm still full from lunch. LOL You read some great books! The Dark Hours sounds really good. I hope you have a good week and enjoy your reading!

    1. Yes, I always wished for more rain when I lived in Southern California! It was a great dinner! The Dark Hours was excellent! Thanks, I hope you do too!

  24. Yeah, that's a ton of rain all at once. Good thing you needed it. We had rain, ice, and snow on Saturday which was a stay in day so I was busy with a puzzle and audio, too.
    That patient sounds troubling and glad nothing severe happened to you.
    Glad you had a fab reading week. Peanut has an interesting expression on his face.

    Have a good week, Rachel!

    1. Yes, we didn't go anywhere over the weekend. Just didn't feel like it. I don't mind snow and rain, but ice scares me. Glad you were able to enjoy some puzzling time while staying out of the extremes. He does, doesn't he? Thanks Sophia! I hope you have a good one, too.

  25. That's a lot of rain all at once, even if you need it. We had lots of clouds here in Florida, but no rain. Peanut is a cutie pie, but he's smart to stay out of the rain. Head Cases is on my TBR shelf and I'm sure I will enjoy it. I hope you have a wonderful week, Rachel.

    1. It was a lot! Peanut has gained some wisdom I think, haha! He is a cutie! I look forward to your thoughts, Carla! You have a wonderful week, too!

  26. It’s usually the orange cats that aren’t smart enough to stay out of the rain ;)
    The Cambridge is a lovely puzzle.

    Wishing you a happy reading week

    1. This orange cat is smarter than the average orange cat, haha! Thank you, Shelleyrae! You too!

  27. Sad to hear about your patient. That is a beautiful puzzle. I added A Killing Cold to my TBR just the other day. Good to hear you liked it.

  28. It's all part of the job. I try to give people a little bit of leeway since they usually don't feel good, but still. I hope you enjoy it, too! Looking forward to your thoughts!

  29. Creepy. You never really know...

    Oh and Luci has been in and out all evening today. Drives me mad

  30. We had a bit of snow, but not overly much. It is super cold, though.
