Thursday, March 3, 2016

Excerpt & Giveaway: Exposed by Jasinda Wilder

This series is edgy and hot, and will push into those grey areas! Read the excerpt provided below and make sure to enter our rafflecopter for a chance to win Exposed! 

Exposed (Madame X #2) by Jasinda Wilder
Publication Date: March 1st 2016 by Berkley
Purchase Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo

About the book:

New York Times bestselling author Jasinda Wilder presents the second darkly seductive novel starring the mysterious Madame X.

Everything Madame X has ever known is contained within the four walls of the penthouse owned by her lover, her keeper, the man who controls her every move and dominates her desires. While Caleb owns her body, someone else has touched her soul. X’s awakening at the hands of Logan’s raw, honest masculinity has led her down a new path, one that is as exciting as it is terrifying.

But Caleb’s need to own her completely knows no bounds, and he isn’t about to let her go. Not without a fight that could destroy them all…


I wake sobbing.
Nightmares of sirens and flashing lights and a pair of cold cruel dark eyes staring haughty and inscrutable down at me as I am used like a receptacle. Nightmares of a perfect body pinning me to an elevator door. Sorcery, stealing my will, manipulating my desires, cool silk of a tie wiping my face. Rain cold and wet and windblown, shifting shadows and blood and pain.
My dream is pervaded by a voice: “Isabel, you’re okay. It was just a dream.”
Who is Isabel?
The voice is in my ear, soft and tender and warm. “I’m here, Isabel.”
Oh, it’s me. I’m Isabel.
I am Isabel; I have to remind myself that it is true.
I am lifted, cradled. I hear a heartbeat under my ear, feel soft cotton under my cheek. I am lying on top of him, as if he is my bed. His hands smooth in caressing circles on my back.
I cannot stop sobbing.
My eyes burn with hot tears, and I try to stop them, but I can’t. “L-Logan—”
“Ssshhh. It’s okay. I’m here.”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry—I can’t—can’t stop—”
“Don’t apologize, sweetheart. Cry if you need to. I’ve got you. I won’t let go.”
I can only cling to him and cry. My whole body shakes with shuddering, wracking sobs, as if a lifetime of pent-up tears are being ripped out of me wholesale.
I don’t know how long it lasts. Minutes? Hours? A measureless time of weeping. I think I have cried more in the last twelve hours than in all my life.
Eventually, I am able to breathe normally and the sobs and shudders fade.
I remain still, barely breathing now.
On top of Logan.
Aware of him, suddenly.
Completely attuned to every inch of him, stretched out beneath me. His arms around me, his chin tucked against the top of my head. His denim-sheathed thighs beneath mine, thick and hard. His breath on my hair. His hips nudging mine. My hands on his pectoral muscles, my breasts crushed against his sternum.
There is a shift then. A charge to the air. Electricity crackling.
And now, between one breath and the next, it is sexual, the way I’m lying on him.
I can’t breathe again, but for a different reason.
I can’t breathe for wanting him.
Needing him.
“Isabel . . .” he breathes.
“I need you to get up,” he says, and it isn’t what I expected. “There are still some people working out there, and in a few more seconds I’m going to forget that.”
“What would happen if you did, Logan?” I ask. I don’t recognize the daring, the boldness, the raw hunger in my voice.
His fingers twine gently into my hair and pulls, tipping my face up to his.
It’s me, this time,
kissing him,
and kissing him,
and kissing him.
My fingers wrap around the back of his head, clinging to the nape of his neck, pulling him closer, pulling myself higher on his body, needing needing needing to be closer to him, to press my lips more completely against his, to taste him, to feel him. I breathe him. His hand, resting on my back, slides lower. I arch against him, press my body against his. There is no part of me that isn’t touching him. I pause to breathe, gasping against his lips. I want more of me to touch more of him. I want all of him, all of me, all of us.
I crave completion, of a kind only Logan can provide.
He feathers his mouth against mine, a teasing brush of lips against lips, heat of breath on tasting tongue.
“That will happen,” he whispers.
“Oh,” I murmur.
“Yeah, oh.” His fingers are tangled in my hair, applying gentle delicious pressure to my scalp, keeping my face tilted to his. “And now I can’t stop.”
“I don’t want you to.”
“I have to,” he says. “Or there won’t be any stopping at all.”
“Logan . . .”
“I want you. I need you. But Isabel, you deserve better—we deserve better—than on a couch in my conference room, with a dozen people on the other side of the wall.”

The lovely people of Berkely have generously provided a Paperback Copy of Exposed by Jasinda Wilder to giveaway to one lucky Waves of Fiction follower.  Simply fill out the rafflecopter for a chance to win. Good luck!


  1. this looks awesome :) I'm in between books right now and I'm having a tough time choosing. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I'm reading Worth the Wait by Jamie Beck. Thanks for the giveaway!

  3. This book sounds like it be a great read

  4. I'm reading Priest by Sierra Simone.
